native muslims aka arabs


some people think that they can take arabs as an example or model that they follow yeah!
i don't think so
see being a native muslim doesn't necessarily means he is a ideal one
or lets saygood enough to be called a muslim
i mean some of them doesn't even know tawheed
well don't think im putting them under the spot light and trying to lay blame or point fingers
im just telling you that some of them are not good enough to be followed
cuz i saw people doing big mistakes in tawheed ,and when i asked them why did you do that they say the same thing i saw ali doin it or i heard sami saying it
actually im an arabic guy i live in an 100% muslim country but i still see mistakes and actually big ones involves tawheed
im not gonna talk about them wearing inappropriate clothes let go that ok
as i said what people do is just imitation of others ,but who told you they are doing the right thing
see ,this is a really important issue cuz it helps to spread innovation(bid3ah)
so please be aware when you see or hear something that you don't know about the riligion o the math and ask shiekh about it or ask some one who you trust and who had asked shiekh about it be careful which shiekh he\she had asked too
some good people you can ask
*shiekh fawzan
*shiekh monajed