Serious! help needed


New Member
As-salamualikum brothers and sisters,i am a relatively new user of internet recently i learnt a few things like downloading stuff such as lectures,nasheeds,themes,e-books and wallpapers to my mobile from computer since everything i downloaded was free i got a doubt and asked one of my friends who knew about all these, whether all the stuff i am downloading is from a legal source or illegal. he said it was difficult to tell which is from a legal source and which from am illegal but most free stuffs are illegal ,so i deleted all themes wallpapers and books even the free lectures and nasheeds downloaded from sites like,maulanatariq and even from this site because if i go out to purchase these lectures and nasheeds i have to pay for them but here i am getting it for free ,is it not haram? Please let me know


New Member

yes bro thsi is a very impt questions! most of us dont think this way!

Well, its not true that everythign u find for free is illegal! There are a lot of websites and sources that provide you with content for free!

Wallpapers for mobiel nd computer - they r totally free..i m a designer myself..and i have nev seen any designer sellign wallpapers for free!

Themes- they r both for free and paid! As far as mobiel themes r concidered....they r mostly free. Now u would think how to knw if somethgin is free or not.! Well to be sure..chek the website..if its a BIG website providing 1000s of themes..they r legal!(most of the themes are made by ppl liek u nd me)

Lectures- They r mostly free...( Do u think the speaker would have a problem if u r listenign to it for free? most of the islamic work is not done for profit purpose) so they r mostly free!

Books- You get free books..and books for sellign purpose. But so mnay times if a book is made only in the form of softcopy( not printed, just as a text file) they r free! 2ndly, sometiems the rpice is because they r pritign it on paper and its the cost fo the pritign nd other thigns!(otherwise u cn get the book for free in softcopy)

MP3- this is the biggest trouble! The Mp3 r very rarely for free...all these song sites u see online r illegal..and i duuno abt the nasheeds ..under which lisence they r released.!
But its best if u go and buy the nasheeds! its going to help the brother brothers who provide them to us.!

So bro, we shud jst pray and ask for forgiveness..if we r doing smthgin wrong by mistake!

hope tht helped :)
