Settling down.


Fear Allah
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh.

As you all know I'm currently at the tip of serving the army. I'm finishing soon and I thought of pursuing my career as a prison officer. Well I'm 23 this year & my parents are not going to get any younger. InsyaAllah, I want to do something for them and if Allah allows, to get married as soon as possible.

What is your opinion?


Assalaam walaikum,


My opinion is simple. Good age to marry for a man. Go for it, son. Allah subhana wa taala has given us the universe. Enjoy life.

( by the way..I am now an official matchmaker..I know the TTI stance..but you can always PM...I am on my third match..Alhumdullila...I should change my username to MotherLove.)


La ilaha illa-Allah.
Assalamu alaikum, if you think your ready Brother then get married insha'Allah. That's about the age i'm thinking about getting married too 24,25 something like that.


Fear Allah
JazakAllah khayr for your responses, I'm actually stucked in between studying and starting my career. But i have a strong urge to start working. I'll pray istikharah insya Allah!

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال

Yes, praying Istikhaarah is the best approach before you move on to the next step. Also, marrying early is encouraged by our Prophet :saw2: [Inshaa Allaah, everyone knows that] so it is best to settle down when you feel it is time and have the means to do so.

May Allaah guide you to make the best of decisions, Ameen.
