Sexual violations

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Yes! I love Allah!
Please read in full if you decide to post anything!!!!

Being to the point on issues (not for being critical, to be to the point ie people should only fear Allah, not blame Allah etc, as people only have a short amount of time to repent) and also the fact that it should not hinder a person to making it to Paradise.

We have the story of Prophet Jesus peace be upon him's Mother in the Quran when she encountered Jibril, she warned that if he did something wrong he would be punished by Allah, as she did NOT know he was an angel, he came in the form of a Man, two main points;-

1. She was only afraid of Allah
2. Jibril came in the guise of a beautiful man and she wasn't thinking about having a relationship with him!

Surah Maryam:-

16. Relate in the Book (the story of) Mary, when she withdrew from her family to a place in the East.
17. She placed a screen (to screen herself) from them; then We sent her our angel, and he appeared before her as a man in all respects.
18. She said: "I seek refuge from thee to ((Allah)) Most Gracious: (come not near) if thou dost fear Allah."
19. He said: "Nay, I am only a messenger from thy Lord, (to announce) to thee the gift of a holy son.
20. She said: "How shall I have a son, seeing that no man has touched me, and I am not unchaste?"

The recently talked about victim was afraid of this attacker-of course she won't be saying on the Day of Judgement that it was normal to be afraid of him and be forced to perform sexual acts on him- She could have defended herself more, she was even fatter then he was.

In the Islamic world we are taught that a woman guards herself, not the belief that a man is going to protect you, you are responsible for who you talk to etc. You don't go to paradise because someone has attacked you, you have to at least believe in the one God, which includes not being afraid of an idiot. In the West they teach people to be afraid of them, but Muslims only teach people to be afraid of Allah.

The people who attack females are not Men, a Man going to Paradise is not equal to the one going to Hell. So its not just about saying its the attacker's fault-of course its their fault, but people are obviously evil and you need to protect yourself from evil, they don't have labels saying who is evil, but the recent case, unfortunately he was sending sexual messages to this 16 year old which the media said she found flattering -again if she did meet a boy and they were in a relationship, people wouldn't be critical but of course its all wrong, lewd behaviour.

Women should be treated like princesses and treat themselves as such and not place themselves in a position of talking about sex with a person they aren't married to, and now we are hearing a case were a male in the US who was posing as a female online and getting other boys to pose nude photographs of themselves and then he was blackmailing them and even got one of them to force sexual acts on him.

As far as I'm concerned, if they don't act like children then you can't be treated like one.

People are tested, and if you are raped etc, you are not exempted from seeing if you have passed your test on the Day of Judgement, of course if you are killed at a young age then you are, but if you are raped at a young age and continue to live in this world, you are not exempted from being tested. People who have been raped do not sit in Paradise forever crying, in another post I have mentioned an evil person's act is not so huge that it eclipses the sun, stop you from looking in awe towards Allah.

What do you expect Allah to say that sexual violations are the one thing that my believers cannot get over? That it’s the only thing capable of bringing them down? It’s the only thing that will ruin them? Of course we are not brought down by sexual violations, does it tell the body to die, or to tell us to stop noticing what Allah has created? Is the sexual violation so much that it will prevent them from enjoying themselves in Paradise? No.

People say why should Allah allow these things to happen, when they are enjoying themselves they don't thank Allah, but when something bad happens to them they question Allah?? When they are on holiday, enjoying themselves, they don't remember Allah and say this is from him, but when they are raped they blame Allah and say this is only from him? We are being tested in this world on what we can do, not being tested on what Allah can do for us, Allah is not testing himself, the West talk about respecting, showing kindness-then why are they not questioning the rapist on why he is not been kind-for they were saying that people can be good without Allah. There are victims of rape that are more critical of religion, then being critical of rapist. Why were they more afraid of them then Allah? Now they are saying in the West that if you are abused as a child then its more likely that you will grow up to be abusive. This in religion is wrong, treat people how you want to be treated they say that so many times, but obviously they are not giving it much thought. If a person was abused as a child, then he/she knows they did not like it, so why grow up to be abusive to others? So that means if they were never abused as children they would have still grown up to be abusive to others as having their own personal experience did not stop them from being abusive. Its is not written on their records that they did not understand what they were doing was bad. Also they have a better understanding that the victim does not enjoy what they are doing, hence why they are busy intimidating, and tying their victims up etc.

Why afterwards does the rape victim feel embarrassed, and wished they had done more to stand up for themselves, if they are blaming Allah, how many of them call to Allah for help when they were raped?? If your spending a lot of time looking towards males in this world rather then Allah knowing full well that rapes have occurred, then why are they complaining to Allah?? If you made your whole life about alcohol and then died by it, then why would you complain to Allah? Do these people think that Allah is going to protect, people for being lewd etc. Make a bid deal about something other then Allah , then why complain about it?

As I say, say something you will be able to repeat on the Day of Judgement, and a rape victim is not going to be thinking about her rape case throughout that Day-what she will be saying is that she/he wished that they remembered this Day more, and repent if she has not already done so.

They complain about Islam, when they are ruining their children's lives, they want to sort out Iraq and Afghanistan when they can't even help their own children have decent, good lives. So many people in poverty in their countries too. The above are some of the situations that people have faced, but we don’t need every situation as its about people fearing Allah and about them standing on the Day of Judgement wishing they had not spent time fearing evil people.

Islam is a strong, true religion, we have the Quran and thank Allah that he has told people to guard themselves, fear him just as the magicians did at Pharoah's court were they were willing to have their hand and feet chopped at alternative sides because they refused to leave Islam (written in the Quran too). People sometimes say that unless you have faced this situation you cannot speak about it, Islam covers our lives, and again it is covered as they will not be exempted from their tests just because someone attacked them. We have to prove that we are bigger, better, stronger and of course we are to someone's sexual violations, is a person going to say that we can't bear the thought of an angel coming down to see them as they are so traumatised by the events? No they will be willing to have an angel to come and visit them. Are they going to say they are so traumatised they don't want to be raised to Paradise?

What people complain about the most is not having their "perfect" ideal way of living, they complain that they are not living as people do in Paradise, they are treated well non-stop, have a perfect marriage etc, so when they lose their perfect way of living in this world (which Islam has never taught as even Allah said do the good people think they will not be tested?) they become angry. Allah will punish the rapist, he did not arrange for a person to be raped to be tested, it is rather that we have free will in this world and people not only use their free will to be good, but more over do it for evil. It is society (not Islam) that do not want to discuss these things and when something happens they don’t know what to say and rather hush up the matter without resolving the issue, and stopping lewd behaviours, and teaching about Islam.

People who don’t learn on Islam say that we have not clearly written the person’s sins so we don't know what to say about it, an evil deed is not complicated that we don’t know what to say about it. We are not going to have a long checklist miles and miles long about all the forms of evil and problems the people do and face, it all comes down to believing in Allah and the Day of Judgement, if they dispute this then see them on the Day of Judgement as they will not care about just discussing someone’s sexual violations etc, it’s about saving themselves from hell. Or are they going to say that just because they were raped they couldn’t think, sleep, breath, eat, work whilst they were in this world? We should continuously be grateful to Allah, no evil act will stop us from being happy with our parents, with our past good deeds, and neither should it stop us ultimately from being happy with Allah.

If anyone is critical of how this is written, when it is only being to the point on serious issues, then go ahead and create your own thread and show how its done!!


Assalaam walaikum,

Your post is pure speculation. Rape is not limited to the west. Hello. I do not know what planet you are living on but rape is equal opportunity world wide. This includes incest etc.

You do not reference your limited opinions.

You have no understanding of human nature.

I strongly suggest you seek knowledge before you post.

What you write is scary.
Remember you will be questioned as well. You who obviously have no contact with humans need to understand human nature. The Quran is a wonderful source of knowledge.

I am not being sarcastic. That would be wrong. I gleaned a void in you from your writings.


Pearl of Islaam

Astagfirullah, sister please try to talk from Islaam point of view for everything that you said. I do not find your post appropiete. Astagfirullah, it is not woman fault for been raped,murder on anything simular, but it is fault of other side. No human being is fault for other human being sins.

And Muslims should be compassionate toward other people who passed trough hard things in life. And I need to say, that your post sister is not like that.

May Allah guide us all.



Yes! I love Allah!
I will NEVER take anything back, people are conditioned to believe they are saying the "right" thing to show sympathy etc, but they have no weight on the Day of Judgement, this thread just proves it was needed. Also this thread is not about blaming people, typical talking as non-Muslims, the proof is evident;-

As on the Day of Judgement, people will NOT be caring that they got raped, were murdered, and that they will say on that day that there was NO reason to commit suicide. On that Day people will not be siding with anything, but will only say they should remain strong Muslims regardless of whatever issues have happened.

So whatever people have stated they clearly are the ones who will not be able to repeat themselves on the Day-as even people who have been raped don't care about your "sympathy" on that Day, they only care about being one of the successful! WE don't pick and choose as the Christians and the Jews have done, we are not going to treat Islam the same. I have clearly already answered questions of were people blame Allah in the "Sexual violations" thread. We don't change the message of Islam, it is relevant to anyone's life no matter the circumstances.


Assalaam walaikum,

Speculation. How do you know the feelings of a woman who has been raped.

Please do not cut and paste the same answer to two different posts. It shows lack of thought and purpose.


Yes! I love Allah!
Assalaam walaikum,

Speculation. How do you know the feelings of a woman who has been raped.

Please do not cut and paste the same answer to two different posts. It shows lack of thought and purpose.

Of course I need to repeat myself here as you have NOT disputed with the answer, your not the only one I have met that claims to make sense, but when answer is presented to them they ignore it and repeat their stupidity.

Say the following is wrong if you are truthful;-

1. I say that a person who is raped will care not on the Day of Judgement, except to be one of the successful.

2. When an earthquake happens they forget that they have been raped and fear Allah!

3. People who have been raped should remember that they and others can die at anytime-so this is the only opportunity that we have to make it to Paradise. So we are not here to squander and waste other people's time to make it to Paradise, marriage for example is also not about just being on the receiving end of attention, a husband's role is not to just provide sympathy to what has occured but to also have a healthy relationship. I however am not here to talk about Westernised ideals of how a person is going to be, or should be, but how clearly Islam is that we remain steadfast in Islam regardless of whatever may have occured, even the magicians at Pharaoh's court had their hands and feet chopped off at alternative sides just so they can be one of the successful in the next world.

The West talk about showing sympathy-but frankly they have nothing to offer, again I am not here to talk about how people are expected to be, but what Allah has taught us, and clearly from the above, he does NOT want people to sit there and make their lives about misfortune -as they will not be doing so in Paradise!


Yes! I love Allah!
Even your obnoxious writings have no weight on Judgement Day so why troll here

I am happy to have written all that I have, and if anyone has reason to complain then I will leave them to mention this on the Day of Judgement. I am to the point and direct, I am not here for a chit chat, but speaking of serious issues as people only have a short amount of time in this world.

I don't treat people as if they are stupid as they are good enough to be judged on the Day of Judgement by Allah, so they are not. Also people recognise the truth when they hear or see it as even people fell down prostrating after hearing the Quran.

Allah has said in the Quran that people reject the "truth" and when they keep on rejecting their hearts get hardened, so everyone who is capable of being judged knows the truth, as Allah is not sending Hindus, Chrisitans etc to Hell for not knowing the "truth".

So as above it goes a long way to explain the why I write, as I have come across Muslims who claim that people are not aware of what is required of them, but they have heard the message that there is one God, the Day of Judgement and in Paradise and Hell and they know being lewd etc is wrong and that many people have died in a state of disbelief. They didn't read the Quran etc, but they had sufficient information from Allah to help them to repent.

The fact that people who are being tortured in the grave wish to be in our position and wish they came strongly against evil and not caring what others may think. So I am happy to have written this thread, and of course the people complaining should just create their own thread. So my writings are not obnoxious, but remembering why we're here-people can choose to read them or not, the title lets people know they are of serious issues and not of chit chat.


Yes! I love Allah!
So I will leave this to the Day of Judgement, and I am happy with what has been written and it was needed in the face of people just in the habit of thinking they are saying the "right" thing, when actually it does not help people to be steadfast in Islam.


~May Allah swt help and guide us~Amin!


Answer A
1.You have a wrong understanding about
how The virgin Maryam binti Imran
got pregnant!

2.You trying to accuse that
The malaikat Jibril that came in the form of a handsome man has intercourse with her to born The prophet Isa alaihisalam.
This did not happened!

~May Allah swt forgive you~Amin!

Jibril was sending the message from Allah swt about she(Maryam) will have a baby but NOT through they having intercourse(mix) but through miracle from Allah swt!

And (remember) Maryam who guard her chastity, so We breathed into (the body) of his spirit, and We made her and her signs (of Allah swt) is great for all creatures (Al Anbiyaa ': 21)

Maryam binti Imran was a woman who is pious and always pray.
She conceived the prophet Isa' alaihisalam without a father and Not through man or malaikah(Jibril) .

Allah swt said (be it): Kun Faya Kun and she was conceived and having the prophet Isa alaihisalam.

then comes the slander and accusations from the surrounding communities at that time!

Prophet Isa alahisalam spoke while still a baby.

This you have to believe!!!

1:Maryam conceived the prophet Isa' alaihisalam without a father.
2:This is to show the sign of Allah swt greatness.
3:prophet Isa alaihisalam talked when he was in the cradle(baby)

All of this is from the holy qurán kalamullah(Allah swt words) and
You have to believe!

Answer B
Sexual abuse has totaly no positon and close to compared to how The Virgin Maryam Binti Imran got pregnant(I have explained above)

About some female nowaday got rape
and to how they are going through
well let see how you trouble shoot those rapers first
like straighten their concept
and teach these moral disablity man
as to do not (Rape)
what is not theirs!!!

With Allah swt help.
The Holy Qurán serve as a guide to all human!

Surah An-Noor verse 31, Allah s.w.t said:

"Say to the believing women to control their gaze and guard their modesty, and not display their beauty except that (ordinarily) appear thereof. and let them close the veil of cloth to her chest ...

~May Allah swt help and guide you~Amin!

Take Care!
~Wassalam :)

Abu Talib

Feeling low
If you really value time in this world then devote it towards worshiping Allaah Azza Wa Jal rather than trolling. Stop interpreting things in your own way and no one chit chats here we all learn and share. Your not impeccable so stop pointing about misdeeds of others and about their fate.

Seek knowledge first and propagate about Tawheed.Your write ups have more explicit words then the word ''Allaah''. Everyone have met with Muslims who don't know such and such about Islaam so stop thinking your the only one who has to convey the Message. Don't think your pious and you should look down upon others who don't practice. Have you forgotten:

كَذَلِكَ كُنتُم مِّن قَبْلُ فَمَنَّ اللّهُ عَلَيْكُمْ

You, too, were once in the same condition - but God has been gracious unto you. [Surah Nisaa]

And to refute your deviant rape ideology. Woman who where forced into the act will not be punished.
Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Allah has pardoned my people for the acts they do by mistake, due to forgetfulness, and what they are coerced into doing” [Related by Ibn Mâjah and authenticated by al-Nawawî, Ibn Hajr, and al-Albânî].

There is no punishment on the woman who was coerced


you seem so interested in the whole rape topic, have you ever been raped?
do you know what it feels like?

ask me!!! i've told you in your other thread what it feels like, you still dont get the picture do you. you still dont understand what us victim of rape women go through and you think we should just let it pass???

where is our dignity, where is our pride, where is our modesty, where is our chastity after being raped? and your here talking about how we will face Allah for the anger we go through.

if we were not believers, we would not have anger, we would not care, but we do, our beauty is from Allah, he gave it to us. our body and being a female is from Allah, he gave it to us, we get upset and hurt how others treated it. we therefore feel angry. it killlllllzz. dont tell me we should feel nothing. dont you dare.

Surah An-Noor verse 31, Allah s.w.t said:

"Say to the believing women to control their gaze and guard their modesty, and not display their beauty except that (ordinarily) appear thereof. and let them close the veil of cloth to her chest ...

we get upset that we could not guard our modestry, cover our beauty, and our veil is not there for protection, during being raped, and allah told us to do the above and yet we were not able to. it was not in our hands we do not get punished for it. We tried, i tried, what could i have done. smiled and said to them criminal yeah, go ahead, just take your pleasure, Allah will forgive me on the day of judgement because i handled it properly. NO WAY.

i will show shame and anger and show this feeling to Allah so he knows my pain and suffering and that way he can be pleased of me that i did not want this.


Assalaam walaikum,

When a person communicates with Allah it is personal. When a person has been sexually abused the person asks Allah for forgiveness.

Think for a minute. A person who has been violated asks forgiveness from Allah.

Leave this topic alone, sister. You are walking into an arena that you are not prepared to discuss.

You are not a scholar nor are you a victim. You have no understanding nor experience. I would not wish that on anyone.

Please for the Love and Fear of Allah leave this topic alone.

Ibn Uthaymin

Junior member
Abu Talib nailed it!

I`ll tell you what Assim Al Hakeem said when he a gave a speech in the East London Masjid recently. He said dont be boastful or feel pride because of the actions you do. The Khawaarij used to read Quran almost endlessly and pray all night to the point that a person would belittle his prayer if he were to see theirs. But the Prophet sallahu alayhi wassalam still said they are the worst of all people and if he was alive he would fight them!

Humble yourself and dont look down on others.
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