Prophet Mohammed (SAW)


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Instinctive Sublimeness

Instinctive Sublimeness
Great; was the responsibility lying on the Apostle; publication of God's truth in its purity, inviting the people to betake the path of truth and virtue, guarding and guiding the nascent Islamic community and the cares and anxieties for the suffering humanity were the charges heavier than flesh and blood can bear. In between all these worries, stresses and strains we find the most sublime instincts of grace and goodness reflecting his worthiness and excellence of heart. In spite of his dauntless spirit of resolution and singleness of purpose which have always been the distinguishing features of the prophets, the Apostle of God could never forget those faithful friends and campanions who had accepted his mission in its initial stages and made the supreme sacrifice of laying down their lives in the battle of Uhad. He always used to talk about them, invoked divine blessings for them and not unoften paid a visit to them.

Such was this immortal love, with an element of the transcendent in it, that it had gone beyond the flesh and blood and penetrated the inanimate hills and stones and ravines where these brilliant spectacles of noble love and sacrifice had been enacted. His companions relate that they heard him saying, "This is the hill that loves me and I love it.''1 Anas b. Malik says that when the Messenger of God caught sight of the Uhad, he said, "This is the hill that loves me and I love it." Abi Humayd reports that he accompanied the Apostle while returning from Tabuk. When they came near Medina, the Prophet of God said, "This is Taba, and this is the hill which loves me and I love it."

Uqba tells that God's Messenger went to the martyrs of the Uhad and prayed for their salvation. Jabir b. 'Abdullah relates that when the martyrs of the Uhad were once mentioned to the Prophet he said, "I swear to God that I would have liked to be sleeping with these martyrs by the side of this hill." The Apostle had borne with equanimity the shock of Hamza's death, who had been his loving uncle as well as fosterbrother and had parted with his life fighting valiantly for the cause of Islam. He had also remained calm and composed on what had been done with Hamza's dead body. But, when he passed by the houses of Bani 'Abdul Ashhal while returning to Medina, he heard the lamentations over the dead. Overcome with the grief for the departed comrade, his eyes gave way to tears and he said, "But there are no women to mourn over Hamza!" But these instincts and emotions, howsoever noble and sublime and overflowing with the milk of human kindness, were never allowed by the Apostle of God to entrammel his mission or to disrupt the divine injunctions. Historians and biographers of the Prophet relate that when S'ad b. Mu'adh and Usayd b. Hudayr came back to the settlement of Bani 'Abdul Ashhal, they ordered their women to gird themselves and go and weep for Hamza. They did as they had been told and when the Apostle came he found them weeping at the door of his mosque. But, he told them, "May God have mercy on you, go back; your presence has been enough for my consolation." It has been narrated b~, another companion that on seeing the women the Apostle asked "What is it ?" When he was told that the Ansar had sent their women to weep over Hamza, he invoked God's mercy for the Ansar and paid compliments to them for their love to him but also added, "I did not mean that. I do not like lamentation over the dead." Thereafter the Apostle forbade mourning for the dead.

An occasion still more poignant it was when Wahshi, the slayer of Hamza, called upon the Apostle of God, The conquest of Mecca by the Muslims was deemed by the enemies of Islam as the darkest hour of their lives. A number of them had no hesitation in reaching the decision that it would now be well-nigh impossible for them to remain at Mecca; they decided to migrate to Syria, Yemen or some other place for the fear of their lives. Their friends, however, told them: "Woe to you, Muhammad peace be upon him does not kill anyone who enters his religion." Almost all these former enemies returned and embraced Islam. None of them had the least speck of fear in his heart on appearing before the Apostle after pledging allegiance to Islam, nor did the Apostle say a word to cast any doubt on their sincerity or to terrify them. And so it happened with Wahshi also. The Apostle of God learnt from Wahshi, after he had accepted Islam, how he had killed Hamza. It was but natural that the Prophet was grieved and harrowed to know about the ghastly crime of Wahshi, but he did not allow his irritation to get the better of his responsibility as the Apostle of God. He neither refused to admit Wahshi to the fold of Islam nor had him slain for his crime. All he said to Wahshi was, "O man, hide your face from me and never let me see you again." Wahshi used to avoid the Apostle of God so that he should not see him, until the time arrived for the Apostle's departure.

These nobler emotions or tender feelings reflecting warm-heartedness of the Prophet were laid bare when he visited an old, dilapidated grave. Then, those with him found him in a turmoil, and he said, "This is the grave of Amina." This was long, long years after the death of the Apostle's mother."


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Mercy and Compassion

Mercy and Compassion​

God's Messenger was the kindliest of men just as he excelled all others in courage and velour. Being extremely kindhearted, his eyes brimmed with tears at the slightest sign of inhumanity. Shaddad b. Aus reports the Apostle as saying, "God has commanded you to show kindness to everyone, so if you have to kill, kill nicely, and if you slaughter an animal, slaughter it gently. If anyone of you has to slay an animal, he should sharpen the blade first and treat the animal well." Ibn 'Abbas relates that a man threw a goat on its side and then started sharpening his knife. When the Prophet saw him he said, "Do you want to kill it twice ? Why did you not sharpen the knife before throwing it on the ground ?"

The Apostle forbade his companions to keep the dumb creatures hungry or thirsty, to disturb or to overburden them. He commended that kindliness and putting them at ease were meritorious acts tending to bring man nearer to God. Abu Huraira reports the Prophet as saying, "A traveller who was thirsty saw a well in the way. He got inside the well and when he came out he saw a dog licking mud because of thirst. The man bethought himself that the dog should be as thirsty as he was and so he got into the well again, filled his leather sock with water and carried it out holding with his teeth. And thus he quenched the thirst of the dog. God was pleased with this act of kindness and pardoned his sins. The companions asked, "O Messenger of God, is there recompense in the matter of beasts and wild animals also ?" The Prophet replied "There is recompense in regard to every creature that has a living heart."

'Abdullah b. 'Umar told that the Prophet said, "A woman was cast away into the hell only because she had demed food and water to her cat and refused to set it free so that the cat might satisfy its hunger by taking worms and insects. Suhayl b. ar-Rab'i b. 'Amr states that the Apostle of God came across a camel so famished that its belly had shrieked to its back. He said, "Fear God in the matter of these dumb creatures. If you ride them, ride when they are healthy and if you eat them, eat them when they are in a good condition." 'Abdullah b. J'afar narrated the incident that once the Prophet entered the enclosure of an Ansari where there was a camel which started groaning on catching sight of the Prophet, tears running down its eyes. The Prophet went near it, patted on its hump and face which set it at ease. Then the Apostle asked who its owner was. The Ansari youngmen came and said: "O Messenger of God, it belongs to me." The Prophet said to him, "Do you not fear God in the matter of this beast although He has made you its owner? It complained to me that you bore hard upon it and always kept it at work."

Abu Huraira quoted the Apostle as saying, "When you travel in a fertile country do not deny the camels their due from thground, and when you travel in a land barren and dry, cover it with speed. When you encamp at night keep away from the roads, for they are where the beasts pass and are the resorts of the insects at night." Ibn Mas'ud reports, "While we were on a journey with God's Messenger, he went a short distance from where we had encamped. There we saw a small bird with two of its birdlings and caught them. The bird was fluttering when the Prophet came back and so he asked, 'Who has distressed it by taking its chicks ?' Then he asked us to return the chicks. There we also saw an ant-hill and burnt it out. When the Prophet saw he asked, 'Who has burnt it ?' When we informed him that we had done it, he said, 'Only the Lord of fire has the right to punish with fire.

The Prophet strongly enjoined the duty of kind and generous treatment to the slaves, servants and the labour engaged for manual work. Jabir relates the Apostle of God as saying, "Feed them with the food which you eat, clothe them with such clothing as you wear and do not cause trouble to God's creatures." The Apostle is further stated to have said, "Those whom God has made your dependents are your brothers, servants and helpmates. Anybody whose brother has been made subservient to him ought to feed him with the food he eats and clothe him with the clothes he wears, command him not to do that which he is unable to do and if it becomes necessary to do so then he should help him in doing the job."

'Abdullah b. 'Umar says that once a nomadic Arab came and asked the Prophet, "How many times should I pardon my servant in a day?" The Prophet replied, "Seventy times. " He also quotes the Apostle as saying, "Pay the wages of a labourer before his sweat dries up."


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Now let us discuss the various aspects of his life one by one and see why it is said that he was a perfect man. Muhammad was very polite and good-mannered. His wife, A'isha, and many of his companions, including Anas and Ali, reported that he was good-tempered, good-mannered and very polite to all. He was always happy and smiling and his face always had a bright and cheerful look. Abu Ishaque reported that Al-Bara was asked whether the face of Muhammad was as bright as a sword. He replied, "No, but as bright as the moon." And Abdullah bin Amr reported that Muhammad never used bad language, neither habitually nor artificially. He used to say, "The best among you are those who have the best character." He also said that politeness, which seems very light here, will weigh very heavy in goodness on the Day of Judgement.

Jabir ibn Abdullah said that Muhammad always welcomed him into his presence after his conversion to Islam and always greeted him with a smile. Abdullah bin Harith reported that he had never seen a more polite man than Muhammad. It was normal practice for Muhammad to greet and salute first whenever he met anyone. If anyone wanted to talk to him in confidence, he never fumed away from him until he himself moved away. In the same way, whenever he shook hands with anyone, he never let go of the other's hand until that person took his hand away. When he sat in the company of his companions, he sat with them without occupying any distinctive position. It often happened that foreign deputations and other people coming to Medinah could not recognise Muhammad in the Mosque while he was sitting with his companions.

Once he received some envoys from the ruler of Abyssinia and he kept them with him as his own guests. He served them and arranged all the necessary things for them himself as their host during their stay with him. His companions requested that they would like to serve them but he replied that they had served his friends, therefore, he must himself serve them. Uthan bin Malik, who had fought in the battle of Badr, felt that his eyesight was weakening, so he went to Muhammad and requested him to go to his house and offer prayer, so that he could make it a place of worship. Next day Muhammad, with Abu Bakr, went to his house early in the morning and offered two rakat prayers in his house.'

Once Muhammad was riding on a camel through a narrow pass in the mountains along with Uqbah bin Amir. After some time, he asked Uqbah to have his turn on the camel, but the latter thought it improper to ride himself and let God's Messenger walk on foot. But Muhammad got off the camel and forced him to ride.

Anas reported, "One day God's Messenger sent me to do something, and I said, 'I swear by God that I will not go.' But in my heart I felt that I should go to do what God's Messenger had commanded me, so I went out and came upon some boys who were playing in the street. All of a sudden God's Messenger, who had come up behind me, caught me by the back of my neck. When I looked at him he was laughing and said, 'Did you go where I ordered you, little Anas?' I replied, 'Yes, I am on my way, Messenger of Cod.' He laughed and did not say anything to me." He also reported that one of the maidservants belonging to the people of Medinah would hold God's Messenger by the hand and take him where she wished and he never refused or asked her anything.

Ali reported that God's Messenger owed some diners to a certain Jewish doctor, who demanded payment from the Prophet. When he told him, "I have nothing to give you," the Jew replied, "I will not leave you, Muhammad, until you pay me." God's Messenger said, "I shale sit with you, then," and did so. God's Messenger prayed at noon, in the afternoon, at sunset, at night and the following morning with the Jew. His companions were threatening and menacing the man while God's Messenger was aware of what they were doing. Then they said, "O God's Messenger, is this Jew keeping you in bondage?" The Prophet replied, "My Lord has prevented me from doing wrong to one with whom a covenant has been made." Then after some time when the sun rose high in the sky, the Jew said, "I testify that there is no diety but God, and I testify that you are God's Messenger. Half of my property will be devoted to God's cause. I swear by God that my only purpose in treating you as I have done was that I might discover the description of you given in the Torah: Muhammad bin Abdullah, whose birthplace is Makkah, whose place of emigration is in Taiba and whose kingdom is in Syria. He is not harsh or rough or loud-voiced in the streets, he is not characterised by coarseness of obscene speech."

Once he borrowed forty sai (standard measuring weight for cereals, etc.) from a man who later became destitute and came to Muhammad to ask for the return of the loan. He replied that he had nothing with which to repay the loan. That man wanted to say something, when Muhammad said, "Say nothing but good because I am the best of borrowers in the matter of repayment of loans." Then he paid him eighty sad, forty in return for his loan and forty extra as a gesture of goodwill.

Once he bought a camel. After some time, the vendor came and demanded the price from him in very harsh words. His companions wanted to catch him but Muhammad told them to leave him alone because the lender had the right to demand his money. Once another lender very harshly demanded his money from him and Umar ibn Khattab wanted to catch him, but he said, "O Umar, stop for it was more appropriate that you should have asked me to repay the loan and asked him to be patient.''!

No one who sat in his company ever felt that he was rude to him or that he ignored him. By his word or deed he never offended or humiliated anyone. No-one ever heard anything bad from him; nor did he ever speak or like bad language. He never turned his face from anyone nor did he deprive anyone of politeness. Everyone sitting in his company felt that he was being treated with the utmost respect and honour. Whenever anyone went to him for any of his needs and he could not fulfil it, he never asked him to leave but advised him in such a polite manner that he often felt relief from his troubles. He once said that every good deed was a charity and it was a good deed to meet your fellow-beings with politeness. And he said, "The best among you is the one who is best in character and morals."Once he said that there were high residential places in Paradise, whose interior was visible from outside and its exterior from inside. On hearing this one Bedouin enquired whom these buildings were for? Muhammad replied that they were for those who spoke with politeness and gentleness.

Many of his companions, including Ibn Umar, Abu Harairah and Abu Darda, reported from him that nothing would be heavier in the Scales of a believer on the Day of Judgment than politeness because God did not like impolite and impertinent people. It is also reported that a polite man attains the grade of those who establish prayer and keep the fast because of his good conduct. Once the Holy Prophet was asked what deeds would take people to Paradise. He replied, "Fear of God and politeness (good conduct)." Abu Darda reported from him that whoever was given a share of politeness was, in fact, given a share of goodness; and whoever was deprived of a share of politeness was, in fact, deprived of goodness. It is reported by Jabir that God's Messenger said, "The people from among you who are dear to me and will sit close to me on the Day of Judgement are those who have good manners and are polite. And the people among you whom I dislike and will be far removed from me on the Day of Judgement are those who are impertinent and impolite to people."

Once a Jew came to him and out of mischief, greeted him by saying "As-sam Alaikum" (death to you) instead of As-salamu Alaikum (peace be on you). A'isha with anger, gave a harsh reply. But he stopped her and said, "A'isha! Dont use harsh words; be polite; God likes mildness in everything."

In short, Muhammad was a perfect model of politeness, fine manners and decency, which he taught through his practical example to the rugged, rough and illiterate people of the desert who, as a result, became the teachers and leaders of the world. His behaviour towards people, men or women, rich or poor, adult or child, was the same. He spoke to all with civility and politeness and taught others the same through his personal example. The Qur'an mentions this quality of Muhammad in these words,

"It is by the Mercy of God that you deal gently with them, for if you were severe or fierce of heart, they would have dispersed from you."

[Qur'aan 3:159]

The extremely gentle nature of Muhammad, which endeared him to all, is mentioned in the above-quoted verse, as a "Mercy of God". It was this quality of Muhammad that bound the souls of countless men to him and won support and admiration for him even from his most staunch and deadly enemies.



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Muhammad was as kind as he was polite. He always treated people with kindness and tenderness and never showed harshness even to his enemies. The people who abused him, threw thorny bushes and stones and dirt on him and were thirsty for his blood, received nothing but kindness from him. He showed kindness to all, irrespective of whether they were friends or foes. God mentions this quality of Muhammad's in the Qur'an,

"O Messenger, it is a great Mercy of God that you are very gentle and lenient towards them; for, had you been harsh and hardhearted, they would all have broken away from you."[Qur'an 3:159]

The kind and gentle nature of Muhammad endeared him to all, young and old, rich and poor. men and women.

In his boyhood, he never fought or quarrelled with anyone like other boys of his own age, but always showed kindness and friendship, to the aged as well as to the young. When he reached maturity, he was well-known for his kindness and sympathy to the poor orphans and widows. After he became the Prophet, his kindness to people knew no bounds. Anas said, "I served God's Messenger for ten years and he never said to me, 'shame' or 'why did you do such a thin"?' or 'why did you not do such and such a thing?' " In Medinah, when he was the head of the state and had the power to take revenge on his enemies, he treated all captives and prisoners-of-war, including his hard-core enemies, very kindly.


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Behaviour Towards Children

Behaviour Towards Children
Muhammad was always very kind to children. Amr ibn Said quoted Anas as saying, "I have never seen anyone act more kindly towards children than God's Messenger. His son Ibrahim was being suckled in the neighbourhood of Medinah. He would go, accompanied by us, and enter the house which was full of smoke, the child's foster-father being a blacksmith. He would take him and kiss him and then go back."

It was his practice, whenever he came back from a journey, to let the children, who met him on the way, ride before and behind him and he always greeted them first. One day Khalid bin Said came to him with his little daughter, Hasna, who was wearing a red dress. Muhammad said, "Sana." She had been born in Abyssinia and in their language, Hasna was called San i, and he called her Sana in that context. He had a seal of prophethood at his back and it looked like a lump. She began to play with it so Khalid told her off but Muhammad stopped him and let her play.

Anas said, "I never prayed behind an Imam who was more brief or more perfect in his prayer than God's Messenger. If he heard a baby crying, he would shorten the prayer for fear that the mother might be distressed." Abu Qatada reported God's Messenger as saying, "When I begin the prayer, I intend to make it long, but I hear a baby crying and shorten the prayer, being aware of the Mother's emotion because of the crying."'

He used to kiss children and loved them very much. Once he was kissing children when a Bedouin came and said, "You love children very much. I have ten children and I have never kissed one of them." Muhammad replied, "What can I do if God takes away love from you?". Jabir bin Samra, one of his companions, reported an incident of his childhood. "Once I offered the prayer with God's Messenger. After the prayer, when he went towards his house, I went with him. We were joined by more boys, and he kissed them all and me too." When he was entering the town of Medinah, after emigrating from Makkah, some young girls of the Ansar were singing with joy in front of their houses. When he passed by, he said, "O girls! You love me." All said, "Yes, O God's Messenger." Then he said, "I love you also. Yusuf bin Abdullah said that when he was born his parents took him to God's Messenger for his blessing; he suggested the name, Yusuf, and put him in his lap. He patted him on the head and prayed for the Blessings of God for him.'

To sum up, Muhammad was very kind and affectionate to children. He loved them and always treated them with immense kindness and gentleness.


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Behaviour Towards Slaves

Behaviour Towards Slaves
The Prophet was particularly kind to slaves. He used to say, "They are your brothers; give them to eat what you eat; give them to wear what you wear." Whenever he received any slaves, he always gave them freedom but they could never free themselves from his kindness and generosity. They left their parents, relatives and family and regarded it as an honour to live in bondage to him. Zaid bin Hartha was a slave. Muhammad freed him and gave him the choice to go with his father, who had come to take him, but he refused to go with his father and preferred to stay. Muhammad loved Usama, son of Zaid, so much that he used to say that if he had been a girl, he would have put jewellery on her.

Slaves felt humiliated at being called slaves. He advised his companions not to say "my slave" or "my slave-girl" but to say, "my son" or "my daughter"
. He also told the slaves not to call their masters "lord" for God alone was the Lord. He was so kind to slaves that his last bequest before he died was, "Fear God in the matter of slaves." Abu Dhar was one of the converts and Muhammad praised him for his honesty. Once he abused a non-Arab slave, who complained to the Holy Prophet about this. He reprimanded Abu Dhar and said, "You are still ignorant; these slaves are your brothers. God has given you power over them; if they are not suited to your temperament, sell them. Don't harm God's creatures. Give them to eat what you eat; give them to wear what you wear. Don't give them so much work that they cannot do it all. If you give them a lot of work, then give them a hand to finish that work."

Once Abu Masud Ansari was beating his slave when he heard a voice behind him say, "Abu Masud! God has more power and control over you than you have over this slave." Abu Masud turned and saw it was God's Messenger. He said, "O God's Messenger! I free this slave for the pleasure of God." Muhammad replied, "If you had not done so, the fire of Hell would have touched you." People arranged the marriages of slaves but forcibly separated them whenever they wished. One man arranged the marriage of his slave to his slave-girl and then wanted to separate them. The slave complained to God's Messenger, who stood up in the Mosque and -addressed the people, "Why do people marry slaves and then separate them? The right of marriage and divorce belongs only to the husband and wife." The effect of this kindness was that many slaves of polytheists used to run away and come to him. He used to grant them freedom. When the spoils of war were distributed, slaves were given their due share. The newly freed slaves received their shares first for they did not have any capital.


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Behaviour Towards Women

Behaviour Towards Women​

Muhammad was also very kind and affectionate towards women. Women were very badly treated in those times. Muhammad gave them honour and dignity equal to men in the community. Men were always around God's Messenger and women did not get any time to listen to him or enquire about their problems. Therefore women requested him to appoint one day for them for this purpose. Muhammad accepted their request and appointed a day for them. As women are usually of a tender and weak nature, he took special care of them and always treated them with kindness. Women, therefore enquired about their problems very freely and without any fear.

Once on a journey with the Holy Prophet, Anjsha an Abyssinian slave, was in front of the camels and was singing. Some of the wives of the Holy Prophet were with them. While Anjsha was singing, the camels began moving fast. Muhammad said, "Anjsha, take care that glass (women) may not break.!"

Once he was sleeping covering his face in the house of A'isha. It was the day of Eid and young girls were singing. Abu Bakr came into the house and told the girls to stop. Muhammad said, "Let them sing, it is the day of Eid for them."


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Behaviour Towards Animals

Behaviour Towards Animals
Muhammad was very kind to animals. He forbade people to keep animals in their working equipment for a long time and said, "Don't make the backs of animals your chairs." Animal fights were also made unlawful. Another custom was to tie up an animal and practice arrow shooting on it. This was also prohibited.

Once Muhammad saw a donkey on the road with a brand on its face, and said, "God's curse is on him who branded it." As people had to brand their camels and sheep in order to know them, they were told to brand them on parts which were not so tender.

Muhammad was so kind and gentle that he advised his companions to be nice and considerate even at the time of slaughtering animals for food. He asked them to slaughter them with the sharpest weapon, causing the minimum pain and suffering to the animal. He also forbade them to sharpen the weapon in front of the animal or when the animal was ready for slaughter, but told them to do these preliminaries before the animal was brought for slaughter.'


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Another great quality of Muhammad was that he never took revenge on anyone for personal reasons and always forgave even his staunch enemies A'isha said that God's Messenger never took revenge on his own behalf on anyone She also said that God's Messenger was not unseemly or obscene in his speech, nor was he loud-voiced in the streets, nor did he return evil for evil, but he would forgive and pardon The people of the Quraish rebuked him, taunted and mocked at him, beat him and abused him They tried to kill him and when he escaped to Medinah, they waged many wars against him yet when he entered Makkah victorious with an army of 10,000, he did not take revenge on anyone He forgave all Even his deadliest enemy Abu Sufyan, who fought so many battles, was forgiven, and anyone who stayed in his house was also forgiven

The leaders of T'aif, who engaged scoundrels to throw stones at him when he visited that town in order to invite them to Islam, were also forgiven Abdullah bin Ubayy, leader of the hypocrites of Medinah, was forgiven Muhammad offered his funeral prayer and prayed to God for his forgiveness The Qur'an mentions this incident in these words: "And never (O Muhammad) pray for one of them who dies, nor stand by his grave Lo! They disbelieve in God and His Messenger, and they died while they were evil doers" Abdullah bin Ubayy worked all his life against Muhammad and Islam and left no stone unturned in bringing him into disrepute and in trying to defeat his mission He withdrew his 300 supporters in the battle of Uhud and almost broke the backbone of the Muslim He had engaged in intrigues and acts of hostility against the Prophet of Islam and the Muslims It was he who raised the incident Of if k through his allies to discredit God's Messenger by spreading scandal about his wife, A'isha

"Lo! They who spread the slander are a gang among you Deem it not a bad thing for you; nay, it is good for you Unto every man of them will be paid that which he has earned of the sin; and as for him among them who had the greater share therein, his will be an awful doom"[Qur'aan 24:11]

"An Abyssinian slave, who killed Hamza, Muhammad's uncle, in the battle of Uhud, and after the victory of Makkah embraced Islam and came to him, was forgiven. The wife of Abu Sufyan had cut the chest of Hamza and torn his liver and heart into pieces in the battle of Uhud She quietly came to the Prophet and accepted Islam He recognised her but did not say anything She was so impressed by his magnanimity and stature that she said, "O God's Messenger, no tent was more deserted in my eyes than yours; but today no tent is more lovely in my eyes than yours"

Ikrama, son of Abu Jahl, was a great enemy of God's Messenger and Islam He ran away after the victory of Makkah and went to Yemen His wife embraced Islam and brought him to the Messenger of God, Muhammad was pleased to see him and greeted him with the words: "O emigrant rider, welcome" Sufwan bin Urnaya, one of the chiefs of Makkah, was also a great enemy of Muhammad and Islam He sent Umair ibn Wahab, with a promise of reward, to kill Muhammad When Makkah was conquered, he ran away to Jeddah and hoped to go to Yemen by sea Umair ibn Wahab came to Muhammad and said, "O God's Messenger! Sufwan ibn Umayya is a chief of his tribe He has run away from fear and will throw himself into the sea" He was given protection When he came back, he requested Muhammad to give him two months to think He was given four months and then he became a Muslim by his own will

Habir ibn al-Aswad was another vicious enemy of Muhammad and of Islam He had inflicted a grievous injury to Zainab, daughter of the Holy Prophet She was pregnant and was emigrating to Medinah The polytheists of Makkah obstructed her and Habbar bin al-Aswad intentionally threw her down from the camel She was badly hurt and had a miscarriage He had committed many other crimes as well He wanted to run away to Persia but then he came to Muhammad, who forgave him

He was all for forgiveness and no amount of crime or aggression against him was too great to be forgiven by him He was the complete example of forgiveness and kindness, as mentioned in the following verse of the Qur'an:

"Keep to forgiveness (O Muhammad), and enjoin kindness, and turn away from the ignorant"
[Qur'aan 7:199]

He always repelled evil with the good of forgiveness and kind behaviour, for, in his view, an antidote was better than poison He believed and practiced the precept that love could foil hatred and aggression could be won over by forgiveness. He overcame the ignorance of the people with the knowledge of Islam, and the folly and evil of the people with his kind and forgiving treatment With his forgiveness, he freed people from the bondage of sin and crime, and also made them great friends of Islam He was aexact image of the following verse of the Qur'an:

"Good and evil are not alike Repel evil with what is better Then he, between whom and you there was hatred, will become as though he was a bosom friend"

[Qur'aan 41:34]



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Muhammad was by nature a very generous and charitable man. According to Ibn Abbas, God's Messenger was the most generous of all people, especially in the month of Ramadan, when he became more generous. Muhammad never said 'no' to any request from anyone all his life. Once he said that he was only a distributor and a treasurer and God was the bestower of everything. Once a man came to him and saw his herd of goats stretching over a vast area. He requested help and Muhammad gave him the whole herd of goats. He went back to his people and told them to accept Islam for Muhammad was so generous that there was no fear of poverty. Once a man asked him for help when he had nothing to give, so he told the man to borrow on his behalf and he would repay the loan. Umar, who was present, asked Muhammad whether God had not burdened him more than he could bear. The Prophet kept quiet. However, a man was present there who offered to help. Muhammad smiled with great joy at his offer. Once he borrowed half a was-t of cereal for a beggar. When the lender came to ask for his loan he was given one was-t of cereal, half for the loan and half as a gift from the prophet.

Muhammad was generous to such an extent that he always gave something to anyone who asked him for help, but if he had nothing, he promised help later on. Sometimes it so happened that Muhammad purchased an article for himself, then gave it as a gift to the seller. Once he bought a camel from Umar and straightaway gave it as a gift to Abdullah ibn Umar. Once he bought something from Jabir and gave it back to him as a gift.

He used to invited his companions for an ordinary meal. In one battle, there were 130 companions with him. He bought one goat, slaughtered it and ordered its liver to be roasted. When it was ready, he distributed it among all the companions, and kept a share for those who were not present. Whenever he received anything, he did not sit in peace until it was finished. Umm al-Mu'minin Umm Salma reports that one day God's Messenger came home looking disturbed. Umm Salma asked God's Messenger what the matter was. He replied that the seven diners he had received the day before had remained on the bed until evening and had not been distributed. He did not rest until they were given away.

Abu Dhar reported that one evening he was walking with God's Messenger when he said, "Abu Dhar, if the mountain of Uhud were turned into gold for me, I would not like three nights to pass and one diner still be left with me, excepting what I would leave for paying my debts." He would never rest until all the cash in the house was completely finished. Once the Prophet went home in harry after the pray and then immediately came out again. The people were surprised, but he told them that he had remembered during the prayer that there was some gold in his house. He thought that he might forget and the gold might remain there all night. He went back home to ask that it might immediately be given in charity."

When the prophet was resuming after distributing the spoils of the battle of Hunain, some bedouins found out that God's Messenger was coming that way. They came from all sides and clung to the Messenger of God and asked for charity. Embarrassed by the crowd, he stood in the shelter of a tree. They held his cloak and, in their struggle, it came off his body into their hands. The Prophet said, "Give me my cloak; by God! If I had camels equivalent to the trees of this jungle, I would have given them all to you. Then you would not have found me miserly, nor a liar, nor unmanly." He always paid the debts of the dead and issued instructions to the effect that if anyone dies leaving any debt, he should be informed of it, so that he could pay it off.'

Once he was sitting among his companions when a Bedouin came and pulled a corner of his cloak and said, "Muhammad! This wealth is neither your's nor your father's, give me one camel load." He got his camel loaded with barley and dates. Once large sums of money were received in tribute from Bahrain. Muhammad ordered the money to be spread in the compound of the mosque. After the prayer, he began . to distribute it giving some to every person who came before him. He gave so much to Abbas, who had become so poor after the battle of Badr, that he could not get up and walk. In the same way, he gave to all beyond measure. When nothing was left, he shook off his cloak and got up.'

Muhammad was so generous that no person could ever equal him in generosity. Whatever he received he gave away to other people and felt more pleasure than those who received the gift. He never fumed anyone away empty-handed from his house and always gave preference to the needy over his own needs. His charity was of various kinds; sometimes he gave a gift, sometimes he borrowed something and resumed more or better than his loan; sometimes he bought a thing and paid more than the price to the seller; and sometimes, sometimes donations and sometimes alms. He accepted gifts from other people but always gave more gifts and presents in return for them. He gave gifts and presents to others and told them to do the same. Whenever he met any miserly person he advised him to be more generous and charitable.

Muhammad was generous and taught his followers, by his example to be charitable and generous.

God's Messenger's whole life was a perfect example of generosity and charity towards mankind. He practiced it and asked his followers to practice it in their lives.

Ibn Abbas said that he heard God's Messenger say, "The believer is not the one who eats when his neighbour beside him is hungry," Abu Hurairah reported God's Messenger as saying, "The believer is simple and generous, but the wicked person is deceitful and ignoble." In short, Muhammad was generous and charitable to the extent that he never kept anything surplus for himself, but gave all to those who came to him for help.


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Muhammad was also a very hospitable person. Even before he was raised to the status of Prophethood, he was known as a hospitable and generous man. Nobody ever went away from him empty handed. He used to feed the poor, the needy, the widows and orphans and was very popular among the people of Makkah. In Medinah, his hospitality knew no bounds and his house was open to all; rich and poor, friend and foe, all came to him and were treated very generously by him. People used to come in large numbers from all directions, and he entertained them all and served them personally. Nobody ever went back without having received something from him.

His hospitality was not confined to Muslims alone, but was extended to all human beings, irrespective of caste or creed. Polytheists and Jews, all were his guests and he entertained them all, without any distinction. When a Christian deputation came from Abyssinia, he kept them in his house and served them personally throughout their stay. Once a polytheist was his guest. He gave him the milk of one goat and he drank it all. He was given a second goat's milk, which he drank as well. In this way he drank the milk of seven goats but Muhammad did not stop offering him milk until he was satisfied. Sometimes it so happened that the guests ate all that was available in the house and nothing was left for the Prophet and his family to eat, so they had to go without food that night. This was not an unusual occurrence in the Prophet's house.. The poorest and the most destitute among the companions were the Ashab Suffah, who were the permanent guests of the Muslims. Most of the time they were the guests of Muhammad. Once he said, "Anyone who has enough food for two persons should take three of them, he who has enough for four should take five of them with him." Abu Bakr took three of them with him while Muhammad took ten of them with him."

Abu Hurairah told a very distressing story of his hunger and starvation. He was one of the As'hab Suffah. He said, "One in. utter starvation, I sat on the main highway. Abu Bakr passed that way and I, to invite his attention to my humble state, asked him about a verse of the Qur'an. He went by and did not take any notice of my condition. The same thing happened with Umar, and he also did not pay much attention to me. Then God's Messenger came along and, seeing me smiled and said, 'Come with me.' When he arrived home, he saw a cup of milk and enquired about it. He was told that it was sent as a gift to him. He asked me to bring all the people of the Suffah. I brought them all with me. He gave me the cup of milk and asked me to distribute it among them all."

Muhammad was extremely hospitable and entertained all who came to his house. He also taught his companions verbally as well as by his practical example to be hospitable to all.



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The most conspicuous quality of Muhammad was his unselfish struggle for the cause of Islam and sacrifice of his personal comforts for other people. He sacrificed all, even the love and comfort of his most dear ones, for Islam and for the convenience of other people. He loved his daughter, Fatima, so much that he used to stand up with an abundance of love for her and kissed her forehead whenever she came to see him. She lived in extreme poverty and herself worked on a wheel to grind flour and brought water from the well. The palms of her hands were worn out through the grinding of flour and her chest was beaten black and blue with the load of the water-bag. She came to her father and asked him for a maid-servant. Muhammad replied, "I have not been able to do anything for the As'hab Suffah; until this problem is resolved satisfactorily I cannot attend to other matters." He never cared for his own interests or the interests of his most dear ones, when he was considering the interest and welfare of the people. Once a woman offered him a sheet of cloth which he needed at that time and he took it from her. A man praised the beauty of the sheet of the cloth and asked the prophet to give it to him; the Prophet took it off and gave it to him. When he left the assembly, the people cursed the man saying, "You knew that God's Messenger needed this and also knew that he never turns down anyone's request." He agreed with them but said that he wanted the cloth as blessing and that it would be kept for his coffin.

Muhammad spent all his life in poverty but still never refused anyone's request. After the Muslim victories, many lands and orchards came into their possession but he distributed them all.. Muhammad himself set an example of self-sacrifice by his own deeds for others, and his companions followed in his footsteps:

"But those who, before them, had homes (in Medinah) and had adopted the faith, show their affection to such as came to them for refuge, and entertain no desire in their hearts for things given to the (latter), but give them preference over themselves, even though poverty was their (own lot). And those saved from the covetousness of their own soul, they are the ones who achieve prosperity."[Qur'aan 59:9]

There are hundreds of such instances in the life of Muhammad which bear witness to his unselfishness and to his sacrifice for other people.


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Muhammad was a very simple person and spent all his life in simplicity. He was very unceremonious and informal in his habits. He ate whatever he was given, wore very thick and coarse cloth, even when he was the ruler of a state and undisputed leader of the people. He sat on the floor, bare ground or a mat without any hesitation, alone or in the company of other people. He ate bread made from coarse flour and even spent days on mere dates. He wore simple clothes and did not like display or show. He was by nature simple and liked simplicity and informality in everything.

Ibn Masud said that God's Messenger slept on a reed mat and got up with the mark of it on his body. He said, "O God's Messenger! I wish you would order us to spread something out for you and make something." The Prophet replied, "What have I to do with the world, I am like a rider who rests for a while under the shade of a tree, then goes off and leaves it." Ubaid-Allah bin Muhsin reported God's Messenger as saying, "If anyone among you is secure in mind in the morning, healthy in body and has food for the day, it is as though the whole world has been brought into his Possession."

Abu Hurairah reported God's Messenger as saying, "Look at those who are inferior to you and do not look at those who are superior to you, for that is more likely to keep you from despising God's Favour on you." Abu Talha said, "When we complained to God's Messenger of hunger and raised our clothes to show we were each carrying a stone over our belly, he raised his clothes and showed that he had two stones on his belly."

He liked simple living and wanted his family to lead a simple life and abstain from ostentatious living. He often wore thick clothes. His bed was sometimes of rough blanket sometimes of skin filled with palm fibres and sometimes of ordinary coarse cloth.. In the ninth year of Al-Hijrah, when the Islamic state had extended from Yemen to Syria, its ruler had only one bed and one dry water-bag of skin. A'isha reported that when he died, there was nothing in the house to eat except some barley.

Once Umar entered Muhammad's house and noticed the state of the furniture in it. Muhammad himself had only one sheet of cloth round him to cover the lower part of his body. There was one simple bed, with one pillow filled with nut fibre; on one side of the room was some barley and in one corner near his feet was an animal skin. There were some water-bag skins hanging beside his bed. Umar said that on seeing this tears came into his eyes. God's Messenger asked the reason for his tears. He replied, "O God's Messenger! Why shouldn't I cry! The strings of the bed have left marks on your body. This is a small room with all your furniture, I can see what there is. The Kaiser of Rome and Kisra of Persia enjoy luxurious living while you, God's Messenger, and the Chosen One, live like this." He said, "Ibn Khattab! Don't you like that they choose this world and we choose the Hereafter?".

In short, Muhammad lived and liked a simple life and enjoyed every minute of it. He taught his companions, through his personal example, to lead a simple life and not to be ostentatious.


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Muhammad was also a very humble person. He lived humbly all his life and never boasted of his social or political position either before or after his successes in Medinah. Once, on a journey, a few of the companions decided to slaughter a goat for a meal. They divided the work among themselves; one was to slaughter it, another to remove its skin, yet another to do the cooking. Muhammad said that he would collect the wood for cooking. His companions said that they would do his work as well. He replied, "I know that you will do it quite willingly but I do not like to have an eminent position in the assembly and God also does not like it."'

Umar reported God's Messenger as saying, "Don't exaggerate in praising me as the Christians did in praising Jesus who was raised to the status of God's son. I am a servant of God; therefore call me a servant and messenger of God." Anas said that God's Messenger used to visit the sick, accompany funerals, ride donkeys and accept the invitations of slaves. In the battle of Banu Quraiza, he was riding a donkey whose bridle and saddle were made of palm leaves. He also reported that God's Messenger accepted without hesitation invitations to dinners consisting of mere barley and stale bread. Anas said that the companions of God's Messenger loved him more than anything in the world, but still they did not stand up when he came in for he disliked it. Again this shows his extreme humility in that he did not like people standing up as they stood up for kings and rulers. Umrat said that some one asked A'isha about God's Messenger's activities at home. She replied that he did most of the household work like ordinary people. He sewed his clothes, mended his shoes and shirt, milked his goat and swept the house. He shared ate food with the poor and slaves. He visited the sick, even the poorest, in their homes. He sat with the destitute and the needy in such a way that no one could recognize him. When he went to any assembly, he sat wherever he found a place.'

He was so humble that he did not like to be hailed by even ordinary reverential titles. Once a man addressed him in these words: "O my Lord! My Lord's son! The best among us and the son of the best among us!" He said, "O people, adopt piety so that Satan may not lead you astray. I am Muhammad, son of Abdullah, servant of God and His Messenger. I do not like you to exalt me from the status God has given me." When he was entering Makkah as a conquerer, he was not proud or boastful like a worldly conqueror. An expression of humility and gentleness was on his face and he lowered his head in humility so that it touched the saddle of the pack camel..

When his son Ibrahim died, by coincidence there was a solar eclipse on that day. People thought that the heavenly bodies were also sharing in the grief of the Messenger of God. He at once gathered all the companions in the mosque and addressed them saying, "O people! Know this, that the solar eclipse is one of the signs of God. It does not occur because of the birth or death of anyone."

Muhammad always lived in a humble way and taught his followers to do the same. Many incidents can be quoted to show how humble he was in his ordinary daily life. He lived the life of an ordinary human being and showed by his example how to live humbly even in greatness.


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Muhammad was very modest and shy; in fact, he was a perfect model of modesty. It is narrated by many of his companions that he was more modest and bashful than a maiden. He never spoke loudly or in an unseeming manner. When he went shopping in the market, he always passed by the people quietly with a smile. When he heard anything undesirable in the assembly; he did not say anything out of respect for the people, but the color of his face showed his feelings and the companions would become cautious. A'isha said that she never saw God's Messenger laughing so immoderately that she could see the inside of his moutn, for he only used to smile.

Ibn Umar reported that a man from the Ansar was giving his brother a warning against modesty when the Holy Prophet came along and said, "Leave him alone, modesty is a part of Faith."

Zaid ibn Talya reported God's Messenger as saying, "Every religion has a character and the character of Islam is modesty." Abu Hurairah reported, "God's Messenger never criticized any food (presented to him) but would eat it if he liked it; otherwise, he would leave it (without expressing dislike

Ibn Masud reported God's Messenger as saying, "None of my companions must tell me anything about anyone, for I like to come out to you with no ill feelings." Abdullah ibn Musalm reported God's Messenger as saying, "Modesty is a part of the teachings of the previous Prophets and anyone who lacks it may do whatever he likes.". He lived a simple and modest life both in Makkah, as a trader and a Messenger, and in Medinah, as the head of the state and Messenger of God. The change in his social status from that of a trader in Makkah to the head of the state of Medinah did not bring any change in his modest living. Umar reported the Prophet as saying, "Do not exalt me as the Christians have exalted Jesus son of Mary. I am just His servant, so call me God's servant and Messenger."

'Abdullah b. Abi Aufa' reports: "The Apostle of God never disdained to go with a slave or a widow to accomplish their tasks." Anas says that any slave-girl or maidservant of Medina could hold the Prophet by hand and say whatever she liked or take him to the place she desired. When 'Adiy b. Hatim came to see the Apostle, he called him inside his house. A maidservant brought a cushion to rest on but the Prophet placed it between him and 'Adiy and sat down on the floor. 'Adiy later said that he had then immediately realised that the Prophet was not a king.

Anas reported that the Apostle of God used to visit the sick, attend funerals, ride on a donkey and accept a slave's invitation for a meal. Jabir states that the Prophet used to slow- down his pace for the sake of the weak and also prayed for them. Anas said: The Prophet accepted an invitation even if he was presented a barley bread and soup whose taste had changed. " He also reports the Prophet as saying, "I am God's servant, I eat like a servant and sit like a servant.'' Abdullah b. 'Amr b. al-'As says: "Once when the Messenger of God came to my house, I gave him a cushion filled with bark, but he sat down on the floor placing the cushion between me and him.'' The Apostle used to tidy up his house, tether the camels, feed animals, take food with his servants, and help them in kneading flour and bringing provisions from the market.


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Muhammad worked all his life with utmost sincerity for the well-being of his fellow men. He spent all his time, his resources, and his energies on guiding the ignorant people of Arabia to the light of Islam. He was busy day and night in his mission for the betterment of humanity and suffered at the hands of the very people whom he was endeavoring to save from the fire of Hell. He was worried about the plight of the people, who were living in complete ignorance and evil and did not know what was good or bad for themselves. He wanted to save them from a life of evil and misery and bring them to the ways of goodness and piety. Sometimes he felt sick and hurt at their bitter remarks and strong opposition but never lost hope or gave way. God often tried to comfort him on such occasions:

"Follow not the wishes of the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and ignore their persecution and put your trust in God."[Qur'aan 33:48]

At Makkah, he went from house to house to every family and gave them the Message of God with great compassion, love and sincerity as their well-wisher, but in return they showered abuses upon him. He did pot lose heart but continued to encourage them to the path of goodness. On another occasion God comforted him in these words:

"We know indeed the grief which their words cause you; it is not you they reject, it is the Signs of God which the wicked condemn."
[Qur'aan 6:33]

Then in Surah Al-Ma'idah we read,

"O Messenger, grieve not because of those who rush into disbelief from among those who say with their tongues. 'We believe', but whose hearts believe not."[Qur'aan 5:42]

The Messenger of God, in spite of abuses and persecution, continued to invite people to the Light of Islam. He laboured day and night in his struggle to bring them to the Truth merely for the Pleasure of God. He never asked them for any kind of compensation or remuneration,

"Say! No reward do I ask of you for this except love as between kindred."[Qur'aan 42:23]

And in Surah Sad we read,

"Say! No reward do I ask of you for this, nor am I a Pretender."
[Qur'aan 38:86]

When he first gathered all his kinsmen on the mount of Safa, in obedience to the Command of Allah, he addressed them saying: "O people of the Quraish! If I were to tell you that an army was steadily advancing from beyond these hills, would you believe me?" All of them answered with one voice, "Yes, we have always found you honest, sincere and truthful." Then he explained to them in very simple words the doctrine of Tawhid and invited them to Islam and warned them of the evil consequences of their disbelief. No one paid any heed to his sincere and honest message. Some of them, including Abu Lahab, his uncle, abused him but he tolerated everything and continued his sincere efforts for the good of the people. Muhammad struggled all his life, through thick and thin, for the welfare of the people. He never gained anything materially, socially or politically. He had the good of the people at heart and spent all his life to achieve this in the light of the Revelation of God. All his life, he struggled hard and sincerely for the good of the people without ostentatious pride. A cursory glance at his character will show his immense sincerity for the Mission assigned to him by God. And an impartial observer hardly fail to notice, from almost every incident of his life, his sincere efforts for the betterment of humanity. Above all, this struggle was not for his financial gain or worldly glory but for the Glory of God and the welfare of the people


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Honesty & Truthfulness

Honesty & Truthfulness

Undoubtedly, no one can be more truthful and honest than the Messengers of God. Muhammad proved by his living example that he was the most truthful and honest person of his age. Everyone was impressed by his honesty and truthfulness. He was a poor orphan, who had started trading with his uncle, but in a very short time, owing to his honest and fair dealings with all people, he became well-known and respected. He was known as Al-Sadiq (the Truthful) and Al-Amin (the Faithful). Every Makkan, rich or poor called him by these names. When the dispute arose, among the various tribes of Makkah, as to who should lay the Black Stone in its proper place, in the Ka'bah, they decided that the one who entered the Ka'bah first next morning would place it. Muhammad was the first to enter the Ka'bah that morning and when the people saw him they were all very happy that Al-Amin and Al-Sadiq had come and would be the one to lay the Black Stone in its proper position.

Once the chiefs of the Quraish were sitting and talking about him. Nadhar bin Harith, the most experienced of them all, said, "O Quraish! You have not been able to find any plan to meet the calamity that has fallen upon you. Muhammad grew up from childhood in your presence. He was the most liked, honest and faithful among you. Now when he has grown to maturity and has presented these things to you, you say, he is a magician, a soothsayer, a poet, a mad man. By Allah! I have heard his Message, he is none of these things. A new calamity has fallen upon you."

When he gathered together all the Quraish near the Mount of Safa and asked them, "O Quraish! If I say that an army is advancing on you from behind the mountains, will you believe me?" All said in one voice, "Yes; because we have never heard you telling a lie." All the people of Makkah, without any exception swore to his truthfulness and honesty, for he had lived an unblemished and extremely pious life among them for forty years.

He had lived his whole life in purity and virtue among them and this was acknowledged even by his most staunch enemies. They knew that he was the most honest and truthful person among them. The Holy Qur'an therefore appealed to them to look at his life and try to understand. How could he tell lies against God, when he did not tell lies against human beings! When the Qaiser of Rome received a letter from the Holy Prophet inviting him and his followers to Islam, he called the Arab traders who were then visiting his country. He asked Abu Sufyan, their leader, "Did you ever find Muhammad telling a lie before his claim to Prophethood?" He replied that he had not. Then the Qaiser. said, "I asked you if he had ever told a lie and you replied that he had not. I am sure, if he had spoken unjustly against God, he would not have abstained from speaking falsely against human-beings." The Qaiser then questioned him about the Prophet's general behaviour and conduct with people. Abu Sufyan replied "Muhammad is nobly born; is honest and truthful, and has never broken a pledge. He enjoins his followers to worship none but One God and to pray to Him alone. He preaches kindness, piety and tolerance towards all and his followers are on the increase."

Muhammad practiced honesty in his life and preached honesty and truthfulness to others. Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri reported God's Messenger as saying, "Let not respect for men prevent any of you from speaking the Truth when he knows it."