my brother is disabled


Junior Member
salams brothers and sisters

Hoping someone will know the answer to this , my brother at 10 weeks old had a virus that left him brain damaged and with other disabilities he cannot move around or talk he is 90% blind he is now 21 and his condition has worsened as he has got older as a christian i had no understanding as to why god would do such a thing to my bro and felt like i was getting no answers that i needed when i found islam it gave me a better understanding ,as i undrstand it he wil go to jannah inshallah and all wil be forgiven as he has no understanding or ability to practice upon religion in the dunyah is this correct ? also if you wouldnt mind confirming will he be in the same paradise as us if we inshallah make it there or is there a seperate one just always had it in my head that i will meet my brother and he will be cured and well an the afterlife?

thanks for taking the time to read this


Junior Member
Just one thought i had when i read your story. Have you talked to him about islam, as you mentioned that you were raised a christian? Maybe you should let him know about islam and Allah, if he is unable to understand. Then just pray for him or give him a quraan.
Inshallah he will be given a place in jannah...


قل هو الله أحد
salam bro

if his mental situation is making him incapable of making sound judgement, then surely he will not be execused for whatever he do (meaning he is sinless). This is according to fatwa on that I've found (in Arabic).

Dont know about where in heavens he will be. I've honestly tried to look for an answer but found none.


Junior Member
jazakhallah for taking the time to look for the answer to my question i do understand that we all have our tests and that of us are of sound mind and albe bodies are trully fortunate and should be thankfull to allah(swt) for this , i feel that i am the person i am today for having my special brother in my life and allhamdulillah finding the right path , may we all make it to jannah inshallah


Goofy Member
salam bro

if his mental situation is making him incapable of making sound judgement, then surely he will not be execused for whatever he do (meaning he is sinless). This is according to fatwa on that I've found (in Arabic).

Dont know about where in heavens he will be. I've honestly tried to look for an answer but found none.

did you mean surely he will be excused? sorry, but you confused me with your statement.

i am curious about this also, because my brother is mentally challenged too.

i would just like to point out that different disablities allow for different strengths. so if you try giving your brother a qu'ran or try explaining islam to him, you may be talking over his head or (and you never know until you try) he will embrace it. one of my brothers friends was disabled too and yet she was a practicing jew. (although i never discussed her faith with her)

surely if he is sinless and cannot comrephend islam he will make it to jannah. but pray for him regardless.


قل هو الله أحد
did you mean surely he will be excused? sorry, but you confused me with your statement.

i am curious about this also, because my brother is mentally challenged too.

lol ... yes you are right ... he will not be punished as he will be sinless