salaams from revert, new to this site


New Member
Assalaamu 'alaykum wr wb, im a revert/convert from a town in lancashire,UK, im 21 and a student.. Its been on my mind for ages to hold a national new muslim conference, it may seem IMpossibLLe but i'd really like to do it, just to see how many people there are in the UK, because ur never gna get the true figures from media etc.. But there's loaaaads Alhamdulillah i've been muslim for over 4 years now, just wondered what was happening on this site.

Abul Harith

Active Member
Staff member
Walaikom salam

Good to see such a young revert brother masha'allah. There are a lot of new muslims on this site from all over the world so welcome to the family :arabi1:

May Allah keep us all firm upon this deen.



Junior Member

:wasalam: br and welcome to TTI..

be sure to read the new muslim articles...its really nice Masha'Allah,

mu2min: Ameen to your Du'a br...



Junior Member

Welcome to the site. I am a revert too, originally from Stoke on Trent but living in London now. Are there many muslims where you are??



Staff member
Wa alaykum salam wa rahmatullah,:shake:

welcome to the website dear brother :) :SMILY206:

We dont need new Muslim conference, we are all one alhamdulillah, whether people are new Muslims or not. This is not what is important, what is important is how we follow our Deen, inshaALlah we do so upon the Quran and Sunnah. And we have correct belief in Allah without doing Shirk or Bid'ah (innovating).

This is how we are alhamdulilah, Allah blessed you with Islam, gave you the greatest gift, May Allah bless you even more!

Take Care,



Junior Member

Welcome to the site brother :) Mashallah you reverted when you were 17 years old. It would be interesting to hear your story if you are willing to tell. May Allah further increase your knowledge and iman.

Regarding this conference, maybe you could start off small in just your college or university just to promote awareness about Islam? Maybe when non-Muslims see how many reverts there are they may become interested themselves. The Islamic Society at my university tries to hold as many awareness events as possible subhanallah. Let us know if your plans for this progress :)


Paki Idol

Defender of Islam
It's always nice to see People entering into folds of Islam.We have new brothers and Sisters, SubhanAllah! It's a blessing and love for us~ It gives ease to my heart and the mutual love within my heart increases for my Brothers and sisters. We are like one body.We are One and InshAllah will be one on Day of Judgement.May God bless you all with all the Hapiness in the hereafter.May He , The Merciful , The Loving, The Kind, The Great, The Bountiful, The Just give you more. Although I am not a practising Muslim but I have this love in my heart for my fellows in faith.I think life is about helping, loving and serving whom you love.I pray to Allah that we Muslims shall unite again under of Islam like in the days of Holy Prophet and tha We would love eachother more than anything. May God bless you all with His guidance!


New Member

Assalaamu 'alaykum wr wb, wow im amazed to see so many replies after 1 day, subhanAllah. Jazakallahu khayr Mu2min and Alhmadulillah for welcoming me. In response to AishaR, yeh alhamdulillah there are alot of muslims, also alot of reverts. Not too long ago they arranged something for all the sisters, in the town where i live and surrounding areas, and over 40 revert sisters attended mashaallah, as for the brothers we hold a meal organised by our selves and prob a bout 20 bros come and a few more could come, thats just from the town where i live, but alhamdulillah, there are so many people reverting, and I just wonder what the actual figure is! n response to mabsoot, I kind of agree with you now, because maybe that wud create more divisions, and yes you are right, that learning knowledge is the the most important thing. Inshallah Submitter, i would like to tell my story but will do anotehr time ishallah, its quite boring tho hehe And jazakallah khayr for ur kind words paki idol. Inshaallah i will post soon again.

Umm Aysha

*Strive for Jannah*

Welcome brother to tti....subhanallah so nice to hear about your conversion to Islam...Hope to hear your story one day...:)

Enjoy the site, hope you benefit loads...insha-allah..



Staff member
Assalamu Alaikum


:ma: you have embraced Islam brother...:hijabi:

Welcome to the website!:arabi1:
