Memorizing and reciting quran


Junior Member

Dear Brothers and sisters pray to find us all in the best of health and soul.My name is Taha and i want to have some information regarding memorizing quran.
When i was young my parents never motivated me to memorize quran but i have read it with the qari.Now when i came to know of the fabulous recitors over muslim world has like Saud al shuraym,Misharay rashid alafasay ,Salah bukhatir,etc ... there is a passion within me to recite like them although i know that i cannot be that perfect.I am a college student so its very difficult for me to manage time between memorizing and my college studies,or to hire or go to a teacher.
what i do is that i listen to a recitation and try to imitate the recitor while i am walking back to home and in a free time, is it right for reciting quran this way? and if its not am i making a mistake and invoking the anger of Allah?.I want to know the exact methodology of memorizing and reciting Holy Quran ? Kindly advise me



"First, make sure to correct your tawbah (repentance to Allah), as sins do not leave any room for the Words of Allah. The Imam Al-Shafie has a famous verse of poetry in which he complained to his scholar about having difficulty in memorizing. His scholar advised him to abandon sins

Have your intention ready, and bear in mind the reward and virtues of this great deed as mentioned in the Hadiths above. Ask Allah sincerely to assist you in accomplishing this.

Dedicate a specific time each day (or every couple of days) for memorizing. This should be a time when you are not busy with other things.

Use the same copy of the Qur’an each time. This is because your mind takes a ‘snapshot’ of the pages.

Start with the surahs that are easiest to you. Many people recommend beginning with the last five juz’s (the 30th, then the 29th, and so on).

Other surahs to begin with are those that you enjoy reciting most of all, and those that you frequently listen to and thus probably already know part of by heart.

The younger you are, the easier it will be. As you grow older, you get busier and your capacity for memorizing decreases. However, it’s never too late in shaa Allah. If you haven’t memorized a lot during your childhood or teens, you can still catch up.

After completing a couple of ayahs, recite them in the next nafl (voluntary prayer) that you pray. Alternatively, practice them with a friend or your spouse.

Finally, it might be a good idea to work in groups, encouraging one another. If you are trying to get your children to memorize, you might want to create a sense of competition among them and then provide some reward to whoever memorizes best. May Allah guide us to all that pleases Him, Ameen."