Pills at Ramadan


Junior Member
hey everyone,
I have to take pills everyday and this year will be my first Ramadan and i am very excited, but i have to take the pills every morning with a glass of water and i know we are not allowed to drink until night and these are pills i HAVE to take in the morning, so what exactly what does this mean? Will Allah forgive me if i have to take them?


Junior Member

Simply take them before the sun begins to rise. There have been fatwas issued for people who have to take insulin injections or other medicines during Ramadan so I would think the same applies for you. But like I said, just take them before the sun rises....I believe the hadith says that it still ahs to be dark enough that a black and white thread cannot be defferentiated.



Happy 2BA Muslim

:salam2: Sister,

May Allah give you strength and make this month of fasting easy on you.

As Sister Shyhijabi mentioned, the timing of the pill can be changed. I am trying to think of a pill (not injection) that has to be taken strictly at a specific time each day, and cannot recall any at the present time. Maybe the only thing is the contraceptive pill, but its time of consumption can be changed so as to not interfere with your fasting.



hey everyone,
I have to take pills everyday and this year will be my first Ramadan and i am very excited, but i have to take the pills every morning with a glass of water and i know we are not allowed to drink until night and these are pills i HAVE to take in the morning, so what exactly what does this mean? Will Allah forgive me if i have to take them?


congratulations ramaddan is a wiked time of year..
about ur question i am nt sure...
my auntie has to take pills, everyday aswell, bt im nt sure if it is allowed..
ths is a gd thing to kno in case it eva happens to me..
bt i wil try to find ths out