Salam Friends!


Junior Member
I am a new Muslima of less than a year. I found this website a couple of weeks ago and I love it! Without the internet I am a Muslim all alone. I live in the southern US and if you see a woman within 3 towns around my area 40-50 miles in hijab it will be me! I'm learning to live for Allah and not other peoples opinions or comments!


Junior Member

Welcome Sis. May u benefit from this forum. Its like a family here. A super-extended family!

Eid Mubarak to you too!



Striving for Paradise
:salam2: Dear Sister,

It is so nice to see posts from a new revert southern sister. Welcome my sister to the true religion of Islam. Hopefully we all will meet one another in the TTI get togather party in Jannah, InshaAllah !

There is also a sister from south Southrn_Muslimah in this forum. You have chosen a beautiful name butterflymuslima .

Since there are no Muslim living in your area, I wonder how you feel about it and what the people around you say and how they treat you?

If this help you in any way in understanding Quran then let me say this:
Quran is not like other books where one chapters discusses one matter and the next chapter discusses another matter in sequence. Quran was revealed to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in verses, these verses were assembled togather in a way that later verses were inserted according to the instructions of Allah. They were then divided into chapters according to Allah's instructions. So one chapter may discuss several subjects, therefore it helps if someone explains them and provide some background information about those chapters and verses.

In the following website you can find a good translation as well as explanation of Quranic verses:

On the left there is an Index of chapters and on the right there are contents.
If you want to know the background of a chapter then click "Intro" (which is at the top) and read. Some chapters are long so they are divided into pieces e.g. verse [22-41] etc. It is easy.

Hope this will be of some help.



Staff member
Wa alaykum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu wa maghfiratuh
And upon you be the peace and mercy of Allah and His blessings and His Forgiveness.

Welcome to the website sister, I hope you stay, this website has benefit for everyone. Alhamdulillah, we can learn and we can help people out, Muslim and non-Muslim.

Its community for all who love Islam and want to follow it according to the Quran and Sunnah.



Junior Member
Munawar asked how people treated me!? I'm smiling now!
How my immediate family treats me: The are very curious!
How my extended family treats me: They are either rude or hummm RUDE!
How my friends treat me: They have all disappeared!
How the public treats me: Glares and unfriendly glances from most but there are a few that are so nice and that's what keeps me upbeat!
I decided after Ramadan that I would not take of my hijab depending on where I was and this was an extremely terrifying decision. There are a lot of close minded Christians here in the south. I am dealing with whether or not I should feel compelled to explain myself when asked questions about Islam or not. 99% of the time when someone asks me a question it just opens the door for them to insult me and Islam and they are not really listening to me anyway I think. I don't know, it's really frustrating! But for the explaining of the Quran I'll check out the site thank you so much! I've been watching Youtube...The Deen Show, BabaAli (so funny) and Shaik Yusuf Estes and others. I also have sister friends on Myspace to talk to.


New Member
Welcome'll definitely benefit from this site....very informative ...May Allah's Blessing be with you!. .....::SMILY206:


Allah Akbar
Welcome to TTI and we enjoy your stay.

"if you see a woman within 3 towns around my area 40-50 miles in hijab it will be me!"
Really touching statement.



Junior Member
assalaam walaikum ... welcome to TTi family .. may Allah guide us all in the right path of islam..

Allah Hafiz

Omar (ex Andrey)

Munawar asked how people treated me!? I'm smiling now!
How my immediate family treats me: The are very curious!
How my extended family treats me: They are either rude or hummm RUDE!
How my friends treat me: They have all disappeared!
How the public treats me: Glares and unfriendly glances from most but there are a few that are so nice and that's what keeps me upbeat!
I decided after Ramadan that I would not take of my hijab depending on where I was and this was an extremely terrifying decision. There are a lot of close minded Christians here in the south. I am dealing with whether or not I should feel compelled to explain myself when asked questions about Islam or not. 99% of the time when someone asks me a question it just opens the door for them to insult me and Islam and they are not really listening to me anyway I think. I don't know, it's really frustrating! But for the explaining of the Quran I'll check out the site thank you so much! I've been watching Youtube...The Deen Show, BabaAli (so funny) and Shaik Yusuf Estes and others. I also have sister friends on Myspace to talk to.

Welcome to the site, sister!!! Alhamdulillah there are people like you who are not afraid to stand for our religion!!! You decision to wear hijab inspires us all!!! I can only guess how difficult it can be to acknowledge that you are a muslim publicly - in the country which fabricates lies after lies about Islam, organizes 11th of September attack on its own people so that it will have an excuse to build up groundless campaign, invade Iraq & pump out oil!!! Alas US is an anti-islamic country... But don't forget that the blessing & praise that you get from Allah in your place is many times higher than in other parts of the world.

May Allah help you in your Iman & guide you in Islam further on. You are a real example to us all!!!:salah::salah::salah::salah::salah:


Junior Member

thasounds welcome sister you are among yor family :ma::ma::ma::ma:



New Member
:tti_sister:Assalam Sister, Alhamdullilah...I'm so proud of you!
Insya 'Allah...ALLAH will guide you & You'll have the strenght to overcome all difficulties & eventually all around you will learnt to respect your decision....You'll be in my prayers...Insya 'Allah:hearts: