Payment of taxes


Junior Member
Asalmualikum brothers and sisters .I am doing my chartered accountancy course in India and i want to know wheather payment of tax in non islamic country is compulsory or not .Please brothers help me regarding this issue because this has became a main problem for me


Junior Member
Wa alaikumussalaam brother

Ask the question the other way around.
Say a non-muslim living in an Islaamic country, and the rulers come with a legislation to the effect that every citizen should pay a certain amount as Tax.

Now, the non-muslim citizen should pay the Tax or not. If he does not pay the rulers will keep quiet!

If you could answer this, then there is an answer for that too.

We are strongly warned by Allaah to be fair and He asked us not follow our desires.


NB: If there is any other explanation, dear brothers and sisters please come.


Junior Member
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear questioner, we are greatly pleased to receive your question which shows the confidence you place in us. May Allah reward you abundantly for your interest in knowing the teachings of Islam.

It is the duty of Muslims, especially those living in Western countries to reflect the true image of Islam and commit themselves to the proper Islamic manners both in theory and practice. Indeed, concealing one’s income to evade paying taxes is a prohibited act for a Muslim. It is a kind of lying which is totally prohibited in Islam. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have said, “The hypocrite has three characteristics: he tells lies, breaks his promise and breaches the trust.” (Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Responding to the question, Dr. `Ali Muhyy Ed-Deen Al-Qara Daaghi, head of department of Islamic Jurisprudence, Qatar university, states the following:

Lying is absolutely forbidden in Islam, and hence it is not allowed for a Muslim to conceal anything related to one's income when it comes to paying taxes.

Thus, if a Muslim lives in a foreign country, it is incumbent upon him/her to abide by the laws of that country so long as they do not contradict the Laws of Allah. If there is such a contradiction, no one should be obeyed at the expense of disobeying Allah.

We should bear in mind that income taxes bring about benefit to society, as they may be spent on different legitimate ways such as refugees, the needy, or infrastructure, etc. Moreover, the normal relationship between man and the state is governed by a certain code to which man should stick unless it includes a flagrant contradiction or violation of Allah's Law.
