Salaam, I am new here


New Member
Salaam everyone!
I am new here and would first like to say thankyou to the creators of this site, as I came to it after being linked back here from a new muslim video. For the last 4 months I have been trying to learn everything I can about Islam and this site has been so helpful and I feel like I am really ready to say the shahaadah and accept allah but I only want to do it when I know I can commit my life 100% to my obligations and be able to live with every aspect of my life according to the way of islam. I have begun learning arabic, becasue I know this is essential to saying the prayers and reading the Quran, but I feel like there is just so much to learn, that I will never be educated enough. I have a deep feeling in my heart that this is the right way to live, in fact it isnt a feeling, it is a like a truth in my mind, but there are so many opsticles and past mistakes that mark my life. I am currently a university student and I am away from my family during the school year. My family is italian-christian and although they arent very religeous I know that they would be very much against my decision to embrace islam. Another concern I have is my ability to be a part of the muslim community here (which would be very important to me and essential for me to be able to learn more about islam and to pray correctly), there are indeed many muslims where I live, but they are all arabs and I feel odd being a white girl and believing in this, even though I know race shouldnt be a barrier. Growing up going to church and sunday school, the principles and prayers became ingrained in me and I feel like I am at a loss as compared to muslims who were born with a muslum family, I wish I had a big muslim family to show me and teach me how to pray, and teach me about all the special obseservinces of this perfect faith. I will continue to read as much as I can on this website and try to ask any questions I might have and I thank everyone on this website for helping me understand better everything to do with islam. And even though it may be difficult for me to approach a mosque or an islamic centre here, I will try to be strong and do this, even if I feel out of place. I just feel like there are no other reverts here and that compared to others who have been engrained with islam principles and practises all there life, I would be out of place or unwelcomed. Thank you very much for any advice you may have for me,
I will continue to read from the wonderful information you ahve here and other islamic websites


Junior Member

Welcome to the site dear Sylvie

There is alot of information here for you to use in your quest. Please feel free to ask myself or any other sisters if there is a question you need answering by a sister. Inshallah your family will be fine with you once they realise you are still the same person. I know how you are feeling as I am a revert & still learning myself.
Please keep in touch & let us know when you are ready to embrace.

Take care


Junior Member

Salaam everyone!
I am new here and would first like to say thankyou to the creators of this site, as I came to it after being linked back here from a new muslim video. For the last 4 months I have been trying to learn everything I can about Islam and this site has been so helpful and I feel like I am really ready to say the shahaadah and accept allah but I only want to do it when I know I can commit my life 100% to my obligations and be able to live with every aspect of my life according to the way of islam.

Sister, my advice to you would be to take the Shahadah straight away if you have convinced yourself Islam is the truth. It is not expected for recent reverts to practice Islam strictly straight away. In fact, it is encouraged for them to take their time and learn everything step-by-step.

I have begun learning arabic, becasue I know this is essential to saying the prayers and reading the Quran, but I feel like there is just so much to learn, that I will never be educated enough.

As I say sister, take everything slowly and inshallah, Allah willing, everything will come together nicely for you.

I have a deep feeling in my heart that this is the right way to live, in fact it isnt a feeling, it is a like a truth in my mind, but there are so many opsticles and past mistakes that mark my life. I am currently a university student and I am away from my family during the school year. My family is italian-christian and although they arent very religeous I know that they would be very much against my decision to embrace islam. Another concern I have is my ability to be a part of the muslim community here (which would be very important to me and essential for me to be able to learn more about islam and to pray correctly), there are indeed many muslims where I live, but they are all arabs and I feel odd being a white girl and believing in this, even though I know race shouldnt be a barrier. Growing up going to church and sunday school, the principles and prayers became ingrained in me and I feel like I am at a loss as compared to muslims who were born with a muslum family, I wish I had a big muslim family to show me and teach me how to pray, and teach me about all the special obseservinces of this perfect faith.

Sister, don't feel disheartened. You have a Muslim family right here on Turn To Islam :) We are here to help with any queries or problems you may have. The Muslim ummah is one big family and we will not think twice about coming to people who ask for help regarding their faith.

I will continue to read as much as I can on this website and try to ask any questions I might have and I thank everyone on this website for helping me understand better everything to do with islam. And even though it may be difficult for me to approach a mosque or an islamic centre here, I will try to be strong and do this, even if I feel out of place.

You say you are a university student. Do you not know any Muslim sisters at your university? Does your university have an Islamic society that you could speak to? I'm sure you can find someone to take you to the local mosque or islamic centre to learn more about Islam, and inshallah to eventually take your Shahadah

I just feel like there are no other reverts here and that compared to others who have been engrained with islam principles and practises all there life, I would be out of place or unwelcomed.

On the contrary! Approach any Muslim in your mosque or islamic centre and tell them of your intention of reverting to Islam. You'll see that they will go out of their way to accomodate you as another member of our family.

Thank you very much for any advice you may have for me,
I will continue to read from the wonderful information you ahve here and other islamic websites

I become so happy every time a new member comes onto this forum and expresses their interest in Islam. Ulhumdulillah people all over the world are seeing the truth. May Allah give you strength and keep you on the right path.



Junior Member

dear Sylvie

Its a pleasure to have you here on the site Masha'Allah, a very warm welcome from us all!

Insha'Allah you are keeping well and are up to date with your uni

you mentioned:

"I wish I had a big muslim family to show me and teach me how to pray, and teach me about all the special obseservinces of this perfect faith"

just to hint on that....when it comes to Islam, we are all one big happy family by the Grace of Allah; Alhamdulillah!

you dont worry Sylvie, Masha'Allah there is a good team here at this site. Im sure everyone would be more than willing to give you that helping hand Insha'Allah... and may Allah give us all the ability to do so Ameen.

May Allah give us all the ability to be good Muslims, to apprecitate our parents through thick and thin, to Worship Him Subhana hu wa Ta'aala in His Oneness and may He The Most-Forgiving save us from all kinds of hypocrisy Ameen!

Ahlan wa Sahlan (welcome) dear Sylvie...please feel comfortable here and give us a shout if you need any assistance Insha'Allah.

Tay'yib, feel free to browse the site Insha'Allah, hope to speak to you soon!

I leave you in Allah's Care
your sister in Islam...

p.s-you may want to view the new muslim section on this site, really; its b-yoo-ti-ful ;)


Junior Member
Asalaamu Alaikum

Dear sister,

You seem to know the truth already. I beg you not to procrastinate. We never know what tomorrow will bring. I believe that no one should make a hasty dicision, but I can feel in your heart that you have conceded the truth of the one true God and his last messenger (peace be upon him). The reason why I am telling you this is because I have a nephew who was 19 years old and he was kidnapped and killed 2 weeks ago. I am feeling so much pain these days, but this website takes it off my mind for a while. Life can change in a nano second. In the Quran Allah tells us in Surat ul Imran "Oh you who beleive, fear Allah as he should be feared, and do not let death meet you except in a state of Islaam" I don't want to scare you or anything, but I just want you to ponder over the fact that we don,t know what tomorrow will bring.Welcome to the site and welcome to Islaam. Sorry for the long reply:) :salam2:


Junior Member

Dear sylvie

Allah guide whom he wills,becouse he knows best those who are the guided, sylvie u r a lucky person say Alhamdulilah(thanks to Allah) about learning om islam we r here to help u and insha allah Allah makes easy to learn islam.


New Member
thank you all so much for your words of advice and encouragement, indeed in my heart I do believe that this is the right way, I just always thought that once I accepted allah, I would have to right away do the 5 prayers a day and everything else that Islam practise entails. Of course I WANT to do EVERYTHING right away, I want to embrace every aspect of this faith, but I do not have the knowledge...yet. But with your words of encouragement I see that I can still learn after and dont have to wait until I know everything, something which would take a lifetime, to take the shahada.
Thank you Submitter, for your advice on the Islamic centre at my univetrsity, I dont know why I didnt think of this! I am going to contact them as soon as I can and hopefully they will be as welcoming and helpful as everyone here has been.
Thank you all of you, I feel like I have just gained a family already, I look forward to learning as much as I can from this site and from all of you!


Staff member
welcome to the website Sylvie, I read your story and it was really interesting, heartfelt and moving. I ask Allah to help you and all of us here to be firm on the truth and have true guidance and be blessed in this life and the next..

To become Muslim is very simple and easy, as long as you believe with all your heart in Allah as the only deity worthy of worship and the Prophet Muhammad :saw: as the last and final messenger, then there is nothing holding you back from taking the shahada.

Learning to pray, learning and practising the other aspects of Islam come later.

If you believe in your heart that this is the right way, then there is nothing to stop you from becoming Muslim,

infact you can do it right now, by simply saying the Shahada as follows:

Ash Hadu an- La ialaha illallah wa ashhadu anna muhammadur Rasulalah.

which means:

I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of Worship Except Allah, and i bear witness that Muhammad is his Messenger.

Let us know if you have done it! The Shahada doesnt need witnesses, its a personal commitment. But it is recommended that you do take it with witnesses. The latter can be done at another time after the initial Shahada..... And you can even you do it online it still counts as being done with witnesses, alhamdulilah.

"Say (O Muhammad to mankind): ‘If you (really) love Allah, then follow me.’" (Quran. 3:31)

wasalam. You might also find the links in my signature below helpful.
Hello Sylvie
Welcome to turntoislam, i hope you will learn with us and i wish that you will take your decision soon. May Allah help you
We will give help for you as we can
see this
Good luck

Julia Blanche

New Member
New muslims... we learn more each day

thank you all so much for your words of advice and encouragement, indeed in my heart I do believe that this is the right way, I just always thought that once I accepted allah, I would have to right away do the 5 prayers a day and everything else that Islam practise entails. Of course I WANT to do EVERYTHING right away, I want to embrace every aspect of this faith, but I do not have the knowledge...yet. But with your words of encouragement I see that I can still learn after and dont have to wait until I know everything, something which would take a lifetime, to take the shahada.
Thank you Submitter, for your advice on the Islamic centre at my univetrsity, I dont know why I didnt think of this! I am going to contact them as soon as I can and hopefully they will be as welcoming and helpful as everyone here has been.
Thank you all of you, I feel like I have just gained a family already, I look forward to learning as much as I can from this site and from all of you!
Salaam dear sister. First thing thats a simple tip. Allah (swt) only holds us responsible for that which we know. If we do not know something thats not a sin. I reverted to islam just over 2 years ago now. I am VERY much on my own where I live. But in that loneliness I draw strength.I have been physically attacked for my beliefs, but then I went home and prayed for my attacker ( a man) because he has far more to loose than I - a lack of understanding and love for Allah(swt)- so his life is far more lonely. Yes, life can be full of 'what ifs'but if we sit waiting for the 'what ifs'we will never get anywhere.
I knew how to perform wudoo but i did not know how to pray. By sheer chance at the start of this year I found an internet site that had a complete book on how to pray, each repitition, when to bow, when to prostrate, how to put hands , feet etc...And after a month I was word perfect.
I was lucky enough to receive a FANTASTIC gift from a brother in Pakistan - a digital Quran. I take this everywhere with me and its great for me to learn HOW to pronounce the words.
There are a few other muslims where I live but none of them are white-skinned. But I do not let skin colour stop me from learning.Its better to learn a little each day or each week than try to get overwhelmed by trying to absorb too much and then getting discouraged.
But Allah (swt) will see your efforts , believe me, and knows that you make the effort.
I pray for your success and may Allah (swt) guide you. The times you do not feel overwhelmed ... those are the times Allah (swt) takes your burdens for you.....
Jazak Allah Khair
from your sister in islam

Umm Aysha

*Strive for Jannah*
Wa alaykum salaam

A warm welcome sylvie...:)

Alhamdulillah thats wonderful to hear you believe this is the truth...

As brother submitter and mabsoot have mentioned, your first step is to make the shahada...Believing "La ilaha il Allah" (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah) "Muhammad-ur-Rasool-Allah" (Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah)"

After this you can learn and act upon the five pillars of islam.....

We are all here to help each other, you wont feel left out. There are many different people on this site from all over the world....subhanallah

If you have any questions feel free to ask...


Umm Aysha

*Strive for Jannah*
Asalaam Alaykum

I am VERY much on my own where I live. But in that loneliness I draw strength.I have been physically attacked for my beliefs, but then I went home and prayed for my attacker ( a man) because he has far more to loose than I - a lack of understanding and love for Allah(swt)- so his life is far more lonely. Yes, life can be full of 'what ifs'but if we sit waiting for the 'what ifs'we will never get anywhere.

Sister that is so sad to makes me cry to know our sisters are attacked because of their belief in Allah. :frown:

I admire your courage to carry on after seem like a very strong person.....May Allah reward you greatly for your hardhips and your patience...



Junior Member


Welcome to this forum sister , from an italian brother.
I hope Allah will give you the best , and will make stronger you iman against any problem you could meet. And I am sure He is giving it now.



New Member
I did it! I am so happy, I took the shahada and I came in contact with the islamic centre here at my university who put me in contact with the group of sisters who will help me with all aspects of the practising of Islam. I truly feel so lucky to have found Allah!
Julia Blanche- I am so sorry to hear about the hardships you have faced for being a muslim, but thank you for sharing as it encouraged me to commit myself right away. I do not know how people where I live will react to my decision but I am hopeful that I will only get positive responses although I am sure that this is unlikely as there are always people in the world who are disrespectful.
Although as of now I feel like a completely different person, besides from dressing more conservatively I look the same to everyone else, I have thought about the issue of the head scarf and I am curious to know when other reverts started to wear it, should it be right away?
I just want to say thank you again to this site, I know I have said this before, but I am truly so grateful, I have found a link to the quran recited and even though I dont understand the words yet, I could just listen continually to it, it makes me feel much stronger
salam everyone, sylvie


New Member
Salam sister Sylvie, welcome to the family, here we are all family and can do our best to our ability to help you inshallah, but as adviced by the others Allah(SWT) has guieded you to HIS light you must be quick in taking your shahada and learn step by step later, the first step in to your claim not to associate Allah and that Mohamed (SAW) is his messanger. Inshallah Allah will help you and you will be guided. I would advice you to associate yourself with the arabic sisters i am sure they will welcome you and be there for you to teach you what you want to learn. they wouldnt know you unless you approach them. may Allah guide us all ameen


Junior Member
Salaam alaykoum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhoe,

Dear sister Sylvie,

I've read your story from beginning to the end twice. And every comment you got on it...! After i've read that you did the Shahada i just had to let you know that it really made me very happy. I'm really glad for you.
And may Allah (Subhana wa ta'alla) guide you on the straight path and give u all the information and help that you need now and for the rest of your life insha'Allah....ameen.
I hope your family will accept you as you are. If you have any questions just ask them and i will do my very best to help you insha'Allah. I'm also a convert to this beautiful religion and way of life (5 years ago). And i still have problems with family, jobinterviews...etc. But that doesn't keep me from believing in the truth. I only hope that their eyes will be opened and that they will embrace islam themselves...insha'Allah. Good luck with everything. And may Allah (Subhana wa ta'alla) make it easy for you insha'Allah..ameen

Wa salaamoe alaykoum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhoe
Your sister in Islam, Aicha


Junior Member

Sister Sylvie such good news :D Welcome to the family. This is the beginning of the rest of your life. It's a fresh start, just like you have been born again. As some have said, you may face some criticism and negative comments from some people about your decision but just remember in your heart that you are the winner and they are the losers.

I must stress though, please don't rush into anything. Learn about Islam slowly and take up the practices slowly. Mashallah it's good to hear you are already dressing more modestly which shows you know the wisdom behind this practice. No doubt you know the wisdom behind the hijab as well but take it up when you are ready.

Finally, as another brother has said, try to find some Muslim friends and spend your time with them. This is an excellent way for you to learn about the deen. Ask them (and indeed us :D) absolutely anything you would like to know about.

Congratulations once again sister. May Allah increase your knowledge and help you to be of those who will be admitted to Jannah-ul-Firdous. Ameen!


Umm Aysha

*Strive for Jannah*
Asalaam Alaykum

:allahuakbar: :allahuakbar:

I am so happy to hear have made my day sister....:)

Subhanallah, Allah (swt) guides whom he wills....

As most bro's and sisters have stated you have closed one chapter of your life and opened a new one....This one will help you to achieve the best in this life and the next insha-allah....

Welcome sister to this beautiful deen.....May Allah (swt) make it easy for you and increase your knowledge...

You can see this link, hopefully it will help you understand how other sisters wore the hijab...

If you have any questions feel free to ask anytime sis :)
