:salam2: to all brothers and sisters.. i have heard a very nice Quran recitation from sheikh Naser Al- Qetami... can any brothers and sisters give me some info about him? i really want to know.. and also if any brothers and sisters have his complete 30 juzuk Quran recitation.. pls share with me

may Allah bless we all


Junior Member
Assalaamu Alaykum

My Gosh, why do people have to give us heart attacks for? :angryred:

In the future please refrain from doing that! Think about all the sensitive people on here. :biggrin:


i'm really sorry... thousands of sorry... :biggrin: its my bad to make bro and sis feels like tht.. jazakallah khiran kathira... thanks for ur replies.. but can anyone give some infornation about this sheikh,,? like his biodata or something.. pls.. jazakallah.. in advance:)


فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ
:lol: I'm still LAUGHING !!! :)


muslim sis
i thought it was something very serious bcoz u wrote PLSSS HELP ME.....ANYONE!! u gave me a fright.thank god nothing serious.lolz:biggrin:




Well its good to know that KATHIRA helped you bro. ( but can someone tell me who is K A T H I R A here :SMILY335: ) ...... :lol:


No God but Allah

Thanks a lot for making me laugh, you are so funny, people!!

I think KATHIRA is a good nick to spoil you, brother Alkathiri. :)


Thanks a lot for making me laugh, you are so funny, people!!

I think KATHIRA is a good nick to spoil you, brother Alkathiri. :)

i had a latest nick which my friend gave me, it is called jabbar . :)
Alkathiri is my family name , lineage


Junior Member
i'm really sorry... thousands of sorry... :biggrin: its my bad to make bro and sis feels like tht.. jazakallah khiran kathira... thanks for ur replies.. but can anyone give some infornation about this sheikh,,? like his biodata or something.. pls.. jazakallah.. in advance:)

Assalaamu Alaykum

Yes you should be sorry bro, i could have died! he he :biggrin: I'm only joking, just glad it's nothing serious :)


Well its good to know that KATHIRA helped you bro. ( but can someone tell me who is K A T H I R A here :SMILY335: ) ...... :lol:

Kathira? lolz What a name! :lol:

:salam2: :lol: aha.. anyway... jazakallah for ur all respons...
but no one seems willingly to give me infos about this sheikh :SMILY176: may be i need to use the words tht will scare u guys even more than this :lol: plss brothers and sis.. anyone who knows about this sheikh.. pls share with me.. jazakallah in advance..

:salam2: aha its a typo actually.. i tried to write kathiri but i dont know what happen to me. :shake: i'm sorry bro. kathiri. i really sorry


:salam2: :lol: aha.. anyway... jazakallah for ur all respons...
but no one seems willingly to give me infos about this sheikh :SMILY176: may be i need to use the words tht will scare u guys even more than this :lol: plss brothers and sis.. anyone who knows about this sheikh.. pls share with me.. jazakallah in advance..

:salam2: aha its a typo actually.. i tried to write kathiri but i dont know what happen to me. :shake: i'm sorry bro. kathiri. i really sorry

Salam akhi

i guess, they got carried away.
Bro combatant , the bio is quite difficult to find it. But the voice of the sheikh is great , MashAllah.
yes akhi kathiri, i really agree with u.. he recite it very beautifully plus his emotional during recitation :mashallah: gives a touch to every heart inshaAllah.. anyway jazakallah..