Sheitan whispers to make you look at haram ???


Junior Member
Assalam alaikoum,

Especially brothers,

What are those whispers of sheitan giving you, to make you fall into his traps by looking at women ?

Could you share those whispers that you think that happen to you, which can be shared with others, so that next time, maybe we would be more alarmed when we think the same ? Like we might say;

''Ohh sheitan, go away, i know its you, its your trap to us, dont confuse my mind''


Wa Alaykum as salam,

So you want to know how guys look at girls, and even if someone discloses it here would be really bad and unappreciable. Looking at someone of course after the whispering of shaitan the accursed and then sharing it with others itself is a SIN.

Its in your hand if you really wana see a women or not though shaitan the accursed would tempt you to do so.

Remember, Allah will hide & forgive your sins if you hide others'...

A believer must conceal the sins of other believers

The Prophet Muhammad SAWS said: “Whoever conceals the faults of others, Allah shall conceal his faults on the day of Qiyaamah.” (Mishkaat)

The Prophet :SAWS said: “The believer will be brought close to his Lord until He conceals him and makes him confess his sin. Allaah will say, ‘Do you remember such and such a sin?’ The man will say, ‘Yes, I admit it.’ The Lord will say, ‘I concealed it for you in the world and I forgive you for it today.’ (Narrated by al-Bukhaari)

Suggesting you to abstain from asking such questions and creating such a thread

‘Abdullaah Ibn Muhammad Ibn Manaazil saud [rehmatullah alayh] said:
“The Believer seeks excuses for his brothers, and the hypocrite seeks the mistakes for his brothers.” [Ash-Shu’ab, 7/11197]


*pink niqaabi*

Junior Member
Walaikum salaam wa rahmatullah, perhaps watching a lecture on this subject might help inshallah.



I'm not what you believe
I think that a married man is complete with his wife and doesn't need to feel something else for another woman.I also think that a muslim man,even if he's made of pulsions,he feels a normal attraction for the opposite gender,in his heart he shouldn't be worried,if he trusts to if he looks to a woman and he fears Allah,he can look 100 women and feel nothing.the right woman would come and the heart will beat faster.
as per women towards's the behaviour of non believers.


Assalaam walaikum,


What we think and what Allah subhana wa taala knows are two different things. Man is made of desire.


I'm not what you believe
I don't know why when I express my opinion about my own feelings,there is someone who always "turns the knife into the wound".it's what in society exists.I see how many women stare at men and they are full of desire.I'm not inventing anything,it's what I see,and Allah created the woman too to feel desire:salam2:


Assalaam walaikum,


Slow formal language the masculine term is used. It is inclusive. So it includes women.

However, men have more desire than women. That is why Allah has permitted more than one wife. It makes me laugh how women go crazy when you mention this to them.

When it comes to marriage they go crazy. Why..because they limit marriage to sex and do not understand the concept of Islamic marriage. I have noticed that many revert females respond to me in the negative. It is very alien to them. But it is sunna, folks.

Shytan does not make you look at haraam. We have a choice.


I'm not what you believe
I can't understand the concept.I didn't mention the term "sex" and I don't want to make people understand badly.prophet Suliman had 99 wives and he alrady felt in love of another woman.the difference is trhat if a man looks more than a woman is a playboy,while on the contrary way she's a bad,really bad person.if man is made of desire,he can calm its desire by fasting or by going to the's pretty impossible that a good muslim can feel what you make me intend