signs of weak iman and how to increase it


Junior Member
Signs of weak Iman and how to increase it

A very nice article contributed by brother AbuBanan.

Signs of weak Faith:

Committing sins and not feeling any guilt.

Having a hard heart and no desire to read the Quran.

Feeling too lazy to do good deeds, e.g. being late for salat

Neglecting the Sunnah.

Having mood swings, for instance being upset about petty things and bothered and irritated most of the time.

Not feeling anything when hearing verses from the Quran, for example when Allah warns us of punishments and His promise of glad tidings.

Finding difficulty in remembering Allah and making dhikr.

Not feeling bad when things are done against the Shariah.

Desiring status and wealth.

Being mean and miserly, i.e. not wanting to part with wealth.

Ordering others to do good deeds when not practising them ourselves.

Feeling pleased when things are not progressing for others.

Being concerned with whether something is haram or halal only; and not avoiding makroo (not recommended) things.

Making fun of people who do simple good deeds, like cleaning the mosque.

Not feeling concerned about the situation of Muslims.

Not feeling the responsibility to do something to promote Islam.

Liking to argue just for the sake of arguing without any proof.

Becoming engrossed and very involved with dunya, worldly things, i.e. feeling bad only when losing something in terms of material wealth.

Becoming engrossed and obsessive about ourselves.

Okay, how to increase our faith then ?

Recite and ponder on the meanings of the Quran. Tranquility then descends and our hearts become soft. To get optimum benefit, remind yourself that Allah is speaking to you. People are described in different categories in the Quran; think of which one you find yourself in.
Realize the greatness of Allah. Everything is under His control. There are signs in everything we see that points us to His greatness. Everything happens according to His permission. Allah keeps track and looks after everything, even a black ant on a black rock on a black moonless night.
Make an effort to gain knowledge, for at least the basic things in daily life e.g. how to make wudu properly. Know the meanings behind Allah's names and attributes. People who have taqwa are those who have knowledge.
Attend gatherings where Allah is remembered. In such gatherings we are surrounded by angels.
We have to increase our good deeds. One good deed leads to another good deed. Allah will make the way easy for someone who gives charity and also make it easy for him or her to do good deeds. Good deeds must be done continuously, not in spurts.
We must fear the miserable end to our lives; the remembrance of death is the destroyer of pleasures.
Remember the different levels of akhirah, for instance when we are put in our graves, when we are judged, whether we will be in paradise or hell.
Make dua, realize that we need Allah. Be humble. Don't covet material things in this life.
Our love for Subhana Wa Ta'Ala must be shown in actions. We must hope Allah will accept our prayers, and be in constant fear that we do wrong. At night before going to sleep, we must think about what good we did during that day.
Realize the effects of sins and disobedience- one's faith is increased with good deeds and our faith is decreased by bad deeds. Everything that happens is because Allah wanted it. When calamity befalls us- it is also from Allah. It is a direct result of our disobedience to Allah.

Contributed by: Abu Banan
taken from

Oem Soufiane

Junior Member
salaam aleikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuh,

barakallahu fiekie oeghti,

I'm so depressed right now sheitan really gets to me ahudu billah, some things have happend to me the past two weeks and i can't get my mind straight, i have never felt this weak before, i need people around me thet i don't have, sisterhood is not what it used to be, It's so hard at times, sorry to change the subject but I had to let it loose, love you for the sake of Allah sisters and brothers of course, let's do something to create unity people, how can we become one strong oemmah, when everybody is looking after his own benefits, even something small for your sister or brother may soften their hearts.

A girl I knew fell out of islam while she was very active for the ummah, because when she told about feeling weak, these 'sisters' let her down, i didn't know her that well, and now that she took off her hijaab everybody knows, where were those people when she had the hijaab and was working for the oemmah and the mosque, giving quranlessons. And now I know more women with feelings off weakness, but nobody will listen serieously without having their own opinion and even sharing it with others, women wearing niqaab or other mashallah eautifull islamic clothes doesn't say everything, I know a few who are talking so much, their tongue must fall out one of these days.

Sorry to bother you if you find this annoying, but i am feeling so weak lately, what is this? i am crying right now behind my computer, where are we now what happend to our oemmah, and our imaan, we are nothing compared to the salaf even though we sometimes feel we do the best we can.

love you for the sake off Allah swt. Ya rabbi guide us all ans help us in our daily struggle wich is nothing compared to the struggle of our prohpet pbuh, let us get together and unite, and let us have enough time to gain the hasanat we need to enter djannah, allahuma amin.


Junior Member
Wa alaykum assalam ukhti,

I totally relate with what your saying, I myself am having a lot of ups and downs with my eemaan, and at time becoming a bit lazy astaghfirullaah.
I also relate with what your saying about the sisterhood, i often think about this issue, these days it seems we're all busy with our families, and we dont realy take the time out to check if our sisters are ok in their eemaan etc.

SubhanAllah we do need to try alot harder to be there for one another, and give more support, and encouragement.
In the environments most of us are in, it is so easy to become weak, as sisters we need to follow the female companions examples, of how supportive they were to each other, and always rushing to do good deeds masha'Allah, May Allah enable us to become more like them, Ameen.

Insha Allah sis, make du'a, read the Qur'an, reflect on Allahs creation and why we're here, insha Allah things will get better.

Luv u for the sake of Allah,

Umm Taymiyyah.

ibn azem

Super Moderator
Staff member

My noble sisters in Islam,

As a brother I have to prove you to wrong on one thing: namely the sisterhood which, you might think I am only wanting to put some words to make you happy but you know, sisterhood nowdays to the brotherhood is so much high like the elephant to the mouse, really.
Sisters are far more active and work with each other and help each other a lot more then the brothers do, so don't think you are not maintaining the sisterhood.
I think you sisters do a great job masha'Allah I am jelous about that, I wish we brothers were like you.
So there's always some ups and downs in life but the most and the greatest gift is that we got Allah (swt): 2:186. "When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calleth on Me: Let them also, with a will, Listen to My call, and believe in Me: That they may walk in the right way."
And that we have accepted His Message alhamdulilah, and for that insha'Allah we got the best state of life, no matter whether there's times you think that your eeman has weakened put your trust in Allah (swt):
51. Say: "Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed for us: He is our protector": and on Allah let the Believers put their trust.

So sisters don't you dare ever let down.
I would get angry otherwise:SMILY286:

so dear sisters:muslim_child: to the faith of the Almighty you have clung and you'll never fall down with Allah (swt) on our side insha'Allah ja Rabb.
your brother in Islam:arabi1:



Junior Member
Assalamu alaykum,

Masha'allah, jazak Allaahu khairan for that Akhi. Insha Allah we can all try alot harder, the sisters and brothers to make the ummah more closer.

Oem Soufiane

Junior Member
djazakallahu ghairan! I feel the sisters are not as united as the brothers because you brothers go to the mosque 5 times a day and meet eachother mashallah, but you are so right about the part that we should stick to Allah swt, but it is sometimes very hard if you are alone in your situation, you know, and then also taking care of kids, the household and struggling with your imaan alone. Sheitan gets to the one who is alone, just like a wolf will get to a sheep standing alone. Your reactions make me feel better already djazakallahu ghairan and umm tamiyya, I added you to my hotmail.

And for other sisters, you are welcome too, just pm me with your e mailadres. ONLY SISTERS!!

salaam aleikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuh

Abu Sarah

Allahu Akbar
Staff member
djazakallahu ghairan and umm tamiyya, I added you to my hotmail.

And for other sisters, you are welcome too, just pm me with your e mailadres. ONLY SISTERS!!

wa alaykum Assalaam wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuh

that's good Alhamduillah..

plz: just waring Don't Make it any place..u find good and bad..

u should Make friendship only with good ones..

or to give advice..about Word ..sister only..we meet Alot of Male --sing in as female Names and pm Sisters to make friendship...


ur Brother in isalm..


Junior Member
Good nasheehah Akhi, jazak allahu khairan. Its very true, here on the internet we never realy know if we are speaking to a male or female, its scary and we do have to be so careful, may Allah protect us, ameen.

Abu Sarah

Allahu Akbar
Staff member
Good nasheehah Akhi, jazak allahu khairan. Its very true, here on the internet we never realy know if we are speaking to a male or female, its scary and we do have to be so careful, may Allah protect us, ameen.

wa gazakam Allah

u know sister ..Allah only my witeness..when i talk about any one at internet..i saied.. He/she..due to only Allah knows the best..and Heonly know if he/ she Male or female..

subahan Allah..i have some Relatives sisters..Registed as Male names..

.....May Allah protect and blessed All us and reward All us paradise andAllus meet there..

i leave u in care of Allah..


Junior Member
Assalam U Alikum

Jazak Allah for this article;
i don't why but i have the feeling each time i read an article here , i have the feeling that it is directed to me , it's a sign and a help form Allah SWT to guide me and improve myself and come out of the wrong path

also , by reading others members replies to the articles, i feel the motivation to improve and i see maintaining strong emaan is a hard mission for everybody , i often feel so weak and so alone and so desperated but recently i've read that those who loose hope aren't good muslims so in any case we should never loose hope ;

to tell u the truth , i 've thought many times in my heart that "o i've done so many mistakes and commited sins that i will never be forgiven" this is also a sign of weak emaan but then i say no , u can't think like that Allah SWT is Gafoor UR Raheem , He is the only One Who can help you and keep praying that He Helps u and Has Mercy on u and Inshallah He will listen to u ,

i reallt hope sisters here will help me , will help a burnt and bad soul to become good ; May Allah Guides us and gives us the opportunity to Thank Him for all His blessings because He, The Most Mercifull has Given so much to us that most of the times we even forget to Thank him

thanks for reading

Oem Soufiane

Junior Member
wa alaykum Assalaam wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuh

that's good Alhamduillah..

plz: just waring Don't Make it any place..u find good and bad..

u should Make friendship only with good ones..

or to give advice..about Word ..sister only..we meet Alot of Male --sing in as female Names and pm Sisters to make friendship...


ur Brother in isalm..

salaam aleikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuh akhi,

yes i know there are men with female names, and otherwise, but if i make clear that i only want to chat on hotmail with sisters and a brother pretends to be one, than my intention was right, and he has a problem with Allah swt, i think a lot of us on this site seem to be practising muslims and i hope they fear Allah swt so that no brothers will take advantage.

Thanks for your advice and i also i meant that sisters who like to keep in contact through hotmail, to pm me, that is what ummtammiyah and i did,

But indeed don't give your emailadres online,

barakallahu fiekie akhi