Nationalism in Islam


New Member

I need to find out about nationalism in Islam. Please post stuff regarding this issue. I don't know about other countries but in my country most people are nationalists. I myself know that it is haraam but how can I tell others?


Muslim Guy
But most people in the UK aren't Muslim :confused:

Salam alaikum bro. His location/current country of residence might be the UK, but that doesn't mean he is talking about the British when he said "my country". My guess.

Dunno, why "Syria" came to mind. Hmmm.



We are products of the end of coloninalism.. nationalism was really a way for europeans to go back to the safety of the fiefdoms,,nobody wanted to share land with the foreign influx...the Russian immigration to was a way to say this land is my land not your land...this land was made for me and my kind...i have simplified it...our early politicians were Oxford educated men...and we emulated the west...until something happened in Iran in the 1970 and now we need to reevualte our values and remember we are Muslim first.