

New Member
:SMILY252: Salam aleykum everyone im jessica from sheffield, ive just joined the group, looking forward to meeting you all.Im thinking of converting to islam and would really like to chat to others who have converted or learning about islam
thanks xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox


Umm Zubayr
Hi Jesicca, welcome to TTI, i can tell you you've found a great website (this may be ALLAH's guidance because indeed, i have beneficiated soo much from this website), kindly look at the videos from reverts (really interessting); don't hesistate to ask any questions you may have and have a nice time with us.

Take care

See you
Walaakum salaam Jessica,

Welcome to TTI, be patient and take your time learning Islam. Don't hesitate to ask us ANY questions/concerns that you have. Even as a born Muslim, I am still learning. Inshallah (God willing) your reversion comes with peace and tranquility.

American Muslim

Just Another Slave
assalamu alaikum,

welcome to TTI. This site is a great resource and community for all of us. God willing, you will find all the answers you seek here. After you watch some of the videos, look around at the posts. There are plenty of us reverts here.



Hi Jessica, :SMILY259:

Welcome to TTI and an advance welcome to Islam, insha-Allah. Its really good to know that you are interested in reverting. Sister, feel free to ask any question you have on your mind. And yea as my brothers and sisters suggested, have a look at the video section, its really inspiring.
Looking forward impatiently towards the good news.
Take care,

:SMILY206: :SMILY206: :SMILY206:


Junior Member
assalamu aleikum, welcome to you dear jessleigh, please do not hesitate and feel free to ask any question you want take a look at other topics watch the videos,
but mosty read the Quran and be critical in your analisys and logical in your approach no blind faith!allhamdulillah and try to understand the why`s behinds everything so that you`de be perfectly confident and conscious of your choice inschallah swt may he guide you and guide all of us because whom ever Allah swt wants to guide no one can misguide him and whom ever he leaves astray there will be no one to guide him this is timless, boundless , universal




Im Proud 2 B Me!

Welcome to TTI,

Its nice to hear that u want 2 learn about ISLAM.

It’s nice to have u join this lovely community.

Insha Allah u benefit from us as we from u.

Enjoy ur stay Insha Allah,

If u have any questions or concerns please feel free to ask at any time.

Take Care,


Penguin fancier
As salaamu alaykum Jessie!

Have you watched the video about Sister Aminah? She was from Sheffield. Apparently it's the revert capital of Great Britain, so I suspect it won't take you very long to find some sisters to help you if you do decide to take Shahadah (Insha'Allah).

Anyway, welcome to the site.
Assalamo aleikum sis
I'm new revert to islam i came from protestant religon if u want talk with me about islam or any kand of help be more than welcome if u have msn send me from private messager:tti_sister: :tti_sister:


Junior Member
u welcome sister

ur welcome sister, ur among ur sisters and brothers, we wud like to help as much as we can. it s a gd community on here. have a gd time.


Junior Member
asalamu alaikum sister jessica >>>yeeeeeeeeeeeeeees ur in the right site so welcom here between us u will be our sister and insha_ALLAH god will helps you and helps us as well>>>>>>>>>>ALLAHU AKBAR ALLAHU AKBAR:wavyarms: :SMILY206: :wavyarms: :SMILY206: :wavyarms: :SMILY206:


Junior Member
:salam2: brothers/sisters i need your help iam thinking to wear nikaab and i need some adviceS from sisters how wear it specialy sisters who live in europian countries coz i live in uk>>>>>.wajazakum ALLAHU khayer>>>>ALLAHU AKBAR ALLAHU AKBAR