

Junior Member
Assalamolaiqum everyone.

I have just a brief question, and I've been thinking about it for a long time.

What is the Islamic perspective on protesting?

I have many friends who have taken part in the protests in London for Gaza.
A whole bunch of people will march together into the city, where both sexes are intermingling and exchanging glances, and throwing stones at the Israeli embassy. There was an incident a while back where many people were severely injured, and one policeman was knocked unconscious.

I didn't go to the protest, but my friends had said it was our duty as Muslims to show our anger towards the Zionist Israeli's, and protest against them.

So, i'm asking, is it our duty to protest in this manner?
I'm lost and confused.



New Member
Aslam Alykm
today i've heard about Fatwa from the Suadian Shaikh Aal-Shaikh in this Fatwa he said that the protesting is illegal . I'm not sure about this but i will check it out.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
As-salaamu `alaykum warahmatullaah.

The fataawaa (verdicts) of some of the major Islamic scholars condemn protests as a legitimate means. Last night, a sister posted the recent words of Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzaan on this subject...

Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzaan said:
...There is no benefit in demonstrations. Rather they are confusion. They are from confusion, disorder. And what harm will be done to the enemy if the people demonstrate on a street amongst the streets and raise their tongues?! Rather, this is from the matters on account of which the enemy actually rejoices, and so he says that he has harmed them and cause damage to them. So the enemy rejoices with this...

The thread can be found here, or alternatively you can click the link below.

sabreena said:
I didn't go to the protest, but my friends had said it was our duty as Muslims to show our anger towards the Zionist Israeli's, and protest against them.

It is our duty to make du`aa, provide help and show hate and disgust at what is happening, yes. But that doesn't mean it is our duty to protest (in the form of demos), it isn't obligatory upon you, no way. This is especially the case when the haraam becomes involved, and I've yet to see a single protest where Muslims behave as Muslims should...

Allaah help us all.



New Member
الرياض ـ وصف مفتي عام المملكة العربية السعودية ورئيس هيئة كبار العلماء الشيخ عبدالعزيز آل الشيخ التظاهرات التي انطلقت الجمعة في العديد من الدول العربية والاسلامية لنصرة الفلسطينيين في قطاع غزة في ما عرف "بيوم الغضب"، بانها "اعمال غوغائية وضوضاء لا خير منها"، وذلك في تصريحات نقلتها صحيفة "عكاظ" السعودية السبت.
this is the Fatwa from the Okath newspaper.



As I read across forums i discovered that many are giving protesting an ok.
We are asked to do something. Dua and donation. We are fasting.
Where I live people have no knowldege of the truth. I am going to try and have a small protest. Our aim is to bring to light the Truth.
My heart leads me to protest. But, I have been protesting for thirty years.