Music in Islam by yusuf estes


a lonely traveller
As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wabrakatuhu

We already have proof of how music and musical instruments are haram. Just go for search option.

Do we need any more discussion on that?

PS: I did not watch those videos on the links.


Junior Member
brother i am glad that u already know abt it, but there are many sisters and brothers who did not know or not sure abt it, shaak yosuf estes explains it in very clear and way. i put these links here for brother and sisters who r doubtful or didn't know. :blackhijab:
u are already clear abt this issue:ma: u don't have to check the links.

As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wabrakatuhu

We already have proof of how music and musical instruments are haram. Just go for search option.

Do we need any more discussion on that?

PS: I did not watch those videos on the links.