Proof of Islam by Abdur-Raheem Green

Omar (ex Andrey)

Part 12 - Muhammad PBUH in the Bible (Part 1)

Assalamaleykum Arahmatullahi va Barakatu. Welcome back to the proof that Islam is the Truth. And we are talking about a fascinating subject of the witnessing of the people of the book. And today also we are going to be dealing with Muhammad Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam in the Bible. But let's continue where we left off last time in the last episode where we were taking about some stories of those people from the Jewish community who recognosed the Prophethood of Muhammad, may Allah's peace & blessings be upon him. And we talked about Abdullah Ibn Salam. He was very famous. I will tell you a story from my own personal experience. Years ago I used to spend every Sunday afternoon in the place called Speaker's Corner. Speaker's Corner is on the corner of Hide park in London. And there is a place there where you can stand up & you can speak about anything you like. Well I for ten years used to go down there & speak about the religion of Islam. And in my years down there I got to know a Jewish Rabbi. He was a very nice man, he was always very polite & talked about Islam in a very nice way. And one day during one of our conversations after some years I thought that it was about time I should invite him to Islam. So I said to him: "You know, my friend, we have been talking now for many years & even you have admitted to me that Muhammad is a Prophet, so why then do you not embrace Islam?" And he said to me: "We Jews we never change our religion." I said: "But half of the Rabbis of Medina became Muslim." He said: "That is true. But still we Jews never change our religion." I thought "What can I say to him?" So I said to him: "You know my friend, wouldn't you like to go to paradise & to be married to one of the beautiful wide-eyed virgins of Paradise?" now he was a bit of an old man, but when I said that he got a bit of a twinkle in his eyes, I have to say & he looked like he might have been tempted. And then he looked at me & he said: "No." He said: "All we Jews want to do is conquer." I said to him: "Even if that's what you want, is it not true that the victory is only from Allah & by obeying him?" He looked at me & said: "Listen to me, my friend. God sent to us a Prophet Moses. And we didn't even listen to him. Do you think we are going to listen to another Prophet after him from another tribe, from another people?" When he said that - I had nothing left to say. He knew that Muhammad was a Prophet. In fact another Rabbi also came up to me & he said to me: "We know that Muhammad is a Prophet." And he quoted to me a passage from the Bible. And that's something I going to get to right now because want I want to mention & what I want to talk about is some of the verses in the Bible that really seem to show & illustrate that direction that we've been talking about. Because one of the things we are interested in is saying: ok, that is clear that there were Jews & Christians in the time of the Prophet Muhammad & until today. And I have to say including myself that have been influenced by their reading of the Bible to accept Muhammad as a Prophet. Now a person may say: How can that be? If we can accept that the Bible is not the actual word of God. If we accept a more accurate understanding of the Bible that it really is a mixture of things. It's a mixture of history, it's a mixture of some things that are clearly the words of God & it has been corrupted & distorted. And this is something that actually is quite agreed about even by some Christian scholars, may be we can call them secular Christian scholars, but they at least they stand from the Christian civilisation & some of them even do call themselves Christians. So if we accept that & we don't say that the Bible is the word of God absolutely. Then we do have room for looking at some of the statements in the Bible that really do seem to indicate & very clearly point us in the direction that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah that has been foretold in that Scripture. So what we are going to do is we are going to go through a few of those statements in the Bible & lets see what you think about it. Now first of all lets start with Abraham. We are starting with Abraham because Prophet Abraham may God's peace & blessings be upon him is a Prophet that is recognised by both Jews & Muslims & Christians. That’s why some people call him the father of the three Abrahamic faiths. The one Prophet that all Muslims, Jews & Christians have in common is this great Prophet of God Abraham. And Abraham is mentioned many-many times in the Quran & his religion is mentioned as the true religion. And the Quran says: "Who turns away from the religion of Abraham except someone who is foolish & has become foolish? So the religion of Abraham & Abraham himself is pointed to as a very great example of how a person should live their life in obedience to God. Now it's interesting that in the book of Genesis where something of the Abraham's, & the story is mentioned in the 12 chapter in Genesis in verses two to three it mentions: "And I will make thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make your name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." It's a very interesting passage. Now this is before Abraham has any children God is promising that he is going to bless Abraham & bless the people who bless Abraham & that all the families of the Earth will be blessed through Abraham. First of all look at this great honour that God has bestowed upon his friend, Abraham. And the Quran says that Abraham is the "halil" of Allah like the close friend the intimate of Allah Subhana Wa Ta Allah. And how Allah has honoured Abraham, even though it is said that he was the only person on Earth who truly believed in God when he was alive. He was the only Muslim, the only person who truly believed in Allah for a time. And even though he was all alone & there was no one else & then obviously his wife Sara & his cousin Lot & Hajar & his sons. You know so it didn't end like that for a time, that's how it was. If Allah honoured Abraham & until this day he is a person who is honoured & remembered. I think if we were to mention any actor from Rome or Greece or any singer from those times you would not be able to mention even one name of the Roman, Greek or Babylonian actors or singers, but if we mention the name of Abraham, his name is known almost everywhere. Look how Allah Subhana Wa Ta Allah bestowed honour & dignity upon his followers. Anyway lets go back to that verse in genesis, those couple of verses in genesis 12, two to three. "I will make thee a great nation." First of all when God is talking in the Bible or when God is talking at all about greatness? As I have already indicated greatness & honour does not mean merely in numbers, greatness & honour in the criterion of God means a nation of people who obey God & follow God's commandment. This is what makes someone great with God. This is why Abraham is so honoured because he was so obedient to the Creator. And this is why Allah honoured him & elevated him until this day. So when God says to Abraham: "I will make a great nation" that means he will make him that nation great in respect to their obedience to God & their following the commands of God. It would be an illusion to think that God is only talking only great in terms of numbers. Numbers are not important when it comes to God. What is important is that people obey Him & worship him & follow his commands. That is what is important. And it's interesting that He says, that God says: "I will make you a blessing & I will bless those that bless thee." So let me ask you my dear viewers: What are the people who bless Abraham? Well I don't know how much you know about the Muslims & the five daily prayers of the Muslims. But one of the things that Muslims say in their prayer is "Allah humma sali ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad, kama saleta ala Ibrahima wa ala ali Ibrahima innaka hamidun majeed" - "Oh Allah, bless Muhammad & the family of Muhammad as you blessed Abraham & the family of Abraham, verily You are the praised & the majestic." So it is here in the Muslim prayer five times every day that we are sending blessings upon Abraham & the family of Abraham. And God says that he will bless those who bless Abraham in Genesis 12 verses two to three. And I don't think you find any nation of people blessing Abraham quite as much as the Muslims, in fact every time we hear Abraham's name or we say Abraham's name we say "Allehi Salam" which means "may the peace & the blessings of God be upon him." So this is one of the statements in Genesis & we are going to be going back to some more statements in the Bible that could lead us to understand how it is prophesying the coming of the final Messenger Muhammad may Allah's peace & blessings be upon him. Don't go away. Join us after the break for more proof that Islam is the Truth.
Assalamaleykum Arahmatullahi va Barakatu. Welcome back to the proof that Islam is the Truth. And we are talking about Muhammad Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam, the Prophet Muhammad in the Bible, some prophecies, some foretellings, some statements in the Bible that we think could have been those statements that lead Jewish Rabbis & Christian Priests & scholars to recognize that Muhammad until today, that Muhammad is what he claimed to be - the last & final Messenger of Allah. And we were talking about Genesis, chapter 12 verses two to three where God was saying how He will make a great nation out of the progeny & the offspring of Abraham, He will make them a great nation, & bless them, & bless the people who bless Abraham & I was telling how the Muslims regularly send blessings upon Abraham. In fact no one I don't think sends as many blessing upon Abraham as the Muslims do. Now it's very important to understand something in the story of Abraham & that is the birth of his two sons. Abraham had two sons. One was Ishmael & the other was Isaac. Now the very first son of Abraham was Ishmael, & Ishmael was born to his wife Hajar. And I emphasize his wife because in fact Abraham was married to Hajar as is confirmed in the Quran & the teachings of the Prophet, & also in the Bible. The Bible also tells us that Abraham did marry Hajar, so Ishmael is in fact the very first son of Abraham. And in Genesis 17 in the forth verse it says: "my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations." And in Genesis 21 - 13 God promises that "of the son of the bondwoman will I make a great nation, because he is thy seed." Lets do that again. Genesis 21 - 13. "the son of the bondwoman" meaning this is Hajar, this the bondwoman is Hajar. She was originally a slave to Sara, Sara gave Hajar to Abraham, to Mary as his wife & from that marriage came Ishmael & God says in Genesis 21 - 13 if indeed it is from God "of the son of the bondwoman will I make a great nation" And if you remember we were talking about what is a great nation in God's terms. It doesn't just mean numbers. It must mean a pious nation, a nation of people who believe in God, because "he is thy seed". And again in Genesis 21 verse 18 "Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him in thine hand; for I will make him a great nation." And it is known that the Arabs are the descendants of Ishmael in fact the Bible calls the Arabs Ishmaelites, the Ishmaelites are the Arabs. So the Arabs are in fact cousins of the Beni Israel or the children of Israel - they are cousins & according to the Quranic tradition of course that we believe that Ishmael was a Prophet of God & Abraham & Ishmael together built the Kaaba as a place to worship the one God alone. So it seems that Jesus here is foretelling that the sceptre will pass from the children of Israel the stone that is rejected meaning Ishmael will in fact become the cornerstone, the very corner, the very thing that holds monotheism together. Since the Jews have rejected him as the Messiah therefore the covenant will end with them & it will be passed onto the descendants of Ishmael. Now at the time of Jesus it seems very clear, at least according to the Gospels anyway that the Jews very expecting three particular personalities & they show this in their questioning of John the Baptist. And this is mentioned in the Gospel of John in the first chapter in the 21st verse. It's, they ask "Are you the Christ?" they are asking John: "Are you the Christ? Are you Elias, are you that Prophet?" So it's very clear that these three distinct individuals that they are asking about: The Messiah, Elias who was supposed to come again & that Prophet. Now Jesus who was of course the Messiah, he says that John the Baptist was in fact Elias, he of course the Messiah, that only leaves "that Prophet". Who is that Prophet? It means they were expecting a particular Prophet. And it is very-very clear that they were talking about who is not the Messiah & who is not Alias, he is a different personality is the Prophet referred to in the Prophesy of Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 18: "And the Lord said to me, They have spoken that which they have spoken. I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them & he shall command them". So here God is telling Moses: "I'm going to raise up a Prophet who is like you, Moses, this Prophet will be like unto you & he, & "I will raise him up from amongst their brethren" & " I will put my words in his mouth; and he will speak to them what I shall command them" & the prophesy continues with a very stark & severe warning: "And it shall come to pass, that whosoever does not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will take vengeance on him." So God is warning severely that He is going to send a Prophet, he will be like Moses, he will speak in God's name, he will say what he is commanded & the people that do not follow him then God will requite them & God will take vengeance on those people if they don't follow him." This is Deuteronomy 18. So this is very clearly that prophet, this is the Prophet that they were expecting. So the Messiah had come, Elias had come but there's one Prophet still left to come. That Prophet, the one prophesied in Deuteronomy 18. Who is that Prophet? Who is that Prophet that had been prophesied in the 18-18? Let's ask a question. It says "from amongst their brethren". Who are the brethren of Beni Israel? We get a clue to this in Genesis, chapter 16 verse 12, & also Genesis 25 verse 18, both of these reverses refer to the Israelites as brethren of the Ishmaelites. So in the Bible itself the Ishmaelites are referred to as the brethren of the Israelites. And the Hebrew dictionary of the Bible, it defines brethren as personification of a group who were regarded as near kinsmen of the Israelites. So it is very clear that "from amongst your brethren" means that God is going to raise a Prophet who will be like Moses from the Ishmaelites & "he shall speak in my name & whatever he says he does what he is commanded". Let's just read a very interesting extract from a Collins Dictionary of the Bible. And it says here, & this is a very nice interesting book "What the Bible says about Muhammad". You can see it on internet & you can get it from many different places. And lets read what it says here. "As a statesman and lawgiver Moses is the creator of the Jewish people. He found a loose conglomeration of Semitic peoples, none of whom had been anything but a slave, and whose ideas of religion were a complete confusion. He led them out and he hammered them into a nation with a law and a national pride, and a compelling sense of being chosen by a particular God who was supreme." Wait for it. "The only man in history who can be compared even remotely to him is Muhammad." There it is. Dictionary of the Bible. The only person who can be remotely compared to Moses is Muhammad. From the brethren of the Israelites God is going to raise up a Prophet. Every time the Quran starts with a new chapter it begins "Bismillyahi Rahmani Raheem". And what does Deuteronomy 18-18 say? "He shall speak in my name." The words that I will say - he will speak them." The Quran says the Prophet Muhammad does not speak from his own desire. It is nothing except a revelation that is revealed. When the Prophet spoke about Allah, when he spoke about God, he didn't not speak from his mind, he didn't invent things for himself, he spoke what God had commanded him, just as it had been prophesised in Deuteronomy 18-18. Certainly Jesus is not like Moses. Jesus was born miraculously without a father. Muhammad & Moses both had natural fathers. Jesus was cared for by his mother. Both Moses & Muhammad were orphans from the young age. Jesus was actually a follower of the Mosaic law, whereas Moses brought a new law. And also Muhammad Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam may God's peace & blessings be upon his, both of these Prophets all of these Prophets him, they also, he also brought a new law. Moses was expelled, Muhammad was expelled. Moses was both a leader of his people & a one who was receiving revelation - a Prophet. Similarly Muhammad was also a leader of his people & also a Prophet. And so we, I'm just giving a few examples, but when we compare Moses & Muhammad we can see that both these Prophets are so similar. Who else fits that description? From the brethren, from the Ishmaelites, like unto Moses. And of course both of them preach that there is only One God, you should only worship the one God, God is not like anything in His creation & you should submit yourselves to God's divinely revealed law. This is what Moses taught, this is what Muhammad taught & as we believe of course this is what Jesus taught. Here are some amazing statements to show you indeed that Muhammad is the one foretold in the Bible. So don't forget to join us for our next episode of the "Proof that Islam is the Truth" Until then Assalamaleykum Arahmatullahi va Barakatu, may the peace & blessings of Allah be upon all of you & may he guide all of us closer to the Truth.

Part 13 - Muhammad PBUH in the Bible (Part 2)

Assalamaleykum Arahmatullahi va Barakatu. May the peace & blessings of Almighty God be upon all of you. Welcome back to the proof that Islam is the Truth. And we are talking today about Muhammad in the Bible. We've been going through some of those verses in the Bible that indicate, that show, that might show us that Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah foretold in those scriptures. Certainly there are people of the book, Rabbis, Christian Priests, Emperors who recognised Muhammad for what he was, may Allah's peace & blessings be upon him, the last & final Messenger. Let’s have a look at Isaac, the book of Isaac in the Bible. And in the 29th chapter in the 12th verse there's something remarkable here & it says: "And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee; and he saith, I am not learned" This passage is remarkable. First of all Prophet Muhammad is referred to as the "unlettered prophet", the "unlearned Prophet". The Prophet Muhammad may Allah's peace & blessings be upon him couldn't read & he couldn't write. He did not study scripture, not like Jesus who was brought up amongst the rabbis & even at the young age he amazed people with his learning of the law. So Jesus may God's peace & blessings be upon him was learned in the law. But Muhammad lived in Arabia, a pagan land. People did not know about the scripture, except for a few people amongst the children of Israel, some Jewish tribes who lived there. Otherwise they were ignorant of that & the Prophet himself was not learned in the scripture & he is called "ummi". Ummi means not learned. And so it's exactly as the Bible is saying, the book, & one of the names of the Quran is "Al Kitab", the Book, is delivered to him who is not learned who is "ummi" saying read this. "Read this" in Arabic "ikkara", read this "ikkara" the very first verses that God revealed to the Prophet Muhammad may Allah's peace & blessings be upon him as every Muslim knows. What was it? "Ikkara" - read. The angel Gabriel comes to the Prophet Muhammad while the Prophet Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam he is meditating on the mountain the Jabal-al-noor the mountain of light overlooking Mecca. He is sitting there meditating, he has escaped the troubles of Mecca, the polytheism, he goes there to think about God, about Creation, about humanity. And it is there that he receives on the night of Ramadan in his 40th birthday he receives, the angel Gabriel comes to him, says to him: "ikkara" & the Prophet says "I can't read." Again the angel Gabriel says: "ikkara" but this time he takes the Prophet & squeezes him & again the Prophet says "I cannot read." Now the angel Gabriel squeezes him even more tightly & says: "ikkara" - read! The Prophet says: "What shall I read?" So this is exactly what happens. The Prophet says: "I'm not learned, I cannot read. How can I read? I'm not of those who can read." This is exactly how it is mentioned in Isaac 29-12. Check it out for yourself & I must admit that when I first was reading the life history of Prophet Muhammad may Allah's peace & blessings be upon him as a Christian who used to be familiar with the Bible, I remember that passage from the Bible & how exactly it fitted the passage I was reading about the life of Prophet Muhammad & what happened in this event that I have just described- it was truly remarkable. Also Isaac in the 42nd chapter, verses 1 to 13, I'm not going to read the whole of it but it refers & speaks about someone who is beloved to God. And he is mentioned as being from the descendant of Kedar. Now who is Kedar? Kedar is in fact the second son of Ishmael, a direct ancestor of the Prophet Muhammad may Allah's peace & blessings be upon him. It seems very clear from these statements in the Old Testament that the Jews were expecting a Prophet to arise amongst the children of Israel, descending from Kedar, that he will bring a law, he will be like unto Moses & that obviously many Christians who had studied the old testament or what they had or whatever scriptures they had, recognised these attributes as well. How about the Gospels, do we have any hints as to the coming of Prophet Muhammad in the Gospels? Well, there is a passage; it is quite a controversial passage even to tell you the truth amongst Christians. But let's read it. It's in John, in the book of John, the Gospel of John, in the 14th chapter & it is the 16th verse & it goes: "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever". So the word as we find it in English is "comforter". There's a lot of controversy about what is the actual Greek "paraclitos", what does this word actually mean? But some scholars have said that the word actually in Aramaic means Ahmed. Ahmed is indeed the very name that is mentioned in the Quran of the Prophet Muhammad may Allah's peace & blessings be upon him, that's one of the names of the Prophet Muhammad, "Ahmed". And this is the name that he is referred to in the Quran & the Quran says that Gospels refer to him as Ahmed. And actually the word Ahmed in Aramaic means "the comforter" or it is similar to the word, Greek word "Paraclitos" that is used there. And it's interesting that he will abide with you forever, the final comforter, after this there will not be another. Let's look again. Let's look in John 15 in the verse 26: "But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me". Another fact of course that Prophet Muhammad testified to Jesus. The Quran mentions about Jesus & the Prophet Muhammad made it, & Allah has made it a part of our religion that we cannot be a Muslim unless we believe in Jesus. Of course we believe in Jesus as we believe he truly was a Prophet of God & the Messiah to the children of Israel. Not as it is falsely claimed "heart of God" & the "son of God" which we believe is a blasphemy against God. So John 14:26 tells us "But the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." And John 16 in 7 to 14 verses says: "Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is expedient for you that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and righteousness, and of judgment." An important thing I want to mention here. Some Christians claim that comforter is the holy spirit, the holy spirit that inspires them & helps them to speak in tongues, & so on, & this is the holy spirit, they claim that, you know, fills them & guides them. However there is a problem with this. Because Jesus says "if I do not go away, the holy spirit will not be able to come". Yet the holy spirit is with the disciples while Jesus is there as well. So to say that this comforter is exactly the holy spirit in the sense that Christians understand it doesn't seem to fit the verses. In fact if we understand the holy spirit to be the angel Gabriel, that's what Muslims believe "Ruh Al Kuddus" is the holy spirit, "ruh" - spirit, "kuddus" - holy. "Ruh Al Kuddus" is in fact the same, one & the same Angel Gabriel who brings down the revelation. So the new revelation will not come, the holy spirit will not come with a new revelation untill Jesus has left, so Jesus has to go for the Comforter, the Ahmed, for Muhammad Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam to come. And it says "and he will reprove the world of sin, and of judgement & of righteousness "And sin "because they don't believe in me" meaning they don't believe in Jesus truly, as the Messiah. Not as God & the son of God. No. This is a false believe about Jesus. They don't believe in Jesus as the Messiah that was foretold in their scriptures. "Of righteousness because I go to my Father & you will see me no more", in other words if there's no Prophet with the people then it is so much harder for them follow God's guidance & to be righteous, & "of judgement because the price of this world is, the prince of this world is judged. And I have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you unto all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, he shall speak." Do you remember that? What we read from Isaac? What we read from Deuteronomy 18-18? It is the same words repeating themselves. "He does not speak of himself" - he does not speak by his own desires, he speaks what is revealed to him. Jesus is repeating those words, & "he will show you things to come" (16:13). And one of the things we are going to be showing you in a forthcoming episode, are the prophesies of the Prophet Muhammad, how the Prophet foretold about the things that are going to come to pass & we can see those things happening right in front of us these days. "And he shall glorify me" meaning he shall glorify Jesus. How? By telling the truth about Jesus & keeping people away from the lies that have been told about Jesus "for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you" (16:14). We are going to be talking about more about this passage & discuss a little bit more after the break. Don't go away. Stay with us for the prophesies of Prophet Muhammad in the Bible, the proof that Islam is the Truth.
Assalamaleykum. Welcome back to the proof that Islam is the Truth. And we are discussing some of the statements in the Gospel of John about the Comforter, the Paraclete. These controversy we admit about these passages even amongst Christians it is very controversial but it is interesting that Rudolf Bultmann in the Gospel of John, a commentary he says: "The Paraclete is a parallel figure to Jesus himself; and this conclusion is confirmed in the fact that the title is suitable for both." Meaning both Jesus & the Comforter. So he must be like Jesus, he must be similar to Jesus & it is similar to Jesus. And "It is clear from 14:16 that the source thought there were sendings of two Paracletes, Jesus and his successor, the one following the other". So what we see as I have described how this description of the Comforter is so suitable for the Prophet Muhammad may Allah's peace & blessings be upon him. And it is perhaps these verses in the chapter in the, sorry the Gospel of John that those Christians understood as to be referring to the coming of the Prophet Muhammad. Certainly when you combine those things with the other prophesies & the Old Testament that we have been talking about in Deuteronomy & how "God will make a great nation out of Ishmael". Who on Earth could that great nation from Ismail be if it is not the Prophet Muhammad & his companions, & a great civilisation founded upon the belief in the One God, the worship of the One God, the creator of the Heavens & the Earth. The Quran that calls us to respect & love Moses, Abraham, Jesus, Noah, the Prophets sent to the children of Israel, they are mentioned in the Quran. Who else could it be? Who else is this great nation if it is not the Ummah, the nation of Muhammad may Allah's peace & blessings be upon him. So I hope if you are a Christian or if you are perhaps a Jew watching this, this is giving you something to think about. Certainly the Muslims I'm sure, their faith will only be enhanced & increased because of these amazing things. Now I'm going to read a really a fantastic, it's a long story, it's an amazing story & it's well worth reading. And it's the story of a man called Anselm Tormeeda. And he was a priest & a Christian Scholar. And he was a person who wrote a book. He converted to Islam & he wrote a book "the gift to the intelligent or refuting the arguments of the Christians" & in the introduction to his book he writes the story of how he became Muslim. It's really fascinating & especially in respect to the Paraclete, & who is the Paraclete. So let's go through it. It's a long story, a fantastic story, I'll do my best to get through it, make it interesting. first of all this Anselm was born in a city of Majorka & as he mentions he describes Mayorka, & that big merchant ships used to come there, to the harbour with different goods. And he is mentioning that the city is a city & an island both at the same time. Now he says that his father was a well-respected man in the city & that he was his only son. And when he was six he was sent to a priest who taught him the Gospel & logic. That's obviously common in those times that the priests in fact were the only people who were really learned, & they could read & write. And there were also many of them well-instructed in philosophy. So he learned the Gospel & logic & which he finished in six years. So this is by the time that he was twelve. "I lived in the church with an aged priest. He was greatly respected by the people because of his knowledge and religiousness and asceticism, which distinguished him from the other Christian priests. Questions and requests for advice came from everywhere, from Kings and rulers, along with presents and gifts. They hoped that he would accept their presents and grant them his blessings. This priest taught me the principles of Christianity and its rulings. I became very close to him by serving and assisting him with his duties until I became one of his most trusted assistants, so that he trusted me with the keys of his room in the church and of the food and the drink stores. He kept for himself only the key of a small room where he used to sleep. I think, and Allah knows best, that he kept his treasure chest in there. I was a student and a servant for a period of ten years, then he fell ill and failed to attend the meetings of his fellow priests.

During his absence, the priests discussed some religious matters, until they came to what was said by the Almighty Allah through his prophet Jesus in the Gospel: “After him will come a Prophet called Paraclete.” " - It's interesting that he says: " “After him will come a Prophet called Paraclete.” They argued a great deal about this Prophet and as to who he was among the Prophets. Everyone gave his opinion according to his knowledge and understanding; and they ended without achieving any benefit in that issue. I went to my priest, and as usual he asked about what was discussed in the meeting that day. I mentioned to him the different opinions of the priests about the name Paraclete, and how they finished the meeting without clarifying the matter. He asked me: “What was your answer?” I gave my opinion which was taken from interpretation of a well known exegesis. He said that I was nearly correct like some priests, and the other priests were wrong. “But the truth is different from all of that. This is because the interpretation of that noble name is only known to a small number of very well versed scholars. And we posses only a little knowledge.” I fell down and kissed his feet, saying: “Sir, you know that I travelled and came to you from a far distant country, I have served you now for more than ten years; and have attained knowledge beyond estimation, so please favour me and tell me the truth about this name.” The priest then wept and said: “My son, by God, you are very much dear to me for serving me and devoting yourself to my care. Know the truth about this name, and there is a great benefit, but there is also a great danger. And I fear that when you know this truth, and the Christians discover that, you will be killed immediately.” I said: “By God, by the Gospel and He who was sent with it, I shall never speak any word about what you will tell me, I shall keep it in my heart.” He said: “My son, when you came here from your country, I asked you if it is near to the Muslims, and whether they made raids against you and if you made raids against them. This was to test your hatred for Islam. Know, my son, that Paraclete is the name of their Prophet Muhammad, to whom was revealed the fourth book as mentioned by Daniel. His way is the clear way which is mentioned in the Gospel.” I said: “Then sir, what do you say about the religion of these Christians?” He said: “My son, if these Christians remained on the original religion of Jesus, then they would have been on God’s religion, because the religion of Jesus and all the other Prophets is the true religion of God. But they changed it and became unbelievers.” I asked him: “Then, sir, what is the salvation from this?” He said “Oh my son, embracing Islam.” I asked him: “Will the one who embraces Islam be saved?” He answered: “Yes, in this world and the next.” I said: “The prudent chooses for himself; if you know, sir the merit of Islam, then what keeps you from it?” He answered: “My son, the Almighty Allah did not expose me to the truth of Islam and the Prophet of Islam until after I have become old and my body weakened. Yes, there is no excuse for us in this; on the contrary, the proof of Allah has been established against us. If God had guided me to this when I was your age, I would have left everything and adopted the religion of truth. Love of this world is the essence of every sin, and look how I am esteemed, glorified and honoured by the Christians, and how I am living in affluence and comfort! In my case, if I show a slight inclination towards Islam they would kill me immediately. Suppose that I was saved from them and succeeded in escaping to the Muslims, they would say, do not count your Islam as a favour upon us, rather you have benefited yourself only by entering the religion of truth, the religion that will save you from the punishment of Allah! So I would live among them as a poor old man of more than ninety years, without knowing their language, and would die among them starving. I am, and all praise is due to Allah, on the religion of Christ and on that which he came with, and Allah knows that from me.” So I asked him: “Do you advise me to go to the country of the Muslims and adopt their religion?” He said to me: “If you are wise and hope to save yourself, then race to that which will achieve benefit for you in this life and the next. But my son, none is present with us concerning this matter; it is between you and me only. Exert yourself and keep it a secret. If it is disclosed and the people know about it they will kill you immediately. I will be of no benefit to you against them. Neither will it be of any use to you if you tell them what you heard from me concerning Islam, or that I encouraged you to be a Muslim, for I shall deny it. They trust my testimony against yours. So do not tell a word, whatever happens.” I promised him not to do so.

He was satisfied and content with my promise. And I began to prepare for my journey and bid him farewell. He gave me fifty golden dinars & then I took a ship to the city of Majorca where I stayed with my parents for six months. Then I travelled to Sicily and remained there for five months, waiting for a ship bound for the land of the Muslims. Finally a ship arrived bound for Tunis." Anyway he goes on to mention how he went to Tunis & he got off the ship & the Christian scholars who heard of his arrival came to greet him, because he was famous, he had become famous by this time for his knowledge. And so the Christians scholars came to greet him. But instead indeed he went to embrace Islam. So this is the story of Anselm Tormeeda & of course how he recognised, how his teacher had recognised that Paraclete was in fact Prophet Muhammad as had been mentioned in the Injil. Join us next time for another episode of the "Proof that Islam is the Truth". And until then Assalamaleykum Arahmatullahi va Barakatu, may the peace & blessings of Allah be with you always & may Allah guide us all closer to the Truth.

Omar (ex Andrey)

Part 14 - Prophesies of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH

Assalamaleykum Arahmatullahi va Barakatu. May the peace & blessings of Almighty God be upon all of you. Welcome back to the proof that Islam is the Truth. And in our previous episode we were discussing the prophesies of Prophet Muhammad may Allah's peace & blessings be upon him in the Bible. Now today we are going to be dealing with another fascinating subject. And that is the subject of prophesies. Now we mentioned in our previous episodes how the Bible in both Deuteronomy 18:18 & also in Isaac & also in the Gospel of John, in those passages we quoted that the Comforter, the Paraclete, Ahmed, the Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam, that Prophet - "he will foretell them of things to come." And this is a quality of a Prophet. Because Allah alone indeed is "Ali Muraibi", He is the One who has knowledge of the unseen. It is only Allah who truly knows the future. And this is something that is mentioned in the Bible as an actual criterion who is a true Prophet & who is a false Prophet, how can you know someone who is really prophesying & who is really a Prophet from God & one who is not. One of the criterions that you can apply is "does the things that he foretells, do they take place, do they actually happen?" Ok, so the Bible says: "And if you shall say in your heart, how shall we know the word which the Lord has spoken... ...if the thing follows not, nor come to pass, then that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken, but the prophet has spoken it presumptuously: & thou shalt not be afraid of him". (Deuteronomy 18:21-22) So we can know a false prophet from a true prophet depending "does that prophesy come true". So there are true prophets & there are false prophets, there are people who claim prophethood, but one of the criterion that we can use in order to know that the claim is false is that indeed the things they say don't happen. Now there are people who do claim to be able to foretell the future. People who read the stars for example & they claim our fate is written in the stars. Muslims do not believe this. We do not believe our fate is written in the stars, nor do we believe that a, you know, a gathering of stars in any particular shape or form has any impact upon your fate whatsoever. There is no scientific evidence for that whether there is some other thing? Well, we don't believe it as Muslims anyway. Your fate is determined by Allah. That is the One who has determined our fate. And it is only Allah who knows the future, no soothsayer & no prophesier except someone who is receiving revelation from Allah can tell us accurately about the future. In fact the Prophet Muhammad may Allah's peace & blessings be upon him said: "Whoever believes a soothsayer or a fortune-teller, has disbelieved in what Allah has revealed to Prophet Muhammad. Whoever visits a fortune-teller even out of curiosity, then their prayers will not be accepted for forty days." This is because fortune-tellers are claiming, they are pretending to have a type of knowledge that only belongs to prophets themselves & this is a great falsehood. However I do not say, & Islam does not say that these soothsayer & fortune-tellers are not able to sometimes get some things right. They may guess some things & they may predict some things that may turn our right, & they could do that just from guesswork. And that's why you often find that when these soothsayers & fortune-tellers they are predicting the future, they do manage to get things right that happen very close & that in the very near future, but the further & further they get away from their time then more & more inaccurate their prophesies start becoming. And this is certainly the case with a modern day soothsayer Edgar Cayce who has amazingly predicted it seems the second world war but as his prophesies move further & further in today what is present time his prophesies have seem to become less & less accurate. Another thing is that the Quran does tell us & the Prophet Muhammad does tell us that the sheitan the jinns they are able to travel through the Heavens. And they are able to sneak & listen to the angels. And the angels are carrying the commands of Allah & they are obviously carrying the decree that is going to happen & they are implementing that decree. So they may be discussing those things that Allah has decreed for the servants on Earth in that upcoming year or some time in the future. And therefore they are able to listen to some of that & they bring that down to the soothsayer & the magician. Now they cooperate with the soothsayer & the magician because the soothsayer does many things that are displeasing to Allah, & because of that they fall into the disbelieving with Allah. But the soothsayer mixes up these truths with a hundred different lies. But you know what the people are like - they just tend to remember the things that are true. But if you actually recorded all these things & examined them, then you would really see that yes, they got some things right but they actually really got a whole load of things wrong as well. Then that is not really of course a sign of anything. But a Prophet, someone who is receiving revelation from God, everything must be right. Every prophesy must come true. Now we have recorded from the earliest history of Islam prophesies in the Quran & prophesies of the Prophet Muhammad may Allah's peace & blessings be upon him. And we are going to compare those things to the cryptic writings for example of Nostradamus. Nostradamus is famous for his prophesies but his writings are all very cryptic. The rhymes could mean this or that or anything. In fact the soothsayers were no different in the time of the Prophet Muhammad. They used to have a sort of confusing rhyme that could mean this & could mean that. Lets actually see some of the prophesies in the Quran & some of the prophesies of the Prophet Muhammad may Allah's peace & blessings be upon him. Now one of the things that the Quran prophesised is the victory of Islam. And we have to remember that when these verses were coming down the Muslims were a very small group, they were at every moment under the impression that they were going to be wiped out either by the pagan Arabs or that by the Romans, yet the Quran is promising victory in different verses. Let’s examine one of those verses. In the 24th sura in the 55th ayat the Quran tells us: "Allah has promised to those of you who believe, and do good deeds, that He will surely grant them succession to (the present rulers) in the earth, as He granted it to those before them, and that He will grant them in the land inheritance of power, as He granted it to those before them, that He will establish in authority their religion which He has chosen for them. And He will change their state of fear to one of security & peace & they will worship Me & not associate anything with Me." And also the Quran says: "Say to those who deny faith: soon you will be vanquished." And that is in the 3rd chapter of the Quran in the 21st ayat. And again in the 110th chapter of the Quran in ayat 1 to 2: "When comes the help of God and Victory, and you see the people enter Allah's religion in multitudes." The first verse was revealed at the time of the Muslim's weakness & it promised them victory of the disbelieving people & it also said that people will enter Islam into crowds & this is exactly what happened after the capture of Mecca & during the times of Caliphs & Abu Bakr & Omar & Othman & Ali - people entered Islam into crowds & Islam was established in the land, & the Muslims defeated the Romans & they defeated the Persians & Islam was established from Spain to China in the matter of just 20-40 years. And this also fulfils in part another prophesy in the Quran: "It is He who has sent the Messenger with guidance & the religion of truth to make it triumphant over all religions." This is in the 9th chapter of the Quran in the 33rd ayat. Allah is promising that Islam will be triumphant over all religions. Islam will be the largest religion in the world. And without doubt this is what is happening today. Although this is perhaps 50/50 at the moment between Christianity & Islam, it is predicted by people who study this matter due to conversions & demographics that by the year 2050 30% of all human beings on this planet will be Muslim & it will make Islam the largest religion on the face of the Earth. Actually what we find is that Judaism, Christianity & paganism have never really established a lasting dominance physically & intellectually since the coming of Islam. Even in terms of Christianity, you may say that Christian world is dominant economically & militarily but in reality it is not really Christian, it is a type of secularist materialist philosophy that is dominant. Anyway join us after the break for more prophesies of the Prophet Muhammad may Allah's peace & blessings be upon him in the proof that Islam is the Truth. Don't go away. Come back & join us after the break. Assalamaleykum.
Assalamaleykum Arahmatullahi va Barakatu. Welcome back to the proof that Islam is the Truth where we are talking about the prophesies of the Prophet Muhammad may Allah's peace & blessings be upon him. We talked about how Islam is going to be the dominant religion, indeed it is becoming that, it is that. And we mentioned about how Islam until today is growing & that how the Quran was promising the Muslim's victory even though they were so small & they were so weak. Also there is another prophesy in the Quran, in the 30th chapter of the Quran in the verses 1 to 7. A very interesting prophesy: "The Roman Empire has been defeated- In a land close by;" This is what the Quran is saying. "but they even after this defeat will gain victory- In a few years. Allah's is the Command, in the past and in the Future: on that Day shall the Believers rejoice- With the help of Allah. He helps whom He wills; Allah is the Mighty and the most merciful.
It is the promise of Allah. Allah never breaks His promise: but most men do not understand.
They crave for the outer things of this life: but of the Hereafter they are heedless." Now the Eastern Roman Empire the Byzantine Empire had for many years been fighting the Persian Empire & they suffered a massive defeat at the hands of the Persians who captured Jerusalem in the year 614 of the Christian Era. And after that Egypt fell & then Syria fell, & Constantinople itself was laid sieged too. This means "a land close by". Now the pagan Arabs actually delighted in this as it seemed to signal to them that the success of idolatry & its followers over the people who followed the revelation of Ahle Kitab, the Christians in this case. And when this verse was revealed it seemed impossible that the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire would ever recover, it seemed it was the end. The Persians had reached dominance, the Byzantines, it seemed were finished. Now the word in the Quran translated "a few" is "bidaa" which actually means anything from 3 to 9 years, that term means anything from 3 to 9 years. And Obay we mentioned him in a previous talk, Obay who was a pagan Arab, he actually betted Abu Bakr, who was a close companion & a friend of the Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam, he betted Abu Bakr & this would never happen, "this will never happen, you said, I'll take a bet" And this was before gambling was forbidden, of course gambling is not allowed. And that was forbidden later. And so they actually took a bet of 100 camels, that's about 150000 pounds in modern day money, that's quite a lot of money, 100 camels is a lot. And they waged that this will never happen. Now it actually did happen. By the year 623 Heraclius the Byzantine Empire took to the field & vanquished the Persian in a series of battles culminating in the battle of Nivev. And this was in 626. By this time in fact Obay had been killed so his relatives actually had to pay the debt to Abu Bakr. An at this time when the Romans won the Muslims had been victorious over the Quraish & were rejoicing just as the Quran had prophesized. The prophesy came true exactly & it is a great reminder that Allah knows & you don't know, a little do men understand. And it is the same Quran that is warning us about the dangers of disbelieving in Allah & His Messengers & not following His revelations. It is the same Quran that warns us of the Hellfire & invites us to the Paradise. And warns us of the distress & the misery that people on the Day of Judgement for not following the Truth. Anyway we've got some more prophesies for you coming up. So let's mention, these are some prophesies from the Hadeeth or the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam & there is a long narration that is found in the two authoritative books of Hadeeth. This means Bukhari & Muslim, we've mentioned Sahih Al Bukhari before, Sahih Al Muslim we also mentioned it previously in fact. These are considered to be the most two authentic sources of information, textual information, in the religion of Islam after the Quran. Now according to this long Hadeeth the Prophet Muhammad was sitting in a garden. And Othman Ibn Affan walked in & the Prophet asked Abu Musa Ashari who was with him to inform him of good news of paradise, so to tell Othman of the good news of paradise. And also that people would mutiny against him. And this exactly is what happened. It is well-known from Islamic history that people did mutiny against Othman Ibn Affan in fact they even killed him. Prophesy came true exactly as the Prophet had said. In another narration while the Muslims were fighting the Jews in Hibr after some days of attempting to besiege the fortress the Prophet said the next day he would entrust the flag to a man whom Allah would give victory. And he gave the flag to Ali & the same day the fortress was conquered by the Muslim under Ali's command as the Prophet Muhammad had prophesied. In another Hadeeth the Prophet Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam said: the califat will last for 40 years then there will be a biting kinship. So the caliphate will last for 30 years. The caliphate are the righteous successors of the Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam & then there will be a biting kinship. So the Prophet said 30 years & it happened exactly like this. The rule of the rightly guided Caliphate meaning Abu Bakr, Omar, Othman & Ali was exactly 30 years, ok? So we had Abu Bakr for 2, Omar for 10, Othman for 12, Ali for 2 & a half & Hassan who succeeded Ali ibm Talib was 3 & a half years. So that makes as the Prophet Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam said exactly 30 years. After that evil spread & kinship was established just as the Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam said would happen. In another Hadeeth the Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam he predicted the capture of Egypt. Remember this is the time when the Muslims they just a small group of people, yet he is telling them: you are going to capture Egypt. And he even said & told them treat the people well & he mentioned also that they would seize the treasures of the Persian Emperor. Can you imagine this? He is telling them: you will defeat the Persians, you will seize the treasures of the Persian Emperor & he describe the palace & all of these things happened as the Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam said. He even mentioned concerning one particular companion, sura Al Malik tat you will wear the bracelets of the Persian Emperor. And in fact this is exactly what happened, the bracelets fell into the possession of Omar ibn Hattab. he called Suraka who was still alive because he could have been killed in all of these wars, but he was alive & Omar put the bracelets on him & reminded him of what the Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam had said. Also in Sahih Al Bukhari Auf ibn Malik he reported that the Prophet Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam said: "Look for six incidents before the last day. First my death. Then", - & this is of course true, the Prophet died. -"Then the conquest of Jerusalem." And the Muslims conquered Jerusalem. "Third an epidemic among them. Forth the abundance of wealth, so a man would not gladly accept 100 dinars if given it. Fifth a trouble that would involve all Arab families without exception. Sixth the treaty with the Christians, which the Christians would violate." So the Hadeeth describes exactly what happened. Jerusalem was captured & after this in 16 years after the Hijra of the Prophet an epidemic broke out, it's well-known about, & 70000 people died. Wealth became plentiful after that, especially during the Caliphate of Othman & after that in a time of Omar ibn Abdul Aziz. It is so famous when the collectors of Zakat they found no one who was poor enough to receive the Zakat. There was no one poor enough to receive Zakat money, that's how wealthy the Muslims had become & that's the prosperity Islam brought to the world at the time. And this is exactly what happened. Also after the rebellious war against Othman things became worse, after his murder & it is true that none of the Arab families was saved from the fitna of that, from the trials & the tribulations. And that after the murder of Othman there was not one family that except that was involved in it, just as the Prophet Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam had said. In another narration the Prophet said that the Muslims would conquer Rome & Constantinople & the Prophet was asked which was first, & he said the city of Heraclius which of course means Constantinople. And that is absolutely true, of course Rome has never been taken by the Muslims & then I suppose this is something will have to say that every Muslim will believe this is still something that is due to happen some time in the future. Ok, but Constantinople certainly was conquered by the Muslims, ok? And what is noteworthy here is that these predictions were made at a time again when the Prophet, no one could imagine that the Muslims were going to do such things. Ok, the Prophet also & many, I'm just saying very quickly some prophesies here, the Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam also predicted that the Muslims would divide into many different sects & different groups & in some Hadeeth he described the characteristics of these sects & these groups that would arise. He mentioned that some of them would do to Ali what the Christians did to Jesus, in other words they would claim that Ali is God. How can a Muslim ever claim that a human being is God. This is the greatest type of disbelief you can imagine to claim that a human being is equal with Allah. The Prophet said some Muslims will do this with Ali & they did. First of all a sect arose exaggerating & in their love for Ali ibn Talib. And then this same sect, sub sects of them went on to even claim that Ali is Allah, is equal with God. And this group by the way still exists until today. Also he mentioned that some people would deny that Kadr or the divine decree of Allah & he called them the Majoos of this ummah, the magiens of this ummah. And this has happened exactly they were called the Kadrea, a group of people who denied the divine decree which is an essential part of Islamic belief. And he also mentioned that a tribe, a group would arrive from a certain tribe & the Prophet pointed out this individual & they would say that the people who are believers are unbelievers. They would apply the verses of the Quran talking about unbelievers to the believers. And the Prophet mentioned very bad things about them. And said, in fact he called them the dogs of the Hellfire because they are saying that the true believers are in fact disbelievers & the Prophet mentioned & pointed out this man. And it happened that a group arose called the Hawaridge. These Howaridge, actually most of them were exactly from the tribe this man the Prophet Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam pointed out. And the Prophet Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam mentioned that they should be fought against. And this is exactly what Ali ibn Talib did, he fought against this group, the Howaridge. So these are some of the Hadeeths of the prophesies of the Prophet Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam & we have a lot more in fact to come. We are going to be mentioning some of the signs of the Day of Judgement, things that the Prophet Muhammad said would happen before the last days. And that will be our last in the episode of the proof that Islam is the Truth. So make sure you tune in & listen into that for our last & final episode of the proof that Islam is the Truth. Until then Assalamaleykum Arahmatullahi va Barakatu.

Omar (ex Andrey)

Part 15 - Signs of the last days

Assalamaleykum Arahmatullahi va Barakatu, may the peace and blessing of Allah be among all of you & may He guide all of us to the right path & to the truth. Today it’s our last & final episode of the proof that Islam is the Truth. We’ve been through many different amazing things. But the last thing we are going to finish with today are some of the signs of the last day. Things that the Prophet Muhammad said that would happen before the end of time and of course the first thing the Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam said, the first thing that he said would be the first thing of the signs of the last days is his death & the last day is soon upon us. & that’s what the prophet said then 1400 years ago, how close must it be now. Let’s look at some other things the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah’s peace & blessings be upon him said in various narrations.
First of all the Prophet Muhammad mentioned that amongst the signs of the last day is that you would see the barefooted Bedouins compete with each other in building tall buildings. This is remarkable because I invite anybody to look & go & visit Dubai & Waldabi, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain. These are places where 60 years ago I remember when I was in Kenya and they were complaining how there was no more money coming from Saudi Arabia after 9/11 & so on & so forth. & they were saying well you know 60 years ago we used to send money to Saudi Arabia to help the orphans & the Madrasas there. Now you will find the people who only 60 years ago were barefooted Bedouins competing with each other in who can build the tallest building in the world in fact it’s said there’s going to be six of the tallest buildings in the world in Dubai in the years to come. This is something the Prophet Muhammad was predicting 1400 years ago. It is truly a sign of the last days.
The Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam also mentioned that the Mosques would become like palaces. And this is the case even though the Prophet Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam ordered simplicity in the houses of Allah the fact is that they’ve become more & more fantastic & more & more money is being spent on these Mosques with domes & floors & golden domes & floors & everything to match with so much lavish chandeliers, & carpets, like palaces as the Prophet Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam said would happen.
Also the Prophet mentioned that trustworthiness would disappear so much so that the person would be able to say “I know a trustworthy person in such & such town.” Are you asking yourself if maybe that is not the case today?

Also the Prophet mentioned that there will be increase in killing, the Prophet called it “Hardge” to the extent that the one who is being killed & the one who is killing they don’t even know. The one who is being killed doesn’t know why he is being killed, the one who is killing doesn’t know why he is doing the killing. I think this is describing the condition of some cities today where kids are shooting people. The person has no idea why he was shot, in fact people are being shot merely just to prove themselves or for any type of madness that you can imagine. Not even to mention the massacres of so many people that is taking place due to terrorism whether it is the terrorism of countries or the terrorism of organisations & individuals. We shouldn’t really make a difference – it’s all terror when women & children & innocents get killed – it’s terror by the hands of whoever it is. People do not know why they are killing or why they are being killed to such an extent that it is unimaginable just as the Prophet Muhammad predicted 1400 years ago.

Also the Prophet mentioned that there will be the increase in the use of ribba which means usually interest, credit cards, mortgages, things like that. In fact to the extent that no one would be able to escape the dust of it. Everybody will be affected by it. And this is without doubt the truth of the world economy today, the whole world economy is affected & controlled by banks & the use of interest money even though in Islam it is totally prohibited, even though in Christianity up until the 16th – 17th century ribba was forbidden, in Christendom as well but yet today it is something that controls the world economy to the extent that no one can escape it just as the Prophet Muhammad predicted 1400 years ago.

The Prophet also said that there will be an increase in literacy in fact so many people will be able to read & write that actually knowledge will decrease. Isn’t that a type of paradox? More people will read & what do we end up reading most of us we read rubbish, we read rubbish stuff but we can read, but knowledge, especially knowledge of the religion despite of the fact that more people can read, ignorance has become prevailing. And this is what the Prophet Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam said: “That religious knowledge would decrease not by the books disappearing, not by you know knowledge being taken from the minds of the people. No, the knowledge in the sense of the books will be there but the scholars, so that only the ignorant people will remain. And people will ask them for religious verdicts and they will give it even though they are ignorant, and they will misguide themselves & misguide others. Anyone acquainted with the Muslim world today will be familiar with this. And the Prophet mentioned: “The speakers will be many & the scholars will be few.” And this is what we can find exactly. There are many speakers, many thinkers, many intellectuals, many people Alhamdullilah giving Davah, maybe not enough people but to scholars they are so few and this is a type of sign of the last day when the scholars will be taken away & this is exactly what we find happening.

Also the Prophet Muhammad SAAS said that there'll be going to be such an increase in musical instruments & Muslims will make it lawful even though it is forbidden, the use of musical instruments it has been forbidden by the Prophet some Muslims people will make it lawful & there are many people who are saying it's allowed even though it is very clearly mentioned in Sahih Al Buhari, the most authentic collection of hadith & this is mentioned here, this hadith where the Prophet predicted that the people will make it lawful even though the Prophet made it unlawful. And it's come true just as the Prophet Muhammad may Allah's peace & blessings be upon him said.

Also he mentioned there'll be an increase in sexual promiscuity even though Islam is a religion that teaches chastity that a man and a woman should confine themselves to marriage. The Prophet said there'll be an increase in sexual promiscuity & I don't think anyone can deny that that is the state of the world today with highly sexualized images & even traditional societies that normally had good traditional moral values. For example like India, even in India for example promiscuity is becoming more & more common, hardly than it ever was before. Even in Muslim countries where the whole idea of sexual promiscuity is so against the teachings of Islam it is unfortunately becoming more & more common, & the Prophet Muhammad said that because of these diseases would appear that people had never heard of before. Isn't that the case? Aids for example, diseases that people had never heard of before will arise due to sexual promiscuity. And this has taken place just as the Prophet Muhammad predicted Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam. He mentioned that women will be naked although they are dressed. I don't think this is a better way of describing the dress of some women today which in all but means is nakedness, with the clothes that are so tight they describe every shape of the body which this technology did not exist to make those type of clothes in the time of the Prophet, yet the Prophet Muhammad is describing how this nakedness among the women will become prevalent.

And also the Prophet mentioned that there will be shouting in the Mosque, something that is prohibited in Islam & it's something I have witnessed myself.

And also the Prophet said the worst & the most ignorant people will become the leaders & really I have to say if we look at some of the world leaders today even at some of the superpowers it seems as if what the Prophet said about the worst & most ignorant people becoming leaders seems to have taken place exactly as the Prophet Muhammad said.

Also he mentioned that a man will obey his wife & disobey his mother, something really contrary to the teachings of Islam. He will rather listen to his friends than listen to his father. And this is something that we have found happening in the Muslim World even though this is so against the teachings of Islam.

Men will wear gold & silk & they will make it lawful even though the Prophet has made it unlawful.
People will abandon the religion of Islam for a small worldly gain & keeping on to the religion will be like holding two hot coals. I'm mentioning all of these things & there are many-many more things that the Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam mentioned. But these are some of the small signs concerning the events that will take place before the last day. And as we can see these things that I have gone through almost without exception they have come true in a way that is so-so clear & so-so obvious & so-so apparent.

I want to spend a little bit of time talking about some of the authenticated miracles of the Prophet Muhammad, I mean of course the greatest miracle that was given to the prophet Muhammad was the Quran. But there are many authenticated miracles & it is not often known & mentioned that were done through the Prophet Muhammad by the power of God. For example even at the birth of the Prophet Muhammad may Allah's peace & blessings be upon him when he was taken by the witness Halima & she was the only one willing to take him, even though he was an orphan. Because he was an orphan no one was really expecting that they would get any reward & they will get well-paid, but Halima, his witness, & that was the tradition of the Arabs, they used to send their babies out into the desert where it is more healthy to be nursed by the Bedouin women & Halima, she took this responsibility even though she was not really expecting much reward. And from the moment she did this she found that everything changed, even the goats in her tribe started to get fatter, wherever they went there was grass for them to feed, she herself became stronger & more healthy & was producing more milk & as long as the Prophet Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam was with her she found these blessings happen in fact she commented to her husband & to the tribe that surely we had been given a blessed child.

When the Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam before he was a Prophet, one of the things that would happen was the stones would speak to him & they would say to him Muhammad you are the Messenger of Allah & this is the type of things that would happen these are some miracles & true & authentic miracles that happened to the Prophet. Don't go away we are going to talk of about some more of those after the break in the proof that Islam is the Truth.
Assalamaleykum Arahmatullahi va Barakatu welcome back to the proof that Islam is the truth & we are talking about the authenticated miracles of the Prophet Muhammad may Allah's peace & blessings be upon him, things that were witnessed by his companions who lived with him & saw these things & recorded them & we have these things until today. And we are only mentioning a few because we don't have too much time we can't go thoroughly into every single one, so we are just mentioning a few of them.

There's one famous incident. When the Prophet Muhammad when he used to deliver the sermon, the Friday sermon, in the mosque in Medina. There is a certain post which he used to lean against. But then he decided it would be better if he stood on a type of pulpit & so they had constructed some steps & the Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam would walk up & climb & stand on those steps & he would deliver his sermon from there. & when he walked up & climbed on the steps the post that he used to lean on began, a sound came out of it like a crying sound & the Prophet went & stroke this, the post was crying because the Prophet Muhammad was not leaning on it any more. And this is how the sadness that post felt because the Prophet had left it is amazing thing how this crying noise was heard coming out of the post.

There are many narrations that are reported where animals used to come & complain to the Prophet Muhammad. There's one example when some companions had stolen the eggs from the nest of a bird & this bird was seen flapping round the head of the Prophet Muhammad. & the Prophet said who are those people who have stolen the eggs from the nest of the bird & he told them to return it that his mama is distressed because of whet you have done. Also a camel complained to the Prophet Muhammad that its owner was overloading it, & from this the Prophet Muhammad warned us & told us not even to oppress the animals under our care, & that we should be careful not to overburden them with more than that they are able to take.

There is a famous & beautiful story how Abu Hureira who was one of the companions of the Prophet used to feel so hungry sometimes used to faint at the door of the mosque & people used to tread on him because they thought he was mad. And one day he went to Abu Bakr & he didn't want to tell anyone that he was really almost dying of hunger. So he went & he asked Abu Bakr a question about the Quran, hoping that Abu Bakr would recognise his weakness, but he didn't, & he went to Omar & the same thing happened. But when he went to the Prophet straight away the Prophet Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam said come with me. He told Abu Hureira to come with him & he went to his house and he asked his wives: "What do we have in the house to eat?" They had nothing except a bowl of milk. This is the house of the Messenger of God. In the house of the messenger of God among all his wives all they had to drink between them is a bowl of milk. & he said give it to me. Then he said to Abu Huraira: "Go & get the people of the bench". Now the people of the bench were all the poor people who use to sleep next to the Mosque. And Abu Hureira was thinking: "If I call them there's not going to be enough milk for me. There's hardly enough milk for me let alone to feed all the people of the bench." But then he thought: "I must obey the order of the Prophet Muhammad". So he said: "Ok I would do it because even, because this is what the Prophet said." So he called them. And the Prophet got Abu Hureira to sit on his left. And now in Islam when we pass something we pass it from the right & so the Prophet passed his bowl of milk from the right went around all the people. And every time Aby Hureira was thinking: "There's not going to be enough milk left for me, there's not going to be enough milk left for me." And eventually when the milk got to him he drank from the milk & then the Prophet Muhammad said: "Drink again." And he drank again. And then the third time the Prophet said: "Drink again." And Abu Hureira said: "I can't drink I am full." This is a miracle of course how the small amount of milk was so much to feed so many people. And this is not the only time such an event happened.

Also the Prophet made a miraculous night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem & up from Jerusalem through the heavens where Allah gave him the five prayers & he saw many wonderful signs in the heavens. Now many people when they heard this they actually started to disbelief in Islam. They came to Abu Bakr, they said: "Oh, Abu Bakr, you know what your friend is saying now? He said he went on a journey to Jerusalem in one night & then went up through the heavens. Abu Bakr said: "If that's what the Prophet said he did - it happened because he never lies." Anyway people started saying: "Prove to us that this is the case." So the Prophet Muhammad he described a caravan that he had seen on the way, meaning a caravan, you know, of camels, and a trade caravan. He described this caravan & what it looked like & he also described to the people Jerusalem & what it was like. Two days later the caravan arrived & it was exactly how the Prophet Muhammad may Allah's peace & blessings be upon him had described it. And then when the people asked the caravan they had come from Jerusalem & they described to the people how was Jerusalem & it matched exactly their description of the Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alleyhem Va Salam.

Of course another great miracle that was given to the Prophet Muhammad was the splitting of the moon. The pagan Arabs kept asking the Prophet for a sign, kept asking him for a sign, so he, eventually Allah gave him this sign & the moon was split in two, where the two parts of the moon were on each side of the horizon. Of course the pagan Arabs did still not believe in spite of all of that.

Anyway those are just some of the miracles of the Prophet Muhammad which Allah gave to him. And I'm only mentioning them by way of completeness because of course really for those of you who are thinking, for those of you who are thinking deeply out whole series has been about something really miraculous. Those proofs & evidences that we have presented you through which & by which you might know that the Quran is truly what it claims to be - the word of God, that Muhammad may Allah's peace & blessings be upon him is what he claimed to be - the final Messenger of God, of Allah, sent for the benefit (блага) and the mercy of all of mankind. We have discussed matters rational & matters mysterious, we have talked about all sorts of wonderful things, but the question I need to ask you now. What is preventing you from accepting the truth that there's nothing worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad may Allah's peace & blessings be upon him is indeed the final messenger of Allah? Is it fear? Are you afraid? What will the people say if I become Muslim? What will people say about me? What will happen to me at work? What will happen to me at school? What will happen to me at my home with my parents? Is this what is preventing you from accepting the truth? Oh my dear people! You should be more afraid of Allah. You should be more afraid of your Lord. You should be more afraid of the punishment of the hellfire that awaits those people who reject truth. A fire where Allah will burn the skin & recreate the skin so that people can taste the punishment, a place where water, boiling water will be poured on people's faces that will burn the faces & burn out the insides. This is the punishment saved for those people who reject truth. Is it not more appropriate & worthy that you should be afraid of that? Are you not afraid that Allah will send a punishment upon you that he did sent the punishment upon Noah & his people, about the people of Sodom & Gomorra, the people of Lot, the Prophet Lot? Are you not afraid of the chastisement will come from your Lord in this life? Maybe it is arrogance. Maybe it is pride. Maybe you think that the virtue of belonging to a certain tribe or a certain nation or a certain country. Maybe you think you are so powerful, but Allah is more powerful. Have you not travelled the Earth & see what has happened to those people before? Civilisations, strong & power & might. And what is left of them? Ruins. Where did all their science & their technology & their wisdom & their intelligence lead them, if it did not take them to the belief & the acceptance of the truth, that Allah is the true object of worship, that Muhammad is the true Messenger? Maybe it is my dear people that you are not sincere, you do not care about truth. You only care about the things of this world. But you should care. You should care about the things of this world because the true happiness of this world is in obeying your Lord & knowing your Lord & worshiping your Lord. How many people of this world leave it & they never taste it, the sweetest thing in life, the sweetest thing in this life is to know Allah & to follow his religion & his guidance that he sent down. All I can say ultimately is that Allah has guided me to Islam & it is the happiest & the best & the most complete way of life a human being could ever live. I just ask you to do one thing. Pray. With your heart, with your soul, with your mind. Ask & pray God in humility, in sincerity. Raise your hands & say & beg: "Oh, God! Guide me to the Truth, open my heart to the truth, if Islam is the truth guide me to it & make me happy with it & help me to follow it & help me to be a sincere Muslim if it is the truth, oh God, Creator of the Heavens & the Earth!" May Allah guide me, you always to the truth, Assalamaleykum Arahmatullahi va Barakatu, may the peace & blessings of Allah be with you always.


New Member

Brother : Omar (ex Andrey)

For a long time I tried to find the 5th episode as complete but I could not. They are all 13.41 duration, even the link you provide is also incomplete. Although you manage to post the complete episode as text. So I suppose that you have the complete episode.

For that I ask you to help me and add it soon.

Jazak Allah Khair

Fatima S.Ar

Happiness = Islam
Really Great !!!!!

Thank you so much my brother
May Allah bless you

My youngest brother his name is Omar too , he is 3 years :)