

Junior Member
The Prophet [sallallahu alayhe wa sallam (SAWS)] recommended Muslims to clean their teeth using a miswak every day; especially after waking, when performing wudhu, before salah, when reciting the Qur'an, before sleeping, and when the mouth smells bad.

There are many ahadeeth that speak about it. Following are some of them:

A'isha said that the Prophet (SAWS) said, "Ten things are natural (for one to do): Trimming the moustache, growing a beard, (using) the miswak, sniffing up water, cutting the nails, washing hands, plucking armpits, shaving pubic hair, and conserving water". (Muslim).

He (SAWS) said, "If it were not that it would create hardship for my people, I would have ordered them to use the miswak with every wudhu and with every salah." (Bukhari)
Miswaak Quick View of Benefits:

Abu Ayyub (R) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said:
'Four things are amongst the practices of the Ambiyaa(Prophets of ALLAH) —circumcision, application of perfume, Miswaak and marriage'. (Ahmed and Tirmizi)

Advantages of Miswaak:

1. Miswaak strengthens the gums and prevents tooth decay.
2. Miswaak assists in eliminating toothaches and prevents further increase of decay which has already set in.
3. Miswaak creates a fragrance in the mouth.
4. Miswaak is a cure for illness.
5. Miswaak eliminates bad odors and improves the sense of taste.
6. Miswaak sharpens the memory.
7. Miswaak is a cure for headaches.
8. Miswaak creates lustre (noor) on the face of the one who continually uses it.
9. Miswaak causes the teeth to glow.
10. Miswaak strengthens the eyesight.
11. Miswaak assists in digestion.
12. Miswaak clears the voice.
13. The greatest benefit of using miswaak is gaining the pleasure of Allah.
14. The reward of Salaah (Prayers) is multiplied 70 times if Miswaak was used before it.

Times when usage of Miswaak is Sunnah:

1. For the recitation of the Qur'an.
2. For the recitation of Hadith.
3. When the mouth emits and odor.
4. For the learning or teaching of virtues of Islaam.
5. For making Dhikrullah (Remebrance of Allah, meditation).
6. After entering ones home.
7. Before entering any good gathering.
8. When experiencing pangs of hunger and thirst.
9. After the signs of death are evident.
10. At the time of Sehri.
11. Before meals.
12. Before undertaking a journey.
13. On returning from a journey.
14. Before sleeping.
15. Upon awakening.