Preparing for a Victorious Ramadan, and The Truth about Devils

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
Assalamu Aleykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaathuh my dearest brthoers and sisters in Islam. Forgive me because some of you have sent me messages during the past 9 days (<there's a reason why I've emphasized this part), and I'm sorry that I haven't replied/been active on the forums (or in beautiful discussions about Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla and about how we should all try our best to become REAL Pious Muslims, whom Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla can tell us that we ARE one of those beloved to him), and it pains me that I haven't been able to spend enough time with you all, the thing is just that I've been in situation of where I need to brace myself and make myself reach the high dreams hat I have, and understand how I can (and WILL, Inshallah Subhanahu wa Ta Ala) help the Ummah, and my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, and not only that, but of how I can reach my dreams of being a Scholar, a Dawa'eeh, and a Qari/Hufaaz (< with a melodious voice, Inshallah :)), and so I've been rying my best to gain a lot of important knowledge, and try to learn about giving speeches and Khutbahs (which I HAVE planned one, the only problem is that I want to give this bayan in my Masjid when the brothers come together to listen to a Bayan (usually by a brother who's active in Tableegh, which get's boring a lot of times), and so I want to give this one Bayan to ENERGIZE our Eman, and to LET us know that our religion IS the Truth), and so yeah, I'm trying to do that (and also get physically in shape, LoL :wink:), and so please brothers and sisters, forgive me, because all of you who I know very well are EXTREMELY important to me, and being around with the majority of you makes me feel more stronger in my Eman, and it's a great blessing from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla that he has given all of these brothers and sisters in my life, who have so much beauty in their character, morals, and Piety, May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla forgive us for our sins, increase our Knowldege with the PURE, AUTHENTIC, and BENEFICIAL knowledge, and make us to be one of those who he loves, and to be of those who Love HIM, and his Rasul (SAW), more than ANYTHING or ANYONE else, and make us be like the real shadows of his Rasul (SAW), an who emulate him in ALL the BEST of MANNERS and FORMS, Ameen Ya Zaal Jalaali wal Ekraam!



I love you all for the Sake of Allah Subhanahu waTa Alla, and I ask him to make me be ne of his REAL and Pious Slaves, and that he cleanses me from all of the evils that exist in me, and protect me from Hypocrisy, Riya, from not doing the right thing, and from being Disobediant to him and be of those who Sin and Trangress against his Laws, Ameen! :hearts: