President Obama Gives Ramadan Message

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Salaam Alikom

Maa Shaa Allah, as Always, what did you do to support Muslims? how many people you spoke with to explain Islam through out your life ? how many people you delievered the message of Islam? did you memorize the whole Quran? do you follow the sunnah of the prophet peace be up on him step by step? or you just good in complaining all the time?

Now look at Muslims themself they killing each other in every country they have problems in then we and you want Allah give you victory? give me a break, the prophet peace be up him said if you both of them in Hell fire.

How much work have you done for Islam? Seems all of us are very good in blaming each others when ever we get the chance.

Now if you live in west I think you shouldnt stay there since all of us living among non Muslim right? some of you will say you might were born there then by Islamic law you need to follow their laws because when the prophet peace be up on him send Muslims to abyssinia he didnt tell them GO there and change the laws he told them to practice their religion under the ruler there.

I would advise you before you start writting and blaming others look in our ummah first and see how we practicing Islam among our self and then start pointing fingers at others Muslims are Killing each other in Iraq, Plastine, Afqhnistan then we blaming others that why they are killing them?

owh my my...u took it to a personal level i many times did u c the sahaba talk about a kaffir that he is so good and giving us food while he lets his men kill other muslims??.....the real problem is people in the US including u live in a bubble or an imaginary prison which u cant c....u dont know what politics or trickery is......if u heard speeches from hitler or other superb politicians and jugglers ud probably b their slave by now(if they were alive)....and if i remember correctly the kaffirs always broke the peace treatys with Prophet Muhammad(saw)....

spreading islam and what have i done for Islam? more than what u could have done when u were at my age and well i live in a muslim country so i dont need to spread Islam here...u jz listen to some youtube videos on Islam and talk about how much i know about Islam?......

lol and talking about supporting muslims.....i dont work now so when i will then i will tell u but at least i dont pay my tax to a kaffir country which goes to their armys funds which kills our muslim bros and sis and then u sayin to me that what have u done for Islam......what a joke....

u said im blaming u??.....yes i am blaming u for supporting of such a man and i am proud of what i wrote which is the least i can do for the muslims dying around the world + look at what ur doing for ur muslims bors and sis....telling them that this person is going to help us...ur actually helping the kaffirs in spreading their one sided freindly agenda so that they can later kill us one by one.....

and talking about abysinians ??....u said the Prophet (saw) told them to go there and practice their religion???.....what teh fudge ??....ur saying that if those guys were jews then that means they should follow the jewish religion??....

obama shows us something on one side and kills our muslim bros and sis on the other side and u support him? u know where u r placed according to Islam if u support such a person???.....its not me who needs to learn the basics of Islam .....i would go on and on but is no use u have no idea what politics is and u cant c my signature and do what u r best at doing ...LOCKING THE THREAD WHEN U GET FACED HEAD ON!......

the reason u like these people is cause u got a full plate to eat and sleep at nite so u dont care......when some1s mother or sister is raped u dont care!.....well ill tell u one thing that i have and u dont.....A HEART FOR MY MUSLIM BROTHERS AND SISTERS!....go watch this cause u only listen to your selected establishment scholars .......

and dont 4get to 2 read this...... in a non muslim country




Striving for Paradise
Dear MrMuslim,
If we the Muslim Ummah are bad... really bad... I mean really really really bad. Still it doesn't give any right to anyone to come to our lands and start killing us. Does it?

We all know that 9/11 was an inside job, and we also know who got attacked for that inside job. So we need to be aware what will happen when the second attack will be done by these guys. Obama didn't get hundreds of millions in "donation" while Hillary got nearly bankrupt because Obama is smart. The reason Obama became from Mr unknown to Mr President in a few short years is to make the deception more complete and more powerful. The deception which will come in full force after they will do the 'next one'. Just imagine the Ho Ha Ha in the media which will happen after that, we will be fearful of even going outside our houses after that. And I do worry about it.
But what our ummah being bad has anything to do with that?

I do like what Obama says about Muslims and Islam and Ramadan etc. It is very refreshing and I love to hear this from an American President. I only wish it was real.


Smile you are @ TTI
Staff member
Salaam Alikom
N o I never take anything on personnel level with any one on TTI, all my question in my previous post was for my self first then to every one so brother dont take what I was questining as personnel,

Brotehrs I am Muslim first of all, second I didnt say anything that go against sunnah. No Where I said to take Non Muslim as helper, and No where I said that its an excuse for Non Muslim to take over Muslim lands but MY whole point was that if MUSLIMS wont change ALLAH wont change their status in any way.

We never follow the sunnah or Quran in Dealing with non Muslim we never follow the Sunnah in taking care of our neighbours whom the porphet peace be up on him advised to take care of, WE never care for each other let care for Non Muslims then we cry and say how come Non Muslim attacking Muslims lands.

The prophet peace be up on him said in a hadith and I wont transalate it in english because if we really getting to the point where we arguing about rulling of Islam the least we can do to understand Quran and Sunnah its language.

عن ثوبان رضى الله عنه :قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: ((يوشك الامم ان تداعى عليكم كما تداعى الاكلة على قصعتها)) فقال قائل: او من قلة نحن يومئذ؟ قال: بل انتم يومئذ كثير،ولكنكم غثاء كغثاء السيل، ولينزعن الله من صدور عدوكم المهابة منكم، وليقذفن الله فى قلوبكم الوهن.فقال قائل: يا رسول الله وما الوهن؟
قال:حب الدنيا وكراهية الموت.​

As for Brother anawar Alawlaki his lectures are good but to make Takffir of Uallam and Rullers its not up to him to say that, he might not said anything in the link posted here but there are other lectures of him in which he made takfir for a lot and NON of us can say about any Muslim even he is one of the BIgger sinner in the world that he is Kafir or he is not Muslim.

Be careful who you call Kafir because only Allah knows who is truly a
rejector and who is merely a misguided person. It is not up to us to
"sentence" a person to the Hellfire , authority of Ibn `Umar that the Prophet (may peace and blessings be upon him) said: Any person who calls his brother: O Unbeliever! (then the truth of this label) would return to one of
them. If it is true, (then it is) as he asserted, (but if it is not
true), then it returns to him (and thus the person who made the
accusation is an Unbeliever). [Muslim]

Even though I understand his Keerah on Islam but I wont listen to him to make Takkfir of any Muslim rulers Yes they have done nothing for Muslim Ummah but guess what they are reflection of us, they are from US as we be Allah give us rulers like us.

The funny part is when I talked about Jafar bin Abi Talib went to Abesynia the prophet peace be up on him told the Muslims that they can practice ISLAM under the Christian ruler with freedom, Now if the brother didnt understand my point is not my fault.

As for a brother who Said I supported Obama in the war mashAllah I can see you can decide what I support and you know whats in my heart.! Any way the POINT of the video was just as news and I knew people like to just jump and start pointing fingers and arguing that why I requested not to aruge.

jazaakom Allah Khair,
Allah says: "Never will the Jews and the Christians be satisfied with you, until you follow their way"

salam alaykum

wow u jz nailed the convo need to go on anymore.....

"The funny part is when I talked about Jafar bin Abi Talib went to Abesynia the prophet peace be up on him told the Muslims that they can practice ISLAM under the Christian ruler with freedom, Now if the brother didnt understand my point is not my fault"

ANS= when the prophet peace be up on him send Muslims to abyssinia he didnt tell them GO there and change the laws he told them to practice their religion under the ruler there.-------LOL what r u talking about ....listen kuku liki uka lima luka ??....understand that? neither :p

"As for Brother anawar Alawlaki his lectures are good but to make Takffir of Uallam and Rullers its not up to him to say that, he might not said anything in the link posted here but there are other lectures of him in which he made takfir for a lot and NON of us can say about any Muslim even he is one of the BIgger sinner in the world that he is Kafir or he is not Muslim."

In juristic language, kufr signifies the rejection and denial of Allah, Glory be to Him, and His messages, according to the following Qur'anic verse: “Anyone who denies Allah, His angels, His books, His Apostles, and the Day of judgment has gone far, far astray.” (An-Nisaa’: 136)

isnt it kufr to drink openly and sell fellow muslims to gitmo while our leaders count their bling blings??.......i aint accepting a drunk retard that sells his own people to gitmo cause thats kufr ....the people who say dont speak against a ruler although he commits open kufr is cause they get a full plate to eat at night so wat do they care about others who die of hunger!!

how do u know whos a scholar or not??....jz cause he gets some rubber stamp with a royal seal does not make him a scholar!.......

"its nothin personal"...u r so rite but then why u askin me about how much i know bout this and that??....showin me ur superiority or im lower than u or something and shouldnt speak on such an issue?... i actually do my homework b4 i speak on such issues ......

welllllllllllllllllll MR-MOD salaam to u :D



Junior Member
Obama scares me...there's something strange about him...Obama is not Muslim why is everyone so confused about that?


Smile you are @ TTI
Staff member
Salaam Alikom

la hawlaa walaa Quataa ilaa Billah, any way jazaakom Allah khair on in puts. No one is superior on any one :) brother you doing good studying and doing your home work very well, I advise you go head and sit with a real scholar and ask him all we just talked about. If its matter of who is winner or losser then you are winner. I said what I understood from shyokh, no one is following Obama or any one.

Wa salaam alikom
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