Question About Friends - Is this the right thing?


Junior Member
I've recently made a choice to move away from my friends. I've deactivated all my social networking accounts, in hope that i stay alone. My reasons are, that i feel great sadness every time i am around them. I feel that every one of them has their own selfish desires. I've been having trouble choosing who to place in my life, trouble trusting people. Everyone that i have ever trusted has left me. With out doubt, i have no right to judge them based on what i feel. And so, I've made a choice to live in solitary. I believe that i wont possess the fear of being neglected, unwanted, and disappointed, if i am alone to begin with. I also believe that this will strengthen my 'Eman' and guide me to the correct path for the afterlife, as i will be mainly focused on Allah and he shall be my greatest concerns. Please correct me if i am wrong. :confused-34:
May peace be upon you all - :salam:


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
Assalaamu `alaika warahmatullaah!

I can't say whether it is wrong or not. But, young brother, constantly having people around is part of life. We all want to have friends, no one want to be lonely, that's a feeling Allaah `azza wa jall has installed into us.

A problem today among the youth especially is the inability to choose "good" friends. They are masters at socializing! They easily befriend the next guy or gal that comes along.

I think we've all had this problem of getting "attached" to a person so easily at one point in our lives. It happens.

I'm not so sure if living in 'solitary' is something that's possible nowadays. Theirs the obligation of having to either work or attend school, so no matter what you'd have to come out at some point.

What I can advice you with, little brother, is to put Allaah `azza wa jall before everything and everyone. And I'll be the first to admit--it's easier said than done! But with hard work, anything is possible. If you have Allaah in your life, you won't be disappointed or feel unwanted or neglected anytime you lose a friend. While friend might come and go, Allaah `azza wa jall is a always there, no? =)

I'd also like to ask if the friends you had were good Muslims? You're 15 years old, which is quite young to be honest. It's not yet the time you should be giving up on having people/friends in your life, rather it's the best time to start looking! You're at the proper age where you should start to think like a grown-up, like an intellectual person whilst getting ris off those poke man cards and video games.
Go to the Masaajid, attend the halaqaat. Observe the attendees for a while before you jump into socializing--look at who attends the halaqa constantly, who pays attention to the lesson, who has polite and good manners, who's taking notes instead playing on their phones? Ask yourself all of these questions. And inshaa'Allaah then approach the person(s) you believe would make a good candidate to be your friend. The masjid are turning into a place of great fitan, true, but it is the safest place to make good friends at these times.

I think you'll be fine, akhy. You just need some really, really good friends. And when you say, "Everyone that i have ever trusted has left me", I can't help but think "what have you done to make them stay?". You have to put in the effort to make a friendship last, as well. It can't be one-sided.

And always remember the hadeeth in which the prophet :saw: tell us of the 7 people who'll be under the shade on the day when there'll be no shade but Allaah's. One of the those mentioned are two people who are friends for the sake of Allaah `azza wa jall (they come together for Allaah's sake and leave each other for Allaah's sake).


Junior Member
to hav friends is good but not necessary . u can move away from ur friends . also remember u cant cut ur relations wid ur relatives

Nureyni Amir

Junior Member
Asalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Akhy:

This is one of the Video that is very helpful to me.

But it is good to have friend