releiving your leg when it falls asleep when sitting for a while


I get this all the time when I sit in masjid, and they elongate the discussion and it is too crowded for me to move position. My leg falls asleep and sometimes it takes a while to wake up.

sorry I couldn't find a better source, but I was told to rock head from left to right a little, so I found on Wikipedia a little note on relieving it.

In some cases, rocking the head from side to side will painlessly remove the "pins and needles" sensation in less than a minute. A tingly hand or arm is often the result of compression in the bundle of nerves in the neck. Loosening the neck muscles releases the pressure. Compressed nerves lower in the body govern the feet, and standing up and walking around will typically relieve the sensation. An arm that has "fallen asleep" may also be "awoken" more quickly by clenching and unclenching the fist several times; the muscle movement increases blood flow and helps the limb return to normal. However, in some cases this clenching action simply exacerbates the discomfort. More rapid relief can sometimes be obtained by gently and systematically massaging the affected area of the body.

wa Allah ya'lam

guess all that is left is to try it, in sha Allah



Junior Member

I get this all the time when I sit in masjid, and they elongate the discussion and it is too crowded for me to move position. My leg falls asleep and sometimes it takes a while to wake up.

sorry I couldn't find a better source, but I was told to rock head from left to right a little, so I found on Wikipedia a little note on relieving it.

wa Allah ya'lam

guess all that is left is to try it, in sha Allah



lol it happens with me too all the time usually with left leg it becomes motionless until few secs.

Assalaamu alaykum,

The dimmed sensation or falling asleep of leg is muscular weakness that is due to tissue micro-tear, which later develops swellings. It remains unnoticed by the person himself but a physiotherapist can find it and tell the extent of swelling that obstructs blood circulation. pop-up sensation beneath joints, constant muscular pain and such are ignored by people, that do not allow them feel fit.

The exercises mentioned in such cases do not give that results or short results in some cases. It do not remove swells- the main factor ( if that is).

So In such a situation it is good to see a physiotherapist.They have three sets of therapies and country wise the treatment,machines differ.The exercises with the treatment gives fast recovery.

1) ultra-sonic sound massaging – that reduces internal swellings.
2) Diathermy – heats the paining muscles, increases blood circulation.
3) Electric vibrations- frequency limits from khz to mhz – a massager for paining joints or muscles.

The intensity of all this depends upon person’s physique.

I have seen the relief through this and also do not cost much time or money, as like at times meeting a doctor turns awesome !

May Allaah give us shifaa-kaamila. aameen

jazakAllahukhairan, I knew someone with knowledge about this feeling would inform us.

I personally have no swelling, just when I sit with my knees folded with all my weight, my leg falls asleep. It has happened to me throughout my life, especially since I am overweight, big boned, and have a slight bow in my legs with stiff not flexible joints.



Junior Member

I personally have no swelling, just when I sit with my knees folded with all my weight, my leg falls asleep. It has happened to me throughout my life, especially since I am overweight, big boned, and have a slight bow in my legs with stiff not flexible joints.


Assalaamu alaykum akhi,

have a sitting posture such that least weight comes over the toes and legs. what you mentioned is muscular weakness resulted with overburden or over-usage (as said medically), and hope you take care of that inshaAllaah.


Junior Member

Actually it is quite normal in a person of any body weight or fitness to have a limb "fall asleep" if it is bent under you or has direct pressure applied for a while. I am a very thin person and this happens if I sit with my feet tucked beneath me. Basically you are partially pinching the nerve to that limb and the numbness is a result. Once you remove the pressure from that limb the "pins and needles" sensation happens as the signals re-establish.