New Muslim Saying Hello


Junior Member
welcome bro :)))

:salam2: bro
welcome to TTI, hope u enjoy ur stay here n increased in islamic knowledge and eeman :inshallah:
:wasalam: :hijabi:


Junior Member
Bro ahmed,,,welcome to will learn a lot from this site and you will get many friends....feel free to ask any question you have insha allah...

Welcome...:SMILY206: :inshallah:

Abu Sarah

Allahu Akbar
Staff member
Asslamu Alaykum..

Wellcome to ur online family..

I bear wtiness that there is no Deity worthy of worship except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad :saw: is His Messenger.

Alhamduillah 4 blessing of islam..
we would like to congratulate ourselves for having been guided by Allaah to embrace Islam, the true and final religion. I ask Allaah to help us and you remain steadfast in adhering to it until we die.

Wellcome Brother To TTI..enjoy ur stay..

these some Articles help u insha` Allah..

The Deen of Islam

Conditions of the acceptance of the Shahaadatayn

The Pillars of Islam

A-Z of Islam

A-Z to Perform wudu and Prayer

"Assalaamu 'alaykum" = The Muslim greeting

Returning the greeting

islamic Glossary

Islamic holy days and special occasions

to increase ur eemaan (faith) ...

Tests For The Believers

May Allah Reward u paradise Ameen..and All us meet there


ibn azem

Super Moderator
Staff member

Welcome to the TTI forum brother, it's good to have you with us.
Enjoy your time here.


Junior Member
Ahlan Wa Sahlan ...welcome


After entering into fold of Islam, we all have to make efforts to perfect our Iman (faith), and battle with our Nafis ( lossly translating inner negative desires ) and the biggest enemy of mankind the shatan..but Allah help and guidance (QURAN) and SUNNAH (way of our Prophet Muhammad :saw: ) and our wapons to defeat these both.

Some peple have explained Nafis is begger enemy then even Shatan..

:salah: :fighta:


A Stranger in Dunyah
Assalamualaikum, welcome brother. My advice to you after entering Islam is keep in touch with the our brothers and sisters, who may help you strengthen your faith.