My article.....:)


I had written this article inthe summer and I want to share it with you. I have posted half of it and will do the rest later. I will appreciate to know what you think

The word "Islam" is an Arabic word which means "submission to the will of God". This word comes from the same root as the Arabic word "salam", which means "peace". As such, the religion of Islam teaches that in order to achieve true peace of mind and surety of heart, one must submit to God and live according to His Divinely revealed Law. The word "Muslim" means one who submits to the will of God, regardless of their race, nationality or ethnic background. Being a Muslim entails willful submission and active obedience to God, and living in accordance with His message. Have we done that?

During the summer holidays, I had attended an Islamic course, which I was reluctant to go to at first. But I joined nonetheless. The first few days were hard because you had to get used to sitting for nearly 3 hours, concentrating on the lecture and bearing the summer heat. But then everything changed.

After attending the Islamic course, most of my friends told me how I had changed and I completely embraced it, “Of course I have”. I believe that 90% of us would, after listening to the Holy Quran in detail. In modern times in which so many people are caught up in doubt, spiritual despair and "political correctness", the Qur'anic teachings offer solutions to the emptiness of our lives and the turmoil that is gripping the world today. In short, the Qur'an is the book of guidance par excellence.

Unfortunately, we don’t believe.

Most people think that to live an Islamic life you would have to restrain yourself from all the worldly possessions. Islam does not allow the person to surrender themselves to lust and desire, as in contemporary 'civilization'. Islam recognizes the love a man has for women, children, gold, silver, and other possessions. But it provides a limit for the amount of this worldly pleasure which we require, and reminds us of the life in the hereafter.

"Beautified for men is the love of things they desire: Women, Children, much of gold and silver (wealth), branded beautiful horses, cattle and well-tilled land. This is the pleasure of the present world's life, but Allah has the excellent return (Paradise)"(Surah Aali-Imraan 3:141)

So when the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth is offering a reward which is high, and the Benefit is eternal, shouldn't we at least see what's on offer?

The use of the word "restrictive" often comes from those who think they live a "free- life". But the fact of the matter is that, wherever you go you will find rules and regulations. For example, in the workplace, in colleges and universities and more obviously on the roads, i.e. the highway and green cross codes. Wherever you are, there are rules and regulations.
Islam forbids us to follow many of the rules which are held by western culture and subcultures. Yet people are more than willing to obey them, because they believe that these rules will protect them.

Do we think of these rules as being restrictive? If anything, you would expect them to bring about a sense of control and order, as well as increasing the pleasure. Without realizing, people are ready and willing to accept many man-made rules, rules that are invented by one group of people and to be obeyed by the rest of society. These rules are not perfect because man is imperfect, yet people accept them and hope and believe that they will benefit from them. What about the restrictions set by Allah which can save the whole of man-kind? Such restrictions come from the One Who is Perfect, and not man, who is imperfect! The so-called 'freedom' of 'modern civilization', is one which is defined for you, by another human. We are often told what is 'politically correct' and what is not. We are told that this is what everybody will be wearing this summer, and that this is the film to watch. Those are the new Hollywood stars to emerge. You shouldn't be seen 'dead' in this dress and you should paint your finger-nails this colour. The list is endless. All of this is then redefined to fit in with the next wave of fashion trends.

Those who do not conform are labelled bigamist, narrow-minded, backward, out-dated and so on.


Junior Member

jazak Allahu ckairan for ur article sis.
I think the difference between the believers and the unbelievers is, that the believers know the truth: there is one God and nothing and noone is similar to him and Muhammed (sav) is his prophet. the difference between the muminin and the "normal" muslims is that they not only believe in Allah but also love Allah. Allah is more dear to them than anyone/anything else and their aim is to please Allah. the normal muslims believe in Allah but Allah is not the most important in their life´s...
Islam is only restrictive for those who are far to realize that there is a treasure of beauty....... there is one Allah, the Creator of everythying the Judge on the day of ressurection, one who believs in Allah totally is looking different to life. He can see the things from the "bird´s eye view"



The remaining half of my article.


In other words, Islam isn’t practiced in its true form today. We have introduced different customs into Islam from the same people that are killing all those innocent women and children in Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine, etc. Celebrating Valentine’s Day, Mehndis have turned into a necessity in our society. Worst of all, all the new converts seem to know more about Islam than we do, we who were born with the Quran in our homes!! Isn’t it a shame? All we had to do was to follow the principles of Islam and the Sunnah of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), is that so hard?

I think we have made it difficult for ourselves by creating a lot of complexes. People who pray five times a day are less thought of, women in hijab are thought to be oppressed; fasting is not a trend in the 21st century. All of these beliefs are absurd, ridiculous.

Why do we follow these beliefs? It’s because we fear the reaction of the society more than we fear Allah’s command.

And he who turns away from my Sunnah (i.e., my example or lifestyle), he has no relation with me" [Narrated in Saheeh Muslim vol. 2. p703. no. 32361].

On the other hand, humans lack perfect knowledge as well as perfect wisdom. No matter how hard we try, we will never attain the perfect way of life by our own thinking and interpretation. This is the reason why Allah being the Most Wise, sent us the Qur'an and the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) [2] to show us this practical and organized way of life.

Allah, being Perfect, in His Wisdom and Knowledge, perfected a complete way of life for us. He has set His limitations and rules, all of which are beneficial to mankind, and therefore, do not need changing:

"These are the limits (set) by Allah, so do not approach them"(Surah al-Baqarah 2:187)

"These are the limits set by Allah, so do not transgress them"(Surah al-Baqarah 2:229)

Islam teaches that true happiness can only being obtained by living a life full of God-consciousness and being satisfied with what God has given us. Additionally, true "freedom" is freedom from being controlled by our base human desires and being ruled by man-made ideologies. This stands in stark contrast to the view of many people in the modern world, who consider "freedom" to be the ability to satisfy all of their desires without inhibition. The clear and comprehensive guidance of Islam gives human-beings a well-defined purpose and direction in life. In addition to being members of the human-brotherhood of Islam, its well-balanced and practical teachings are a source of spiritual comfort, guidance and morality. A direct and clear relationship with Almighty God, as well as the sense of purpose and belonging that ones feels as a Muslim, frees a person from the many worries of everyday life. In short, the Islamic way of life is pure and wholesome. It builds self-discipline and self-control through regular prayer and fasting, and frees human-beings from superstition and all sorts of racial, ethnic and national prejudices. By accepting to live a God-conscious life, and realizing that the only thing that distinguishes people in the sight of God is their consciousness of Him, a person's true human dignity is realized.

I heard this prayer from a Hajji once, “I want to be a better father, a better husband, a better worker, I want to be the best in whatever good I do”. By applying this Dua to yourself, you will inshallah find a sense of gratification and satisfaction.