No problem brother and thanks for taking the information given.
May Allah give you the strength to make you a firm believer, make your home pleasant to live within and allow your parents to embrace Islam and support you as a family member. As Allah says we should lower our wings to them, even if they be Non Muslim, and so I sympathise with you. Perhaps you have already doen so, but maybe you can ask them to agree to disagree with you so as to create peace in the household. That way, there is still room for Da'wah towards them.
This may not be what you want to hear, but if it becomes to much to bear, you should even consider moving home if you are able to financially eventually (as an intention, not fully) and on good terms (at least temporarily) without breaking relations fully. That way you visit as often as possible and look forward to meeting one another and it may result in a positive reflection of Islam and of yourself by them in the long term and discussion about how your Deen has made you into a better person can become more applicable and amiable.
The Prophet (SAW) and the companions used to give presents for their friends, neighbours and others as a form of preaching Islam, that way it is a form of 'closet Islam' where your actions speak louder than words and you do not actually open your mouth and talk about the Deen, but rather your change of behaviour, determined personal touch in not giving in to negative or potentially hostile reaction may actually win them over.
Secondly, look at the Qur'an and Tafseer (Commentary of the Qur'an) and see what it says about Paradise. The Prophet (SAW) used to encourage the Companions to talk about Jannah both to Muslims and to Non Muslims. The mere mention of Paradise does something to the heart; it is a form of healing and 'spiritual massage' that awakens the soul and helps make people see the light. It is also something that makes many people accept Islam and remain good Muslims afterwards. I would be happy to supply you with ebooks that speak about the Qur'an and give Tafseer should you feel it is something you would like to pursue, both for yourself to make you stronger and for your parents and anyone else for that matter.
I will make Dua for you and your family and inshallah Allah will help ease your affairs both in this world and the Akhirah. Remember one thing in these dark times, between you and Allah is your personal screen. He knows and recognizes your pain, anguish and suffering. As someone who is enduring difficulty for His Deen, you are closer to Him than many Muslims worldwide in better circumstances, especially those born to Muslim parents. In the present situation, your Duas are more likely to be accepted, your Akhirah [and your Jannah] is much brighter and your compensation as well as reward is ten times higher, because of your perseverance, patience and assertiveness in retaining your Imaan for the sake of Allah alone. He will guide you, provide a way out and establish you on a solid footing eventually. Remain patient and stay strong and Allah will help you financially, physically and spiritually.