Please make Dua


Junior Member
Salamun aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakhatu,

hope you all had a blessed and successfull ramadan

i have a request
please make dua for me that Allah (swt) give me strenght to continue my good deeds after ramdan and do not fall into the same sins as before ramadan and that Allah (swt) strenghten our iman and give us all al firdaus

let us mention all muslimeen in our iftar dua

barakallahu feekum


Assalaam walaikum,

Insha'Allah we will all continue to strive to please Allah. I will keep you in my dua as I ask you to do the same.


Junior Member
Salamun aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakhatu,

hope you all had a blessed and successfull ramadan

i have a request
please make dua for me that Allah (swt) give me strenght to continue my good deeds after ramdan and do not fall into the same sins as before ramadan and that Allah (swt) strenghten our iman and give us all al firdaus

let us mention all muslimeen in our iftar dua

barakallahu feekum

Be closer to people, Quran, Salaat, Allahs thought...stick to the habit is what we are suggested to do ....

Insha Allah, lets strive :)

Yes do include us too in your dua.


Happy Eid Mubarak!

Salamun aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakhatu,

hope you all had a blessed and successfull ramadan

i have a request
please make dua for me that Allah (swt) give me strenght to continue my good deeds after ramdan and do not fall into the same sins as before ramadan and that Allah (swt) strenghten our iman and give us all al firdaus

let us mention all muslimeen in our iftar dua

barakallahu feekum


~May Allah swt help and guide you~Amin!

Happy Eid Al Mubarak
you and your family
And To
All My Family In Islam.


Thank you,
Take Care!
~Wassalam :)