Need Advice


Junior Member

I hope this finds you all in good health and good iman. I have an issue I am trying to work out and would like some advice. Yesterday my next door neighbor came over wanting a ride to go get some money that was wired to her, so I said yea no problem. So I took her to get it and put it in the bank. She gave me $20 bucks for the help and I thought that was that. A little later she came back needing another ride to wire some money so I took her again with no issues. She asked for the 20 bucks back which I found odd but gave it back to her. This morning at 7:45 she rang our doorbell needing another ride and once again asking for the 20 dollars that I already gave her back. She asked me to open my wallet to prove I did not have it. I told her I could not give her a ride due to getting ready to take my husband to his rehab classes. I have not heard from her since. What I found odd about all this was the whole giving me then taking back the 20 bucks. I don't really want it, I could use it having a two year old but am ok with not having it. I just found her attitude toward me a bit unsettling. Should I just chalk it up to her being stressed or what? It has been bugging me all day for some reason I can not fathom.


Assalaam walaikum,

Leave it be. I would minimize my interactions with her. You have been more than kind. You do not need to be disrespected. As harsh as I may sound. game over.

People try to get over. If she can do this once she will make it a habit. You have other things on your mind.


Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikum

She may have been under a good deal of stress to cause her to act this way, who knows what her situation might be. If she's a good friend you can always try to talk with her, but just in case you might want to keep your distance for a bit. Minimizing your interactions with her right now isn't a bad idea, especially with the little guy around.


Here to help
salam alikom,

Tell her to get online banking, and maybe then she'll leave you in peace! More practically, explain that you enjoy helping her because you're close friends, but when you cannot give her a lift, she should accept that. If you want the money, then just say, I'm paying for the petrol, and you hardly appreciate my efforts and time I spend helping you!

...or you could go for the traditional 'slaming the door in her face' method. teheJ ust kidding.


Junior Member

Honestly her behavior points towards addiction. I would stop taking her places as I would be afraid she was doing some sort of drug transaction. Her memory issue also points towards some sort of substance abuse.


Junior Member

I ran into her again today while getting the mail and she apologized to me for the misunderstanding of the 20 bucks then walked off. She never gave it back to me so I will no longer help her unless it is an emergency ie her mom has fallen or something like that.