Should i not b grateful???


Junior Member

I have a nose with which I smell
the perfume of sweet flowers

My hand could never make such beauty
with a brush I but copy their delicate lines

I have two eyes with which I see
the marvels that surround me

I am powerless to even make a fly
why then do I destroy?

I have two hands with which I do
all within my power

To help, to search, to find my way
with them
I send out deeds that one day will confront me

I have two feet with which I walk
to traverse this aging earth
that bears my footprints
and the echo of my voice

I seem so small
the glorious sky
towers over me
a canopy fixed for a certain time

My very fingertips contain a miracle
of creation, of life
something that was given to me alone
a trust to yet be answered for

I turn my hand
all that it finds
does not belong to me
I've been assigned to care for it
and raise the word of truth

truth emanating from the One
Who gave me all I have
Should I not then be grateful?