Question for Computer Experts


Smile for Allah

I am stumped. There's this PDF document I'm trying to print, but the font is tiny. Is there any way to change the settings on the Print settings so that the font size is increased, or is there any way to have one page printed and zoomed onto multiple pages so its easier to read?

I've tried so much, experimenting with all the different settings, and am almost ready to give up. I just need confirmation from the computer experts that it really is impssible to do.

This is the document I'm printing:

JazakAllahu Khayr.

Ashad Mehmood

New Member
:wasalam: sister

You can convert the pdf to word file and then change the font but it would look like uhmmmmmmm all mixed up :D

I can send you the word file if you want to try


Junior Member

I increased the magnification of the document. I have attached two different sizes with the post. I hope that's what you want.

Or if you are looking for bigger font in your print, you have to use page scaling in print preferences or settings. Foxit pdf has this option. That is what I use.

Another option would be to edit the document and increase the font but it turns nasty in this case since there are pictures, arabic embedded fonts etc.

Good luck!


  • hajj.PDF
    240.8 KB · Views: 11
  • hajj1.pdf
    240.8 KB · Views: 6


Smile for Allah

Thank you brothers - the magnification idea works. If the magnification is increased, and then I position the section of the page I want to print and select "Current view" on the print dialog box, it comes out increased.

JazakAllahu Khayr.