salam from a newbie: i love this site!


New Member
Salaam aleikoum everyone,
I'm Samera, 19 years old from London, England. I'm a born Muslim and have been actually praying and wearing hijab etc for about a year. This website is actually brilliant, peace everybody


Staff member
Wa alaykum Salam Samera,

Jazakallahu khayr, im glad you like the website. That is good that you are doing those obligatory actions now, elhamdulilah. Hidayah (guidance) is from Allah (swt) and we all need to ask him to keep us on the straight path.

May Allah bless you, and i hope you will help the site by making new threads and replying to topics, in order to make the community larger and stronger...

please make dua for us and ask Allah to help all the Muslims..



New Member
Anyone who receives hidayah from ALLAH is blessed. MashaAllah. There are people who have not achieve what they seek , for hidayah is from ALLAH alone.