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Here to help
nope ur the chicken..

the next person cant stop hicupping
do u have hiccups, u can do several things to stop it .
breath quickly,hold your breath, , drink water without posing to take in breath (cuz yr trying to breath in CO2),breath through a bag (same cause as the previous:)),pull your knees to the chest ,bite on a lemon, sip iced water, do small exercise ,drink water while holding your breath (use other hand)
want some more..

next person wants some more hiccup cures:lol:


sister :)
hehe they stopped!!

Ok off now...gotta get some work done now...might be back later to see what u kids got up to in my absence....Remember to BEHAVE!!! :lol:

the next person iss umm....................

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
Yeah sister Summy, I am Bangladeshi. What, you actually thought I was pakistani?! LoL, now that's just unbeleivably HILARIOUS! Hah, that's funny once this girl in my class asked me what I was, and I was thinkin, gosh, you that dumb that you can't tell that I'm Bangladeshi? Or how these fags in P-Town call it, "Bangali"; so I just lied and said that I was Pakistani.

Wallahi, I wasn't trying to amke fun of brothers and sisters who WERE Pakistani, I was just testing that girls stupidity. So then I made up a stroy that I'm Pashtu, and that I speak Pashto and Urdu. She beleived everything that I said! She asked me to "say something in yor langage" (which don't worry people, I didn't) and then after 1 yr and a half, I finally told her that I just made it up. :wink:

Seriously though, you thought I was Arabic or Paksitani sister Summy? I'm good with Paksitani, Indian, and "Bangali" brothers, since that's what forms our Muslim community from P-Town (West Side got Bangladeshis), to Pescatoway (I think they're Pakistani), to Summerset (a lot of Indian brothers).

The only "Bangalis" that I like in P-Town is the Islamic kind of Muslim ones. VERY diverse in how they look. You could always tell from an Islamic Bangladeshi to a non Islamic Secularist, "I LUV AMERICA!" kind of idiot by how they look.

Gosh my big bros at the masjid are white, tanned, and dark skinned. But still, we're together. Even the dark skinned brothers look good because the Islamic lgiht in them shines their faces with a comforting light. My Dulla Baya who I luv a lot, is even white skinned. But the nice thing about him is the way he is, he's quiet, nice, and he always weres the Islamic clothing, a thobe and a Kufi. No Pagree though, left that in Bangladesh lol. :wink:

Even if we ARE diverse, we still are together. Whenever ma masjid holds an Istimah, the majority who come are Pakistani, then Indina, and then Bangalis. When I once came back from a Jamaat from West Bronx NY, I was suprised that a Jamaat was in our masjid. And all of the brothers were Pakistani. LoL they even loved ma Pagree that I tied up. That must've (Inshallah) have given them a hint that I came back from another Jamaat.

Ma next post now, I don't want to hurt ya eyes.a

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
So the slang word Bangali, is what them fags and also the Kafirs msitaken us Bangladeshis from. But anyway, those stories later, now the game:

Next person is a bro who does becnh lifting lol.


Here to help
man you write a lot!!
you must of had pretty good marks on your S.A 's
blemn heck , ill never be able to write that much on the website
its BORING lol
anyway yh i sometimes do weight lifting, i have all my equipment downstairs :p lol
its like a gym :D

next person eats spaghetti with a spoon :eek: lol
by the way what year/grade are you in?


sister :)
Wow you write a lot for a 13 old mashAllah....So is the word Bangali something that Is'nt liked?? I always thought people from Bangladesh were called Bangladeshi and people from Bangal in india were called Bengali...Am i right???? Do correct me if im i didn't think you were indian or pakistani or even Arab....I didnt really think about what u were untill you mentioned it...the pagree thing seems pretty cool though...i bet it takes ages to tie...

Back to predictions...yes i use a spoon and a fork to eat spaghetti :lol:

The next person should be asleep now!!


Here to help
im on holiday so.....

next person should stop acting -:"Clever MOM":-
jokes_____ jokes_____ jokes:D


sister :)
every one under 16 should be in sorri u have no choice ..u have to listen to ur elders :p

the next person will be in bed at the count of 3!!!


sister :)

Just messing with u brother...don't make it too late though...remember you have to wake up for fajr aswell inshAllah...

Me off now Bye!!!!!!!!!!

The next person is a muslim


Here to help
barak Allahu Feekom' :D
ma3 Assalama :)

yes im muslim .

next person drinks coffee or tea or water...etc... with a spoon ;)

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
^Nope, I don't brother.

LoL you guys think that THAT small post was alot? LoL I practically don't shut up, you can even ask sister Isra, I type up what, like close to 2-4 pages when I talk about things in my personal life? Yeah, that's it. LoL Mashallah she was a very happy sister, known her since my Mujahid days on TTI. I call it the Golden Era, when the Others, the older TTIers were around. I was the little Alim. Mashallah at that time I was 12 and a very bright beaming little kid. Even the sisters couldn't stop themselves fro mthinking, oh, it's so cute, a 12 year old little boy who's love is to Allah,his otive Gurabaa, the flame in his heart burning bright like the young Mujahid, his role model Muhamad (SAW) and the Sahabi and Salafs, his dream to become a Sheahed and to be Allah's Abd and Habib.

Gosh those were the days! Unfortunately alot of the older TTIers of the Golden Era are gone, but Alhamdulillah sister Isra is still there somewhere. Haven't seen or talked to her in days. Partly because I thought that I got her upset because of something I once said about personal stuff. But she's still great. LoL 19 years old and young, but still knows how to make me feel better.

You should talk to her sister Summy, LoL she speaks Urdu too :wink: (lol that I'm actually saying that too.)

So peace out Peets Nah just kidding. P-Town living sure gives ya the slang kind of talk. Naw I always talk proper I jsut talk slangsoemtimes cause it's nice LoL.

So even though you guys are older than me, there's alot about me that you guys might learn. I was kinda suprised when I remembered that you guys were the new TTIers and that you obviously new nothing of me.

If you ever read any of my older posts when I was younger, I don't know, it's differant to differant people. It inspiers to most, reminds alot, and even scares a few (Heh, I didn't even know how to fight!).

Asslamu Alykum everybody.

1:15 pm past midnight gotta sleep. Peace :lol:


sister :)
MashAllah Brother you write so much...I Should send my dissertation over to you to write for me since you enjoy writing so much :p

It's great to know that you are so dedictaed to your deen at your age MAshAllah....Are we all older than you?? Is'nt brother Osman same age as you???

Oh by the way u forgot the prediction..I think we should change the name of the game though...We shouldnt really be making predictions should we :lol:

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
Well I hope you aren't sleeping then brother. Can we go back to talking in Urdu sister Summy? I actually enjoyed doing it. LoL I also learned a lot from it too. :lol:

I actually came back to Islam when I was 11, and then later in my school year (6th grade when I was still 11) I felt deep in my heart that I wanted to live and grow up Islamic, and I felt that yes, when I grow up, I SHALL become a Hafez and live Islamic when I grow up, but I felt that there was a drawback because I've been brainwashed from KAfir schools to have desires of being rich and everything. But alhamdulillah that feeling got out of me after some time.

So then the time came when I was 12. I asked Allah Ta Ala to make me become a better Muslim, and that I don't care about money or fame anymore, I just asked Allah to make it easy for me to worship him and to please Allah. So then started the Golden Era, were I was Islamic and I've always tried learning more (I did learn a lot when I was in 6th grade too), and so it was November 16 (?) when I joined TTI.

There's my past life story everyone. Jazakallah Kyr for reading.

Next person I don't know, knows someone who is Pashtu?

meer suhail

ILM seeker
know some one who is pashtu ,
where i work there are so many pashtu speakings ,even i have learnt few words ,hehe


next person cant jump from 2nd step ,,,,hehe
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