

Junior Member

I just would like to know something about kaza prayer. When the time of another salaat comes and you have missed the one before that, do you perform the salaat of the prayer that is due first and then the one you missed or is it the other way round?

For example, if you have missed Asr prayer, and it's time for Maghrib, do we perform the maghrib prayer first and then the fardh of Asr prayer ? :)

Also another question, for Zuhr prayer is it more important to perform the big sunnat (4 rakah) or the small sunnat (2 rakah) Because i was first told we do the fardh then the 2 rakah sunnat, and its compulsary but now my sister said she heard from a hafiz that its important to do the 4 rakah sunnat and the fardh.. :/ Everytime i performed my zuhr prayer knowing i have to get somewhere on time i've been doing the fardh and the 2 rakah sunnat.. :( May Allah forgive me..!