NEED HELP ASAP need Mazoon pls...


New Member
Hello brothers and sisters, I just converted not too long ago, and me and my BF want to get married, he is muslim. But we need a Mazoon that does not ask us to go to City Hall to get the permit, becaue we dont have paperwork in america.
Please i dont want to live in the sin, need a Mazoon ASAP
Contact me if you can help...

May Allah help me in my search :):tti_sister:


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalamu Alaikum sister,

I cannot help you, but I ask Allah to make things easy for you and to help you in this new journey you have taken, may Allah ease your every pain. ameen,ameen,ameen
I hope and pray you get the help you are seeking, inshaAllah.........remember to call on Allah for help as well, He is the BEST of those who aid, :)


Junior Member
Asalaam aleikum,

Forgive me but what is a mazoon? In order to have a proper nikaah you need a wali, basically you will have one assigned to you. (most likely you can ahve an imaam stand in for this. You will also need two witnesses to sign the nikah and then you are married according to Allah.

If anyone tells you that you need more requirements is making it up.

you don't need a marriage permit in the USA, unless are applying for citizenship.

Islamically, all you need to do, is have your father or wali and the person who will be marrying you go to a sheik. It just takes like 5 minutes.

then you will be married.



Junior Member
Praise be to Allah (The Glorified and Exalted).

Marriage in Islam is done in the following manner:

1) The girl needs a wali (guardian). Usually this is the father, but a non-Muslim cannot be the guardian of a Muslim girl. Therefore, revert women must use their local Imam or another Muslim that is not related to the groom, to be her guardian.

2) A marriage contract is drafted and agreed upon and signed by both the guardian and the woman he represents and the groom.

3) Two witnesses that are Muslims must be present. There are some rules concerning who can be a witness. You may learn more by the link, I've provided below.

5) Then the guardian of the woman says, "I give so and so in marriage to you (groom), do you accept.

6) Then the bride and groom hold a feast for the local community or few others, which should not be too extravagant and which should include some of the poor. Usually Muslims hold a feast for their local community. And the marriage is announced to the local Muslim community.

Learn more at the following links:,q,a

And Allah (The Glorified and Exalted) Knows Best.


New Member
thanks brothers and sisters :) im so happy to listen to this :) Ohhh :)
Ok now get ready for the good news soon INSHA'ALLAH!!!!
THanks again.