My mum tells me:" You always take risks!"


Junior Member

25 years ago I lost almost all my extended family in a massacre, including my dad, my only brother, my uncle, my grand-dad, and my cousins. And several others left wounded including my mum, who till suffers from the sharpnel pieces in her body! After she lost her husband, her only son, and other extended family members, and harshly wounded, she lost all hopes. The only hope she had was the one in her womb, since she was pregnant. After some months, I was born and brought hope to my poor mum, alhamdulllialh.

But, as much as I have made her happy, I have caused her pain! The first time, in 1991 when I was just 9 years old, in a mass exodus of 2 million Kurdish migrating from Iraq to Iran because of the Iraqi millitary attacks on the Kurdish reagions, I was lost on the Iraq-Iran border and entered Iran on my won. My mum suffered so much until she found me in a small village in Iran. The second time, in 2006, after I graduated and could not find any job, I decided to work as a translator with the US army in Iraq. They needed translators to train Iraqi Army to keep the security. I thought it was a good idea to have a job and help Iraqi Army be trained. The first night I moved with the US Army from the North to the Middle of Iraq to go the military base where the Iraqi soldiers got trained, a road-side bomb exploded to the hummer and a US soldier wounded. I was alhamdulliah, safe. I slept that night in the base, and for tomorrow I said I did not work with them. I retunred home, and when I told my mum what story happened to me, she was shocked!
The third time I caused my mum pain, was in the beginning of 2007! Once again I was jobless. I decided to work with an American human rights org. who collected data about human rights violation in Iraq. I worked with them in the Kurdish region which is very secure. Once they had to go North Western of Iraq, close to Syria border for recording human rights violations. I went with them. On our way beck home, we were fallen into an ambush by some terrorists! They kidnapped us (I, an American nam, an American woman, and our driver) and imprisoned us in a small dark room in a village. I though it was the end of my life since we were kidnapped by a group of terrorists who claimed to be Muslim but very apparently they said that they did not pray! Alhamdullila, I was released safe! After my release,before seing my mum again, I was arreted by the security police who accused me of the kidnap?!! Then I was put into jail, and the prcess of investigation started. At this point I realised how it is painful to be accused of a crime about which you have no idea, but you are acctually the victim!! Oneday I was called out. When I went out I saw my mum whose heart was full of pain, waiting saddly to see me. Once she saw me very eagerly embraced her risk-taking son! The guard said, " Hurry mum! Just for 5 minites you can talk!" Once again I was put into the prison cell. After it was cleared that I was innocent I was released. OnE evening I was told:" You will be released this evening!: When I came out I saw some of my relatives, a deligation from the org. and some of my friends were waiting outside of the prison to welcome me! It was a happy time after taking a life-threatning risk. At this point my mum accused me of taking risks, saying:" You always take risks!" She is absolutely right.


Junior Member
asaalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu,Wa alaykum asalamu warahamatullahi wabarakatuhu
indeed a very sad story brother,so how is your mom and your relatives doing now?you are a very brave brother,but your mom needs you more then ever these times,i think you should stay really close to her
may allah(swa) make it easy for us all inshallah and grant us paradise.
sorry if i have said anything wrong or if i have offended you in anyway,plz do forgive me
wa alaykum asaalamu warahamatullahi wabarakatuhu


May Allah reward you for your feelings about me. To be honest, it is for the first time I have not seen my mum for 4 months!! Now, I am studying MA in England and she lives in Kurdistan of Iraq. Unfortunately, now all the Kurds in Iraqi Kurdistan live under the threat of Turkish millitary strike on the region. The zero time has been set to start the strike under the pretext of combating PKK fighters. Do you know about this current issue between Turkey and Iraq???

Please make d'ua for the Muslims in Iraq.
Wassalau alaikum


A Believer In Heart
Assalam brother,

Indeed your mother is right you are a risks taker. I don't know how you did it. I agree you should stay with your mother is time. A mother suffers more pain from the worring of her child then the pain of life so go easy on your mother this time and stay. May Allah keep both you and your mother safe! And might Allah swt reward paradise with all our mothers for if it wasn'y for them we wouldn't be who we are today. Ameen!!



Brother you have a great sense of timing. I was reading word for word. You have a joi de vivre (sp) that is very priceless. Something tells me your mother knows you are ok.
InshaAllah we will make dua. I will refrain from making comments about the Turkish. Things are crazy over there.