Please answer these questions...


New Member
Assalaamu Alaikum warahamathulaahi wa barakaathuhu,
I have a doubt.I came across a hadith in Al-Tirmidhi which says A soul of a person who was in debt at the time of death is suspended until it is paid back.My doubt is sometimes we do not know whether we are really in debt.consider the following scenario:If somebody helps me with their money when i am in need of it and I consider it as a gift while the other person doesnt and expects it back at some point of time( never asks for it openly).what do we do?
one more doubt:We know consuming alcohol is Haraam.A person working as a manhole cleaner(we have people who do this work in India) cant do so without consuming alcohol(.May Allah(swt) show mercy on them and uplift their status).What he is supposed to do now?

Please give ur answers...


to Allah we belong

1. if the intention is to pay back but he died before dying, he will not be punished inshallah.

2. i think its easy to distinguish between gift and loan/help. maybe better to ask the person giving you.

3. yes, alcohol is prohibited. but why does manhole cleaner have to drink it? i never heard this! (i too am indian):)


New Member
We have people who undertake cleaning of the underground sewage pipes in parts of india.a manhole is the opening through which these people usually enter the sewage pipes..


Junior Member
aselemu aleikum

i think brother ayman answered it perfectly, off course because he used the perfect wors of ALLAH azza wajall..

im a bit confused by what you just said brother can any job demand from a muslim to drink alcohol..ALLAH azza wajall prohibited it..simple and clear..

the only job where a person must drink alcohol, is a job as a wine or alcoholic beverages taster..which is a haraam job already so no need to drink lol

Abu Talib

Feeling low
What is haraam is haraam simple as such.

Alcohol is haraam no need to justify on drinking it coz its haraam.

Not only in manholes i guess I've also heard muslims who drink to stay warm in cold countries like Russia, Azerbaijan etc. Allahu Alam


Junior Member
I think both questions need the same answer: It is all about the intention brother.

If you know money that was given to you is owed back, then it is your responsibility to pay it back when promised. If you are in doubt, you must ask that person if they want that money back and clear all doubt. You must also write debt in your will, and inform everyone in your family of that debt that you owe. If you cannot pay it back ask the person to forgive you, but don't forget he has the right to refuse. Always remember, Allaah does not burden a soul more than it is capable of.

As for the manhole situation, I think he is refering to the job itself. On the job site, perhaps the fumes from the chemicals they use to clean the sewers or the fumes emitted from the sewers contain alcohol which might be absorbed by the body. In that situation you must get a fatwah in the permissibility of working in those places, but if there are no alternatives then again Allaah does not burden a soul more than it is capable of.

You do your best in every situation to avoid what is unlawful, and Allaah knows what you are capable of and you know what you are capable of.

And Allaah knows best.