Personal Miracles?


Junior Member
Asalam Alikoum
Jazak ALLAH khier for your supplications.... ameen

My mother took her shahada three years ago allhamdullilah.

I sometimes feel like I will be called accountable because there is something that I may be doing that keeps him from saying shahada?!

We seem to get into conversations and every time I tell him something maybe I am saying information the wrong way..... for example about a movie that is about to come out in which a person will be playing the role of GOD, astagfiruallah..... I said astagfiruallah, and I think that is bad and I wouldnt see a movie like that making fun of GOD, he kept saying if that is what religion is about I dont want it. It literally makes me cry for my dad o think it is ok for a man to portray GOD in a movie?
My son goes to Islamic school and he thinks that I push him too hard to learn arabic, he thinks it "doesnt matter in the sheme of things" I feel bad but sometimes I feel like I dont like my father because of the things he says astafiurallah astagfiruallah! I lveo ALLAH and the prophet salalalhui alahi wa salam so much that how can I love my father who denies or finds fault or likes to belittle things important to me, sorry for my vent, I am just sad and tired and wish I had parents that understood


Junior Member
i haven't read all the other posts cause of time :( srry, so i hope my answer will be good
I think we don't need any miracles to belive in god , in Allah,cause miracles don't happen always, they don't happen to everyone, so in this way you are saying that ppl who didn't faced any miracles should lose their belief in god , lool, cause this is how it sounded to me.
This was the first thing, and the second is that miracles happen to all kind of people , not only to christians, but not all ppl start screamin about the miracle that happend to him , and start to say it to everyone , as if Allah has spoken to him .


Junior Member

I was born catholic, then I converted to Christianity (new born)and now by the mercy and miracle of The Creator I'm now a muslim and I know exactly what are you talking about. When I was a christian I used to hear every day stories of visions and God talking to people , in fact, I still hear it a lot, since my family is still christian. In Islam, we don't meassure our spirituality or faith on visions, dreams or the kind of miracles you are expecting to read. Just as a related example, at the time of Jesus (Peace be upon him) his closest companions were performing lots of miracles here and there, but surprisingly the apostle that Jesus named as "his most beloved " never perform a miracle in his entire life. Believe me, I have heard miracles, visions, dreams performed from tarot readers,"mediums" and all kind of "spiritual" leaders and from all religions you can imagine.
So you cannot prove or base your relationship with God through this most of the times "Hollywood performances" (healings, etc, etc). Yet again, as muslims we see in our personal lifes God's will every minute!