Never heard or seen a priest/pastor cry.


New Member
Asalamu alaikum my brothers and sisters.

I was wondering if any of you have ever heard or seen a priest or pastor crying. Let's say during a sermon or reading out the Bible. Just for the sake of being a Christian and loving his religion so much. And believing everything about his or her religion.

Because I've heard imams from over the world, the most masculine of men, cry like babies when they read out the Holy Quran or even talk about our beloved prophet Mohammed ( peace be upon him).

Does anyone maybe have a video of a priest crying for thinking he has the Truth of the Lord? Or can recall an incident he or she has seen this happening?


Junior Member
I've attended a number of church services with my Christian friends in the past and seen plenty of pastors and ministers cry. They usually do it when describing the crucifixtion or the resurrection described in the New Testament.

I don't have any videos of this but have had many eye witness accounts.

Miss Aaliyah

Junior Member
I have been on many different Christian occasions during my life before I became a Muslim, and that's for 18 years lol. I haven't thought of this thing before actually. I have seen many Christians cry from the Bible, when praying and stuff, but that's mostly because their lives is a mess otherwise and they need help and they break down when they talk about it. And yes as above said when describing the torture and crucifiction, but how weird isn't it to cry when talking about torture and death of good people (and bad too even for me). But just crying because of the love of God (Allah swt), the religion or worshipping God, no I haven't seen. I have seen when Christians are singing worship songs to God that they often cry, but it's really beautiful songs so. But never seen a priest or a pastor do it, only some pastor who belongs to a cult did that once which I have seen. But well, we have both women, lesbian and homosexual priests and pastors in Sweden so why is that surprising. But yes, I have seen much more imams and Muslims cry from just remembering Allah swt or when praying or when reciting the Quran and that is amazing mashallah.


Staff member

Ive been to christian services in the past before aswell (school services when I was a kid) and no I didnt see any of them cry ..the only person who felt like crying during those hours was probably me :rolleyes: (due to sheer boredom)

Im sure some do cry due to their genuine belief in their religion.