need advice


Junior Member
:salam2: to all brothers and sisters i am muslim living in europian country alhamdullilah iam wearing my hijab and now iam thinking to wear niqab insha_ALLAH buti need some advices from sisters who wear niqap in europian countries>>wajazakum ALLAHU khayer>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ALLAHU AKBAR ALLAHU AKBAR


New Member

Well.. I don't wear niqab, but I know that niqab isn't required. But if you want to do it by yourself, I guess that's OK.
I don't know how old you are, but if you have a particular job, it maybe can bring problems with your co-workers/boss.

If you really want to, you should just do it. Nothing can bring a real Muslimah down.

Khair insha'Allah, my sister in Islam.



Salafi Dawah is the best
Right niquab is not a requirement thats true but if you feel like wearing it sister then you will, inshAllah have a lot of support. But I wonder how much dawa you could possibly do while wearing niqab?? Best to ask this question in the sisters section