Report: Many vitamins, pills contaminated!



Salam brothers and sisters,
May Allah swt reward best of health to you and your families~Amin!

Report: Many vitamins, pills contaminated

Many popular dietary supplements contain ingredients that may cause cancer, heart problems, liver or kidney damage, but U.S. stores sell them anyway and Americans spend millions on them, according to Consumer Reports.

The magazine published a report yesterday highlighting the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s lack of power to regulate such supplements, and said the agency rarely uses what little power it does have.

The report from the influential group urged Congress to speed up small moves toward giving the agency more clout, especially in regulating supplements.

Despite the “natural” labels carried by many of the supplements, many are contaminated.

“Of the more than 54,000 dietary supplement products in the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, only about a third have some level of safety and effectiveness that is supported by scientific evidence,” the report reads.


Poor Americans!
Hoping they will realise it fffast b4 it's too very late!

Thank you for reading,

Take Care!



Assalaam walaikum,

Sister, Americans do not want the FDA to get in the way of what we eat or take.

Please do not confuse the people with the government.


Silent killer of Many vitamins, pills contaminated!

Assalaam walaikum,

Sister, Americans do not want the FDA to get in the way of what we eat or take.

Please do not confuse the people with the government.


But this is the matter of life and death!This is about human this doesn't mean about American alone but popping in Vitamins that can caused fatal instead of life saving supplement is silent killing!!!

Poor Americans and it goverment(they do consume vitamins too do they??
Hoping they will realise it fffast b4 it's too very late!

Thank you,


Junior Member

But this is the matter of life and death!This is about human this doesn't mean about American alone but popping in Vitamins that can caused fatal instead of life saving supplement is silent killing!!!

Poor Americans and it goverment(they do consume vitamins too do they??
Hoping they will realise it fffast b4 it's too very late!

Thank you,

Dear sister,

This is not new. These things happen all over the world for the last 20 years. It's everywhere, in pills, in coca cola and all the light stuff. People know it but don't care and still take those pills or other products what can harm them.

thank you for sharing,



Junior Member

I am confused, contaminated with what? Why is there no statistical analysis done? This is like me pointing to a banana and saying it is contaminated but not providing the scientific proof. If the vitamins are really contaminated or posioned then the government has full rights to remove it from the shelf, FDA regulation or not.


Dear sister,

This is not new. These things happen all over the world for the last 20 years. It's everywhere, in pills, in coca cola and all the light stuff. People know it but don't care and still take those pills or other products what can harm them.

thank you for sharing,



Really, shocking to know this!

I didn't know this happened .

On purchasing i'll make sure that the goods didn't pass the expiring date cuz consuming off limit is bad to stomach and health.I won't even feed it to stray cats and birds if foods not even suitable for me to eat.:astag:

~May Allah swt help and guide us all~Ãmin!

Ramadhan Al Mubarak.

Take Care!
Thank you,

~Wassalam :)


salam from pakistan!
oh, sad.
but from where i can get the list of those dangerous pills??
being a pharmacologist, i would suggest to rely on MILK, MEAT, VEGETABLES, FRUITS which are natural and Allaah swt made them.
every drug is a poison!!!that is going the affect body tissue in a useful way as well as in a toxic way. may Allaah swt protect us all and give us HEALTHY LIFE removing all the sins and diseases, ameen.



oh, sad.
but from where i can get the list of those dangerous pills??
being a pharmacologist, i would suggest to rely on MILK, MEAT, VEGETABLES, FRUITS which are natural and Allaah swt made them.
every drug is a poison!!!that is going the affect body tissue in a useful way as well as in a toxic way. may Allaah swt protect us all and give us HEALTHY LIFE removing all the sins and diseases, ameen.


This is absolutely true!

~May Allah swt protect and help all muslim~Amin!

Ramadhan Al Mubarak!

Thank you,
