Steps to Gain Allah’s Love.. PART 1


Junior Member
Bismillah ar- Rahman ar- Raheem,

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful,

Human beings by nature, love rewards when they exert themselves. And when they are devoted to a cause, coupled with anticipating the rewards, they tend to strive more and bear the discomfort that comes with the struggle.

This is similar to our relationship with Allah. Allah SWT loves it when we exert ourselves for His sake and He describes the payoffs when He loves His servant:

“….When I love him I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes and his foot with which he walks. Were he to ask [something] of Me, I would surely give it to him, and were he to ask Me for refuge, I would surely grant him it. I do not hesitate about anything as much as I hesitate about [seizing] the soul of My faithful servant: he hates death and I hate hurting him.”


This is indeed an aspiration worth pursuing, a dream worth fulfilling and a love worth nurturing.

“The One who does good when displeased, How will He be when pleased?”

[The key to Paradise by Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali]

Therefore, to complete one’s faith and gain this love, we should seek Allah SWT alone in love, hate, giving and withholding and Allah alone must be our Lord and the only One whom we worship.

It is total submission and the essence of submission is to love what the Beloved loves and to abstain from what He does not love. This was how our pious predecessors achieved the qualities of true worshipers and reached the highest level in their efforts.

From the Holy Quran, we can deduce that there are seven qualities that Allah SWT loves and seven qualities that Allah SWT does not love. [Maybe more, if we studied the Quran more carefully]

Seven Qualities that Allah SWT Loves


1. Tawbah [Repentance]

“Truly Allah loves those who turn to Him in repentance”

[Al-Baqarah: 222]

Repentance is a form of detoxification: Sincere repentance cleanses and beautifies the Iman. We all commit sins but Allah loves those who after committing sins, seek forgiveness with deep sorrow and regret. This is the only way by which the past can be set right. Allah has a concern for those He loves, therefore each time we slip and relapse into the abyss of desires and sincerely repent, He leads us out of it to the summit of forgiveness and further relieves us of hardship and provides for us.

2. Taharah [Purification]

“…Allah loves those who purify themselves.”

[Al-Baqarah: 222]

This is the external purification. The secret to this is performing the acts with the intention of following the example of the Prophet SAW. The removal of filth from the body by performing wudhu’ (ablution) and ghusl (ritual bath) and removal of filth from garment, body and place of prayer are acts that purify the body and radiates the Iman. It is a means by which Allah will wipe out our sins and raise our ranks.

3. Taqwa

“Surely, Allah loves al - Muttaqun. “

[At-Tawba: 4]

The fear of Allah is the source of pure soul - it is borne out of love and obedience. Thus a pious person is constantly driven to do good only. He/She is humble and does not flaunt his/her piety in front of others. The fear of Allah beautifies the Iman and is the origin of all good as one to strive to do only what pleases Allah and stay away from the things that would displeased Him. Piety is an internal quality as the Prophet SAW said, “Taqwa is here” whilst pointing to his chest [Muslim] and it is a quality that puts us above others in the sight of Allah SWT.

4. Ihsan [Goodness]

“Verily, Allah loves Al-Muhsinun (the good doers).”

[Ali 'Imran: 134]

“Ihsan is to worship Allah SWT as if you see Him and if you cannot achieve this devotion, then you must know that He sees you.”


Ihsan goes beyond a noble trait; it is an integral part of Islam

It is the secret of attentive heart - knowing that Allah is watching everything. This fills the heart with respect and veneration and one becomes too embarrassed to go against Allah’s commands. It promotes performance of good deeds for the sake of Allah SWT and not show or to gain praise or fame.

5. Tawakkal [Trust in Allah]

“Allah loves those who put their trust in Him.”

[Ali 'Imran: 159]

The secret and reality of trust in Allah is the reliance of the heart on Allah alone. Therefore trusting in Allah words are different from trusting in Him with the heart.

Reliance is doing and hoping - doing everything necessary within one’s capability to achieve one’s aim and hoping with tranquility of heart and soul and putting one’s trust in Allah with firm belief that whatever the outcome is, it is a result of the Will of Allah and His Decree.

One should never feel that too much time has passed by without his/her supplications being answered; rather we should always place our hope on the One who is able to do all things.

“If you all depend on Allah, with due reliance, he would certainly give you provision as He gives to birds who go forth hungry in the morning and return with full bellies at dusk.”


6. Qist [Justice]

“Verily, Allah loves those who acts justly.”

[Al Ma'idah: 42]

Justice is a prerequisite to peace which is missing in our contemporary society. It involves giving other people the rights we give ourselves, treating people the way we would like to be treated.

Justice sounds like a word meant for the leaders alone but rather, it affects us all. It means:

- To be equitable in speech and in actions - with no degree of discrimination or testifying falsely.

- It involves being fair with regards to one’s family and those who are under our care; justice between children by not giving one preference over the other.

- By not committing wrong against oneself such as engaging in sinful practices and immoral acts.

- Justice with Allah in not associating any being with Him - in worship and obedience.

7. Sabr [Patience]

“And Allah loves As-Sabirun (the patient).”

[Ali 'Imran: 146]

Patience is one of the most noble of virtues and traits. It is to endure what one dislikes with a sense of acceptance and submission and anticipating Allah’s reward.

Ali r.a. said, “patience to Iman is like the head to a body: if the head is cut off, the body perishes as well.” [Gems and Jewels].

A Muslim should adhere to patience when afflicted with calamity and should not submit either to desperation nor despondence because if we are patient, everything that was destined and preordained for us will occur and we will be rewarded. If we complain and are hopeless, then all that was destined to us will occur, but we will be blamed for our impatience at Allah’s Will.