


I want some body to tell me the Islamic stand on smoking. Is it harram, halal or makrooh.




Junior Member
It's haram (At least, that's what i've always been told), if i'm wrong someone just let me know with your proof. Allah told us that we should not harm our bodies and obviously smoking does that. Um, all that BS about how at the prophet's time there was no smoking is just an excuse. Either way, if it's not haram, it's not good for you.


Junior Member

I personally believe that smoking is haram. It is medically proven to be harmful to the body and second hand smoke can be harmful to others. If it changes the state of mind (even slightly), it can be classed as an intoxicant. When I went to performed Hajj, I was extremely hurt and disappointed to see so much people from the land of our Prophet:saw: engaged in smoking. When we left from Medina to Mecca, the bus driver was smoking continuously despite our pleading for him to stop. We were wearing Ihram which was supposed to be free of any type of odors. Why can't the government ban smoking at least in the Holy cities? When someone says it is makroo, then even that should be reason enough to stop. Many people are trying to quit and have great problems in doing so. This thing is evidently addictive. ALL MUSLIMS OWE IT TO THEIR CREATOR, THEIR CHILDREN, THEIR FELLOW MEN AND THEMSELVES TO STOP THIS BAD HABIT NOW!!!!!!!!:angryred: :angryred: :angryred: :angryred: :SMILY286: :SMILY286: :SMILY286: :SMILY139:

ambo dalle

New Member
assalamu alikum wr wb
Brother Haris, when you smoking of pot yes it is Haram but when you smoking of cigarette, well I dont wanna say it is haram or not .let me say some sample here usually when i open the islamic site like TTI I up so late bcoz so interesting and I know this is not good for my health but i dont think its haram

The reason why smoking of pot is haram becose can make us not our self
not like smoke some cigarrette even if we r smoking whole day long it wont make us not our selves
I knew about this bcos I used to smoke cigarrette a lot but I quit long time a go ( this is just my own opinion )


New Member
The fact that this is haram is not really the issue because even if it harms the body,manufacturers will still produce these products due to the addictive nature they have in regards with profit. In other words, they don't fear that you will die by purchasing their cigarettes, they fear that they will not have money to live off of had they not produced these, which essentially turns into an addiction. That is why manufacturers produce these harmfuls. The fact that they have surgeon generals warning on the back of the labels just protect them from future lawsuits.
Buying such a thing just means that you are choosing to live a shorter life than the life allah has given to you. Although the mindset of these smokers aren't that of the previous comment i just made, their mindset is on ' ok, i need to be relaxed, i need a stimulator.' Honestly, I don't think smokers if any, smoke for the taste of it, they smoke as a source of stress relieving. I mean in the 'mental stability' I guess it's ok for them to do so, but in regards to religion and THEIR surroundings, it's not right.
My point in this post is just to say that, smoking has goods and bads, and if you are not willing to take in the goods and bads, then you shouldn't post a comment on anything that shows favortism because favortism justifies selfishness and in some cases extremism.
According to islam , what harms the body harms the soul, and nothing but your soul is judged so why harm the body?....In an employment example, why would you snicker around, knowing it'll hurt your body, yet it'll jeopordize your position?....Just another way to look at it.
Some people say me, ali if you say what harms the body harms the soul, why eat such and such, and why do such an such things that'll sooner or later harm the body and eventually harm the soul, but my answer to this question is that, This law, is in the context of the quran which means, this law is a very old and authentic law. This does not mean, don't abide by it, this just means, this law does not take into sense the modern day technologies. For instance, beef and other animals that are slaughtered correctly are considered halal, but now a days there are diseases that spread such like mad cow, stomitis, etc. but the thing is, when this law was written, no such things as anti bacterial soap and what not was around So when they say, other meats than pigs can harm you, why do you still eat it, the simple answer is as follows, animals that are dirty carry diseases in which they are considered their surroundings. This means, more chemicals to actually clean this animal, which means more chemicals in the air, which means a decrease in oxygen and an increase to global warming and pollution.
many reasons, many concerns and questions, it is up to those who are bright enough and take their answers from authentic sources to relay the message .

thank you


Junior Member

I want some body to tell me the Islamic stand on smoking. Is it harram, halal or makrooh.


Smoking is bad for health. If a person cares for his health, then he should stop smoking.

Allah knows best.
