Prayer Times


Junior Member
salaam everyone,
I have learned that part of being a good muslim is to perform salaat everyday and i am trying really hard to do so but there are times when i find myslef not being able to perform them at the suitable time. Like for example in school, i can't walk out in the middle of class so can i just wait till i get home to perfrom the prayer? and if i have had a really tough long day, can i perfrom the 10pm prayer at let's say 8pm or 9pm. Thanks!


Salafi Dawah is the best
Salam Alaikum

Not saying this is the right thing to do but when I was a very new Muslim I would delay my prayers say if I was at work, I would just pray as soon as I came back home. However I know we cannot pray, say for example Isha before it's Isha time. inshAllah you'll get more responses.