Should I obey my husband?


Junior Member
Assalemu alaikom everyone,

My husband has told me not to call a certain family he's argued with, even though their mother has died and I want give them my condolences. I know this is a duty in Islam,but it's also the duty of a wife to obey her husband. I remember a story in the time of the Prophet, when a women was told by her husband not to leave the house under any circumstances whilst he was away on jihad. Even when her father was on his death bed, the Prophet instructed her to obey her husband and not go to her father who then died. Due to her obedience the Prophet informed her that her father was granted "jennah" (paradise).
Which duty is more important in my case, to give my "azzaa" to these people or to obey my husband? I need a speedy answer so I don't miss the three days of mourning.

Your sister in Islam.

abu marjon

New Member
Alaikum salam Sister...
sorry for your difficult situation. For me it's simple; obeying husband is only applicable if it's not contradict with the rules of Allah and Sunnah Rasullallah.
