sw looking for a brother or sister in Spain!


Junior Member
salam walaikum warrahmatulahi wabarakatuhu.

Bismilahi Rahmani Rahim.

i'm looking for a Borther in spain insha'alah so i can ask for a bit of help.

i've been trying to get a book call Jesus profeta del Islam (the new vertion) in spanish of curse, but as i live in colombia using the weblibraries its hellllll expensive, like 60 dollars no way!

so if there is any brother insha'lalah who lives in spain and whant to get a Baraka and buy it for me insha'allah its for dawah purposes.

its easy for and cheaper for me to send the mony and some one buy it for me there insha'allah. maybe i can even get 2 or 3 copies.


salam walaikum!


Junior Member
Assalmoelaikoem warahmatullahi wabaraktuh,

Do you mean "Jesus: Un Profeta del islam" written by Muhammad Autar Rahim
Publisher: International Islamic Publishing House (2003)
Pages: 288 Binding: Paperback

If it's this book that you want, you can purchase this book by one of the islamicbookstores like this one: http://www.islamicbookstore.com/b9161.html

I think they can send it also to colombia.

Read: ( http://www.islamicbookstore.com/faqs.html#3)

3. Do you ship to addresses outside the USA?

Yes! We ship to most countries. To calculate your shipping & handling (p&p) charges, add item(s) to your shopping cart (as normal), and when you check-out, indicate in the Ship To: section your country's information. You will be given the shipping & handling charges before confirming your order. There are some countries which we do not normally ship to. If your country is not listed, please email or fax your order, with payment information, to us.

How did i find this information: " Google"

Wassalmoelaikoem warahmatullahi wabaraktuh


Junior Member
Assalmoelaikoem warahmatullahi wabaraktuh,

Sorry i am not form Spain i'am from Holland. If i was from spain i would purchase this book for you.
I ask Allah subhanahu wat3ala to help you dear brother.

Wassalmoelaikoem warahmatullahi wabaraktuh


Junior Member
salam w

Assalmoelaikoem warahmatullahi wabaraktuh,

Do you mean "Jesus: Un Profeta del islam" written by Muhammad Autar Rahim
Publisher: International Islamic Publishing House (2003)
Pages: 288 Binding: Paperback

If it's this book that you want, you can purchase this book by one of the islamicbookstores like this one: http://www.islamicbookstore.com/b9161.html

I think they can send it also to colombia.

Read: ( http://www.islamicbookstore.com/faqs.html#3)

3. Do you ship to addresses outside the USA?

Yes! We ship to most countries. To calculate your shipping & handling (p&p) charges, add item(s) to your shopping cart (as normal), and when you check-out, indicate in the Ship To: section your country's information. You will be given the shipping & handling charges before confirming your order. There are some countries which we do not normally ship to. If your country is not listed, please email or fax your order, with payment information, to us.

How did i find this information: " Google"

Wassalmoelaikoem warahmatullahi wabaraktuh

salam w

jasakalaheir brother for u information, but i already did my search on internet and its extremely expensive to get a book that way about 80 dollars no way its to much for me.

and the book you give me the reference thats a new translation of the old vertion so the translator fail to find out about the new book wich has 4 new chapters talking about the Jusus in the Quran.

this is the one im looking for:

jesus p.JPG


salam w