Put your trust in Allah....


Junior Member

I'd like to narrate a story to you that my Sheikh told us last night in our Aqeedah class. Somehow we always manage to go off the topic but Alhamdulilla each class just inspires me :). The thing about my Shiekh is that he is a revert to Islam but Alhamdulilla you'd never say that he is one. Due to him being one he also reverts many other brothers and sisters through his Da'waa.

On to the story:
A man approached him and told him he was interested in Islam, now this man had an earring in his ear and a thick chain round his neck, also had very limited knowledge about Islam. It turned out that the main reason for him wanting to become a Muslim was that he wanted to perform Nikah on a muslim sister. Sheikh Riyaad then told him this: “Brother do not enter Islam for the sake of getting married because it'll be like entering a beautiful garden with you eyes closed, your mouth sewn shut , cotton wool up your nose and earplugs in. If your senses open up too late then you are gonna look for the first exit ” the brother took this into consideration and so the question came up of where does he work. The brother professed to working at an adult video store duplicating movies :astag: for the past 6years, the first bit advice Sheikh Riyaad gave him was to quit his job immediately and look for another because in order to increase in Imaan we have to be obedient to Allah and by him doing that job he'd be in constant disobedience. Despite all this the brother was dead set on saying the shahaadah. Sheikh says he has never heard anyone stutter on every letter of the shahaadah as this brother did he couldn't say one letter properly. He completed the shahaadah eventually and Sheikh told him that him quitting his job will be his biggest test and what he should do right now is put all his trust in Allah.
Even though he stuttered and struggled with Shahaadah the next day that brother went to quit his job and as it turns out, 2 days later that brother immediately go another job :) Allahu Akbar!!!

It just shows that if we put our trust in Allah and we remain obedient to him he will sustain us from where we cannot account for.

May Allah guide us all and keep us on the straight path insha allah!


Save Palestine..
jazakallah khairan for sharing this story...its very true putting your trust in allah will have everything workout inshallah...