SMILEY FACE in forum= HARAM !! Subhanallah

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
What an embarrassing thread (not directed to anyone in particular). I ask you all kindly to learn without arguing over this matter and making fun! Too much bickering about useless points or points of concern, without knowledge these days. If you don't know the details of these affairs, you shouldn't be speaking about them, replying to them or relaying them.

Sister Harb, if you feel the scholars have nothing better than do, wasting their time, then why are you childishly wasting time posting emoticons instead of kindly disagreeing with the initial poster? Same goes to Naw333.

To those of you who were actually sincere, I apologise for this. Inshaa' Allaah if you use the search function around these forums the matter will become clearer.

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