Muslim glory & tragedy


New Member

I'm Omar Bockman a revert since 20 yrs. Although of Swedish origin, I live in Spain. I feel so little is known about our Muslim history, its glory and its tragedies, I'd like to contribute and spread some knowledge.
I'm currently writing a novel on the last Muslim uprising in Granada. 1568-71. In Antequera, not far from where I live, a massacre took place in 1571. 3000 men women and children were starved to death surrounded by soldiers in a mountain stronghold. That's were the book ends.



Staff member

I'm Omar Bockman a revert since 20 yrs. Although of Swedish origin, I live in Spain. I feel so little is known about our Muslim history, its glory and its tragedies, I'd like to contribute and spread some knowledge.
I'm currently writing a novel on the last Muslim uprising in Granada. 1568-71. In Antequera, not far from where I live, a massacre took place in 1571. 3000 men women and children were starved to death surrounded by soldiers in a mountain stronghold. That's were the book ends.


Wa alaykum Salam,

that sounds very interesting mashaAllah. I have been researching Muslim history in Spain too and find it fascinating.

There is indeed a lot of amazing facts which are hidden from the world, especially the Western Non-Muslim world.

Welcome to the website, and may Allah help you with your novel.

Tell us more about Spain, are there many Muslims living near you??


Junior Member

Welcome to the site brother Omar. It will be interesting to read your posts and I look forward to the unique contribution you will be able to make here.



New Member
Muslim glory& tragedy


Welcome to the site brother Omar. It will be interesting to read your posts and I look forward to the unique contribution you will be able to make here.


Jazzakh Allahu Khair brother!

I hope I shall be able to bring an interesting contribution Insha' Allah. With the permission, of the moderator of this site, I should like to post excerpts of the novel, called 'The Hand of Fatimah', by me and my co-writer Farida Shaafi. I should warn you; it contains some disturbing scenes of violations, burnings on the stake and other atrocities.



New Member
Wa alaykum Salam,

that sounds very interesting mashaAllah. I have been researching Muslim history in Spain too and find it fascinating.

There is indeed a lot of amazing facts which are hidden from the world, especially the Western Non-Muslim world.

Welcome to the website, and may Allah help you with your novel.

Tell us more about Spain, are there many Muslims living near you??

Salaam Aleikum Mabsoot!

Great to hear you're interested in Andalusi history too. I'm only surprised so relatively little is written, about such a bottomless well, of absolutely fascinating history, especially in the form of historic novels. I believe, to the Spanish, the enslavement and ultimate expulsion of the Muslims, who by no means were Arabs, but of the same racial mixture as the Christians, is still an aching tooth.
Many Muslims, with ancient roots in Al Andalus, have begun to return from the towns they built in North Africa, in recent years and settled down in Andalusia mainly. Many of them returned to Granada, the last stronghold of the Andalusi (Spanish Muslims, or "Moors", a term we should avoid using as it implies foreigners with no connection to Iberia) A number of Masjids have been erected in the last few years, among them one in Granada, where after five hundred years, of bells chiming to drive Muslims out, the Adhan is once again heard. Alhamdu Lilah!



New Member
Assalamo Alaikoum brother Omarb
I hope you good luck to finish your novel :)

Salaam Aleikum brother!

Jazzakh Allahu Khair! You appear under the name Andalusian; does that mean you have some connection to Andalusia?



New Member
Muslim g&t


Yeah ain't that great. How 'bout it Mr. moderator shall I send u chapter one of the book, for your perusal?

Respect/ Omar


Staff member
Assalamu Alaykum, lol, ^^^ Look who just arrived ^^^ we got one of our own andalusian here alhamdulilah


Staff member
Salaam Aleikum Mabsoot!

Great to hear you're interested in Andalusi history too. I'm only surprised so relatively little is written, about such a bottomless well, of absolutely fascinating history, especially in the form of historic novels. I believe, to the Spanish, the enslavement and ultimate expulsion of the Muslims, who by no means were Arabs, but of the same racial mixture as the Christians, is still an aching tooth.
Many Muslims, with ancient roots in Al Andalus, have begun to return from the towns they built in North Africa, in recent years and settled down in Andalusia mainly. Many of them returned to Granada, the last stronghold of the Andalusi (Spanish Muslims, or "Moors", a term we should avoid using as it implies foreigners with no connection to Iberia) A number of Masjids have been erected in the last few years, among them one in Granada, where after five hundred years, of bells chiming to drive Muslims out, the Adhan is once again heard. Alhamdu Lilah!


Wa alaykum salam, this is really good news, I hope one day i can visit Spain, i have always wanted to see these areas.... But, i cant help feeling sad with the loss of our lands and the Mosques being made into churches... and the awful and bloody history which is dismissed and hidden by mainstream historians, and i hear especially Spanish society.



New Member
Muslim g&t

Wa alaykum salam, this is really good news, I hope one day i can visit Spain, i have always wanted to see these areas.... But, i cant help feeling sad with the loss of our lands and the Mosques being made into churches... and the awful and bloody history which is dismissed and hidden by mainstream historians, and i hear especially Spanish society.


Yes brother!

Let me tell you when I researched and wrote the book I cried many times, at the excruciatingly painful destinies of these brave brothers and sisters who died defending their faith and identity. But even more so, for those who survived, to a life in slavery and daily humiliation. Cardinal Richelieu a French contemporary statesman and clergy man, called the treatment of the Muslims the worst crime in history ( or sth. to that effect). Some of the saddest reading, is the poems or lamentations, written by members, of this people of poets. Here's an embittered rebuke on Christianity, by one of the violently Christianised 'Moriscos'

O religion full of lies,
People sterile of truth
Not even the labyrinth of Crete
Had so much ensnaring.
Established by men
When the Lord himself says
That the one who follows the law of man
Will have his deeds end in vain.
Juan Alfonso


New Member
Muslim Glory and Tragedy

AsSalaamu Alaikum Warahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuh. Welcome to TTI brother Omar, Now I have a brother name Omar in this forum as well. Insha Allah we will learn a great deal from your novel and your experience, about Islam in Spain, both history and present. I look forward to it. May Allah give you all the help you will need and see you thru to the final chapter Insha Allah.


seeker of knowledge

Welcome bro Omar. I've read sirah of the muslim ummah in the world and there were chapters on Andalusia. It is very sad indeed but insha'Allah, someday soon Allah will return the glory of Islam to the ummah.

I'm reading more on Spain as I plan to fly to Barcelona next year and explore and see the muslim heritage there. Take Care.
